I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 180 People are panicking? What are you afraid of? We have the Sword God in charge!

The next day, early morning.

The sky is dim,


Qin Yang hugged Xiaobai, came to work as usual, and walked over to clock in.

In the early morning, there were not many people in the museum.

In the rest area of ​​Zone 1, many people gathered together at the same time, and the sound of chattering could be heard. Qin Yang was carrying a hot meat bun. Seeing that nothing happened, he followed him to listen to the excitement.

"Have you bought a ticket? When do you plan to leave Jianghai?"

"Two days from now. I just applied for a long leave, and now I want to leave my job..."

"The tide of beasts is coming soon, and the rivers and seas are in chaos. This official news is so slow to come out!"

"Don't get on the Second Ring Expressway when you leave the city! I heard from my aunt that it was full since last night!!!"


"Official news?"

Qin Yang listened to the discussion, returned to the fishing spot, bit into the hot buns, then took out his mobile phone and checked the hot searches on the Internet.

At the time of logging in, news popped up on the screen, occupying the top spot in the search list. It was an eye-catching official announcement:

[Jianghai’s latest announcement: Warning of the approaching beast tide, please citizens be prepared! 】

[Guide to protect against beast tides...]

It ranks first in local searches in Jianghai and fifth in the country.

Post time is five o'clock in the morning.

It's still early in the morning, and more people are waiting to wake up. The popularity will inevitably increase again, reaching the first place in the country!

"The official choice is to make it public... It seems that the beast tide has finally arrived."

Qin Yang glanced at the hot searches and sighed inwardly.

Now that Jianghai's top management has decided to disclose it to the public... it proves that things are out of control and they have prepared for the worst!

Where people survive, the earth survives; when people die, the earth perishes.

If the beast wave breaks through the city, at least more citizens can be allowed to leave. Even if it leaves an empty city, it is better than causing innocent casualties.

After all...

It’s nothing more than the working masses.

"Living in this turbulent world is not easy."

Qin Yang continued to scroll down the hot searches.

The screen scrolls down.

The official video of Superintendent Xingwu appeared, and the commander personally appeared to appeal to all citizens to calm down and follow official instructions.

Don't go out of town casually!

However, the hot searches below cannot be faked.

The hot search listed below the official announcement is surprisingly [Jianghai Travel Guide! 】

[Transportation Alternative List]

Nowadays, the mountain rain is about to come, and the disaster is imminent. Everyone is frightened and dispersed like birds and beasts.


Qin Yang bit the bun and opened the comment without comment, silently observing the situation under the announcement.

In the face of disaster, comments vary:

[Does anyone know the way to the south exit? Big reward! 】

[Look at this highway, the queue is all the way to grandma’s house. Can the officials hurry up! [picture]】

[I can’t get out of the city, there’s a traffic jam, and I don’t have a plane ticket... Just let me wait in the rental house to die]

【Don’t be messy! Jianghai is our home, we cannot abandon it like this! 】

[A natural disaster is approaching, and if we all work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties! ! 】

Comments on the Internet are full of different opinions, showing all kinds of emotions in the world, either fanning the flames and spreading negative emotions, or calling on everyone to protect Jianghai.

Qin Yang looked at these comments and was suddenly touched in his heart.

Adversity reveals the heart, and when disaster strikes, all right and wrong will be exposed!

at this time.

Another comment came into view.

【What are you afraid of? The worst that can happen is that we will die together. Besides, we have Senior Sword God sitting in charge, so what do we have to fear from a mere beast tide? 】

There are so many replies below that they have already reached the 3,000th floor, and there is a tendency to add up and keep growing!


Qin Yang became interested when he saw this. He clicked on the comments and scanned the comments inside.

【Agree! Senior Sword God is extremely skilled and will definitely be able to solve this disaster! ! 】

[Jianghai Sword God will definitely take action this time! 】

[I have bought the latest version of the Excalibur Plus figure, hoping to be blessed by the Sword God! 】

[Cleaving the sky with one sword and using the stars as a front, he can't deal with these beastly star beasts with ease! ? 】

My eyes fell here.

Qin Yang smiled hoarsely,


You guys are blowing too much.

"Am I that powerful?"

Thinking of this, Qin Yang was somewhat touched that so many people in the city were paying attention to him.

In a sense, this is the power of incense, uniting one's will and gathering thousands of beliefs into one, placing the hope of the people even if they have never met.

"Tsk, if one day the system releases a reward, if you collect these incense beliefs, I'm sure your strength will be even higher!"

Qin Yang pondered.

As his eyes drifted, he suddenly noticed a very eye-catching comment.

"Shit! The Jianghai Sword God didn't show up at this time. He must have been hiding long ago, right? He's a turtle!"


Qin Yang was stunned for a moment.

It’s about time…..

There are still people who can output against the wind?

Brave enough!

“Look at this guy’s profile page.”

Thinking of this, Qin Yang glanced at the nickname,

[The third black fan of Jianghai Sword God]


Dead fox! you again!

Qin Yang was speechless. He had just asked Xiaobai to cancel his account last time, but in the blink of an eye, he had registered a third account.

Never change your stubbornness!

Doesn't this make you quarrel with me? !

See it.

Qin Yang's gaze fell on Xiaobai who was nestled in his arms. The little fox was catching up on his sleep and was sleeping soundly. The fluffy fox tail was hanging down and curled up obediently on his body.

"I think you seem a little hairy."

Qin Yang touched Xiaobai's tail and injected star power to numb the nerves. Thinking of Heizi's comment just now, he became more and more irritated.

Reach out and stroke it!

next moment.

White hair falls like rain!

Qin Yang, with quick eyes and quick hands, raised his hand and put the fox fur into the star ring.

A whole fox tail...

Straight away!


Xiaobai, who was sleeping soundly, frowned and suddenly felt a chill on his back, but he didn't care, so he nestled into Qin Yang's arms and moved deeper.

Continue to sleep soundly...

After a while.

It's almost time to go to work.

At the revolving door, Li Zixuan came.

"Brother! Good morning!"

Holding her notebook in her arms, she jumped up and down to Qin Yang's side and whispered, "Have you seen the news this morning?"

"What about the beast tide? I saw it. The official announcement was finally made."

"Yeah, it's good to see it."

Li Zixuan nodded, "Jianghai's senior management met at a meeting last night and made an impromptu decision."

at this time,

Xiaobai yawned, raised his tail, and was about to change his posture.

The big one and the small one looked at each other. Li Zixuan's eyes fell and focused on Xiao Bai's tail.

"Huh? Woman, why are you staring at me?"

Seeing this, Xiaobai wrinkled his nose and raised his head to look at Li Zixuan, "You are jealous of my beauty, right? Hum, it's normal!"

As she spoke, she changed her position, stretched out her paws, and was about to continue sleeping.


Li Zixuan shook her head, pointed at Xiaobai's butt, and said hesitantly:

"Little fox, why is your tail bald?"

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