I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 188 Mr. Li: As expected of a disciple of the Sword God, he is truly a demon!

In the corridor,

There was silence.

Xia He was stunned for a moment and looked back in surprise, looking at Li Zixuan quite confused.

What's going on?

"Her teacher...isn't she the dean of Jianghai Martial Arts Academy?"

Xia He murmured, staring at Li Zixuan and asking softly: "What does this mean?"

What I just said...

Don't let this little girl lie to me, right? !

The words fell.

Li Zixuan frowned slightly when she saw this. Looking at the confused expression on his face, she thought for a moment and gradually understood.


This man knows the inside story.

But not much!

At most, I have some contact with my senior brother.

Moreover, the senior brother deliberately concealed some circumstances.

"As senior brother's best friend, it is reasonable to offer help... No wonder he was so secretive just now."

Think of this.

Li Zixuan felt relieved. She had sorted out all the connections, so she said no more and just walked to the conference room silently.

Xia He was left alone in shock.


In the conference hall,

Li Zixuan entered with her front foot, followed closely by Xia He. In an instant, the eyes of several innate experts gathered together again.

"came back?"

The commander raised a smile, personally pulled out a chair for Xia He, and said calmly: "Come, sit here, let's continue the meeting."

"You're welcome, sir. I just went to the toilet."

Xia He wiped the sweat from his forehead and was flattered. He slowly sat down and said, "I'm sorry for delaying everyone's time a little."

Li Zixuan also sat back in her seat, sitting next to Mr. Li, staring at Xia He, and continued to watch the changes.

at this time.



Mr. Li's voice sounded,

He noticed her slight mood swings and quietly said:

"Xuanxuan, do you two know each other? This young man in the stands... seems to be very familiar with you?"

"Well, we met once."

Li Zixuan sent a message back: "The student just explored it and already knows whose hand this pear blossom needle is from. The student will discuss it with you in detail later."

"Is it……"

Hearing this,

Mr. Li lowered his eyes and thought deeply, nodded and said: "Then I'll just wait patiently."

After returning to the conference room.

Xia He resisted the pressure of his gaze, put his hands on the table, and continued the meeting. ,

"Don't you know your surname?"

Li Daoming propped up his chin, looked at Xia He, and asked in a deep voice: "Now that the beast tide is approaching in Jianghai City, can you please help me?"

"That's exactly what the owner said,"

Lin Mofeng also nodded and continued: "If we ask the senior weapon refiner to take action, our Jianghai city defense strength will be greatly enhanced and the pressure will be relatively reduced.

This move is tantamount to providing help in times of need! "

The words fell.

Several eyes were focused on Xia He, looking forward to his answer, and the pressure in the room suddenly increased!


Xia He was silent for a long time and sighed,

"Everyone, please don't embarrass me. My master doesn't like to reveal his name. He hates these worldly troubles the most."

As he spoke, he patted the cardboard box on the table:

"And please think about it carefully, if I really reveal the identity of the master, will the path of this heavy rain pear needle still exist?

If the master is displeased and he leaves Jianghai, wouldn't it be even worse than the loss is worth the gain? This heavy rain has blocked the way for pear blossom needles! "

The words fell.

The conference room fell silent again.

Several innate masters looked thoughtful, their eyes focused on the pear needle carton, and they fell into deep thought for a long time.

Now the beast tide is coming.

If the source of wholesale supply is lost because of questioning Xia He...

Then don't say it...

The entire Jianghai will be in crisis.

It’s really not the right thing to sacrifice one’s roots for the bottom!


"Since you have something to hide, it won't be difficult for us."

The commander was the first to speak, breaking the deadlock and saying: "Please ask your respected master for more help in the future.

Now that the beast tide is coming, Jianghai is in danger. If you are willing to sell the star weapon, you can come to us, Superintendent Xingwu, and we will never treat you badly. "

"Well, don't worry, Commander. My master is very skilled in refining weapons. I will communicate with him."

Xia He nodded and patted the cardboard box on the table, "This is my master's sincerity."

I didn't ask anyone else.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't press, it's a good thing.

Since I agreed to Lao Qin, no one can pry my mouth open! !

"Okay, I'll beg you to go back first."

The commander looked at Xia He's determined expression and sighed. What Xia He said just now was very clear, and it would be meaningless to continue to press the question.

"Okay, I'll leave first, you continue."

After Xia He heard that he could leave, he finally let go of his worries. He immediately turned around and quickly left the conference room.

It doesn't take a moment.

Just disappeared from everyone’s sight….

Just after he left.

The meeting continued for a while,

"Do you have any impression of such superb weapon refining skills?"

The commander held the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, looked at the structure inside, and said in confusion: "A star weapon that is as clever as clumsy, but can break through innate defenses, is simply unheard of..."

"Lord Commander, I am somewhat impressed."

Lin Mofeng suddenly said, "I have traveled to the imperial capital and know that some weapon refiners are supported by big families and can often sell some top-level star weapons, but..."

As he said this, he changed the subject and his eyes fell on the cardboard box.

"It's the first time I've seen such power that can break the defense of innate strongmen, and it's sold in boxes."

"The Li family strictly controls the talent management in Jianghai City."

Li Daoming also sighed and said, "If anyone has such weapon refining technology, our Li family would have noticed it long ago.

It can only be said that there is always someone better than you."

After exchanging opinions several times, the meeting did not produce any results and eventually ended in vain...


After a while.

The meeting was over.

On the street, the stars fell.


Old Li and Li Zixuan walked side by side on the street, the evening breeze blew slowly, and Lin Mofeng followed them, releasing a faint star power.

It blocked all possibilities of voice transmission and eavesdropping.

Three people are in a line, but they look like ghosts...

"Xuanxuan, you just said in the meeting that you have already figured out the founder of the rainstorm pear blossom needle..."

Old Li glanced at Li Zixuan and whispered, "Are you serious?"

Finally got a clue.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Mofeng on the side also looked solemn.


Li Zixuan nodded lightly, looking at the stars in the sky, and said his guess:

"This person is very close to my senior brother, and the pear blossom needle is very likely from his hand."

As soon as the voice fell.

"Is he really a disciple of the Sword God..."

When Old Li heard this, his eyes drooped, and his guess finally fell, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough!

Only the disciples of the Sword God can create such a magical weapon...

"As expected of the disciple of the Sword God, this boy's talent is really a monster!"

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