At night,

Fuhai Villas.

At home, the crystal chandelier is bright.

After dinner, Qin Yang made Xiao Bai's hair grow back as promised. Now she is resting on the fluffy fox tail, holding her mobile phone, and starting to refresh the short video.

Qin Yang is sitting next to her, quietly immersed in the enlightenment space, thinking about "Heaven and Earth Live Together".

Completing the content that he has not finished reading.

Just at this time of thinking.

"It's a mess! It's all messed up!!"

"Master, take a look at this!"

Xiao Bai suddenly shouted, stretched out the mobile phone, and handed it to Qin Yang, almost facing the screen!

"Tsk, stay away! How can I see it if it's too close?!"

Qin Yang frowned slightly, got out of the state of enlightenment, took Xiao Bai's mobile phone, and his eyes stayed on the screen.

On the screen,

was a quick mix of news about the city.

Burning cars, thugs banging sticks, smashing shop doors, broken glass all over the floor... Xingwu Police Department's anti-explosion team was dispatched to build a black iron line.

A moment later.

At the end of the video, a line of official logos appeared.

[Recently, there have been many looting and smashing incidents in the city, and many evil cult demons have been arrested.]

[In case of emergency, please call the police department's official phone number 57...]

"Master, how about we hide too?"

Xiaobai took the phone and trembled, "Those people look so fierce. Don't you like lying down the most? Let's go live somewhere else... hide for a while?"


Qin Yang heard this, looked at the night view outside the window, and couldn't help sighing.

Where can I hide?

Faint artillery sounds came, and the night of Jianghai roared to the sky. Indistinctly, you can see the surging flames rising to the sky.

Now the turmoil of the Beast God Cult has gradually intensified to a climax.

What will happen if I hide myself?

Even if I can hide, these beasts will probably use any means to set this coastal city on fire in order to force the Sword God out.

The flames will rise to the sky and illuminate every hidden corner.

Unless I can disregard everything, ignore the life and death of everyone, escape directly from the city, and never care about the affairs of the city again.


The past scenes emerged in my mind,

Li Zixuan, Li Qinghe, and the voices of Xia He's grandson echoed again.

"See you tomorrow, Senior Brother..."

"Master, stop touching it, teach me this battle line, I will exchange new skills with you!!"

"Old Qin, your buddy has been promoted, and he will definitely protect you in the future! Bai Jinhan can go wherever you want!"


"Is it really interesting for me to live alone?"

Qin Yang leaned back on the sofa, raised his hand and sighed. Sure enough, the way of heaven is ruthless and still a little far away from him.

After all, I am still a mortal with flesh and blood,

I can't be so cold-blooded and selfless...


The next day,

I went to work in the library.

Qin Yang glanced at the clock-in machine and looked at the number of people in front.

His clock-in ranking was actually in the top five, directly breaking the historical clock-in record and achieving the best ranking in his working career!

"There are fewer and fewer people."

Qin Yang's eyes swept across the library, and the rows of bookshelves were empty, without a single customer, and the employees in the next book area were also nowhere to be seen.

Almost everyone had left.

A large number of colleagues left…

“Hey, you haven’t left yet?”

At this time, the manager came over, patted Qin Yang on the shoulder, and said in surprise: “I didn’t expect you to come back to work?”

“Look at what you said. If you didn’t fire me, of course I have to go.”

Qin Yang said as a matter of course: “I worked for such a long probation period before, and now I’m running away. If you fire me, wouldn’t it be a waste of work? And if I stay, I might even get a promotion... I really want to improve!”

“Tsk tsk, good boy, Yes, "the manager was so comfortable, nodded with satisfaction, and said with a thumb:" I can't see it before, your kid actually entered like this! In the ", Qin Yang flickered!" I will keep your words for you. " Sit down. All ran away!

Others are afraid, I am excited; others run away, I slack off!

After receiving the order, I slack off openly...

The manager has to thank me!

Qin Yang felt comfortable when he thought of this.

He changed his posture, continued to browse the news on his phone, and started playing cards.


Time passed slowly...

After playing several rounds of cards in a row, the opponent was defeated. A sound of footsteps came from Qin Yang's ears, accompanied by a dull smell of cigarettes.

Qin Yang looked sideways and saw that it was Xia He.

He didn't say anything, just stood silently beside him with his hands behind his back, staring with bloodshot eyes, waiting for the end of the last round of cards.

"Why are you here?"

Qin Yang pulled down his phone, looked at Xia He's dejected look, and asked:

"Why do you look so bad? Did you work overtime all night again last night?"

"Oh, don't mention that... I was running around the city last night, covered in dust, don't get too close to me, it will be bad if you get blood on me..."

Xia He sat down at the seat next to him, and said sadly: "I just wanted to come and see you when I passed by the library... Damn it, but I saw you slacking off as soon as I entered the door!"

As he said that.

He subconsciously wanted to smoke.

He just shook out the cigarette box, and suddenly remembered that he was in the library, and sighed softly, and put it back silently.

"Are you okay? Let's go outside and smoke."

Qin Yang frowned, "Tell me if you have anything to say, don't keep it in your heart."

"No, nothing,"

Xia He hesitated for a moment after hearing this, and slowly said, "The city has been in chaos these days, don't run around, Lao Qin, just stay in this museum!

"Last night, the community in the southeast of the city was blown up by the evil cult again... There is also chaos outside the city, and there are grandsons everywhere who take advantage of the fire to rob, don't fall into their trap."

"Don't worry, I'm staying at home at this time."

Qin Yang heard this and nodded calmly, "If I have nothing to do, I will stay at home and not go anywhere. It's very stable."


The voice fell.

The two men suddenly fell silent at the same time, and the soft saxophone music was soothing and lingering around them.

The sun rose outside the window, and the morning light was dim.

After a long while,

Xia He spoke again.

"Lao Qin, I beg you to do something. "

"Tell me,"

"It's the Rain of Pear Blossom Needles. How many do you have... can you sell them to me?"

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