The next day, early morning.

The morning light is faint.

Qin Yang walked into the library and continued to work as usual.

Xia He was very drunk last night, and he was also a little tipsy, so he used his close proximity to send him and the sports car back directly.

Now I guess that boy is still lying on the bed, sleeping soundly!

"Don't drive after drinking, safety first."

Qin Yang yawned, holding Xiaobai in his arms, and walked leisurely to the punch card machine to swipe his card, and suddenly felt his ears clear.


He looked around.

According to this time in the past, Li Qinghe should have already come up to him, greeted him warmly, and served breakfast...

"Didn't you come to work again...?"

Thinking of this, Qin Yang's mental power spread out of his body and enveloped every place in the museum. After careful confirmation, he found that the girl was not found.

I remembered what I said to her yesterday.


This chick is pissed off.

Now I am working hard in a corner and trying my best to get involved!

"Not bad, not bad, quite a bit ambitious."

Qin Yang came to the fishing corner, pulled out a small bench and sat down, feeling quite at ease.

Now that Li Qinghe is no longer with him, his ears are clear and everything is at peace.

Don't miss this opportunity.

It’s time to take some time to understand the laws of the Supreme Realm!

Just think of this.

Qin Yang did not hesitate, and sent a message to Xiaobai to cover. Then he sank his consciousness into the enlightenment space and recalled the scene of the masked old man's self-destruction.

next moment.

Blood thunder appeared in the center of his mind, collapsing and expanding, simulating the scene of silence before the old man died, causing the void to explode.


Induced by the power of law.

Qin Yang meditated, catching the trace of the law of explosion.

As he breathed out leisurely, the void around him also cracked, like a mirror, shattering layer by layer, and then covered up by Xiao Bai's illusion.


Time passes slowly.

After a while.

The simulation screen ends.

The old man blew himself up again and died again, engulfed in a vast white light...

"It's finally over, Master...

If you were any later, this fairy would be broken! "

Xiaobai stuck out his pink tongue, was top-heavy, and collapsed directly in Qin Yang's arms. The fox's short legs were as soft as noodles and he was completely exhausted.

If you want to use illusions to cover up visions, it will cost a lot of money.

The short period of time she had just used the illusion had drained her of all her mental energy.


Qin Yang's strength is becoming more and more terrifying day by day.

Xiaobai had completely given up his escape plan and decided to be a licking fox, as if he could already see the day when Qin Yang would break through.

"That should be almost done."

Qin Yang opened his eyes and stroked Xiaobai's head, feeling very satisfied.

After understanding this point, the reward for the old mask exploding... can be considered as a complete meal.

Now everything is ready.

In the future, there is only one opportunity left for me, and then I can take advantage of this east wind to break through and step into the true supreme realm!


at the same time,

Jianghai Martial Arts Academy.

Office on the top floor of Tengfei Building,

The fragrance of tea lingered, and under the picture of the rising sun, Mr. Li filled the purple clay teapot, slowly poured it into the teacup, and then handed it to Lin Mofeng in front of him.

"Mo Feng, why do you look so ugly?"

Li Laobai said with frivolous eyebrows and some confusion.

Early this morning, Lin Mofeng knocked on the office door and walked in with a worried look on his face, as if he had something to discuss.


Lin Mofeng took the tea cup, stared at the broken tea leaves floating on the quilt, and said hesitantly, "Disciple has just learned some secrets, and is a little worried..."


Mr. Li stroked his white beard and smiled calmly: "What is there to worry about?

Now that Senior Sword God has appeared in Jiang Hai, it shows that he is willing to help Jiang Hai... We have nothing to worry about! "

As he spoke, he nodded and said, "At that time, Mo Feng was resisting in the Sword God Valley. It was only thanks to the Sword God that you survived."

"Well, teacher, I understand, but I'm here for another thing."

Lin Mofeng put down his tea cup, stared at Mr. Li, and asked softly: "Teacher, have you ever heard of the Beast God Cult?"

The words fell.

"The Beast God Cult?"

Li Laobai frowned slightly.

As if he was thinking about his memory, he slowly spoke after a while:

"I have heard something. It is said that behind the evil cults and monsters in the world, almost all the beast gods are secretly operating."

"They do not regard the path of human relations as their main priority. Instead, they respect the star beasts, in an attempt to reverse the path of heaven and return to their ferocious beast nature."

"I remember that they are all lunatics who kill to prove their truth..."

"Yes, teacher, see you in detail! My disciple knows almost as much as you do."

Hearing this, Lin Mofeng nodded slightly, and then suddenly changed the topic, "In that case, did the teacher realize that the behavior of this teaching... is somewhat similar to the actions of the two cult monsters in Sword Valley..." "


When Mr. Li heard this, his expression was startled, and he followed his guidance to recall the characteristics of Jiang Hai Yaoren.

Bloodthirsty, paranoid and crazy.


That day in the Sword God Valley, the animal pattern mask worn by the masked old man even more represented his obsession with star beasts!

Just think of this.

All signs are threaded in series.

Li Laobai frowned and suddenly realized, "Mo Feng, you mean... the demon who died under the sword of the senior Sword God also came from the Beast God Cult?"

"Well, the student has some ways and has understood the situation in advance." Lin Mofeng nodded, turned his palm upward, and drove the star power to produce starlight. The next moment, the star power image appeared. A surging beast tide surged and rushed in his palm, simulating the scene of destroying the city. In the center of the beast tide, several people were vaguely seen standing above, as if commanding. "Teacher, this is the image sent back from other cities. Due to special considerations, it has not been officially disclosed yet." Lin Mofeng turned the star power image and whispered: "According to these images, the person who manipulated the beast tide this year is the leader of the Beast God Cult!" "This bunch of bastard lunatics!" Hearing this, Mr. Li scolded instantly. Every time the beast tide rolled over, it was a natural disaster that destroyed all lives. Wife and children were separated, family was broken, and all hope was extinguished... But now, Mr. Li was shocked. This turned out not to be a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster planned by an organization? ! "Teacher, this time Senior Sword God killed two of their strong men, I'm afraid he won't stop there," Lin Mofeng said in a deep voice: "If they seek revenge, I'm afraid they will dispatch more people to deal with Jianghai Sword God. By then... the beast tide that Jianghai City will face must be difficult! We must be prepared!" "Hehe, be prepared..." Mr. Li sighed and sat back in his chair, his face tired, "Mofeng, we will do our best, but if the other party comes fiercely... then we can only hope that Senior Sword God can turn the tide..." The voice fell. The office was silent. Lin Mofeng looked at Mr. Li's worried face and didn't continue. In fact. In this Beast God Sect. There is no shortage of supreme masters...

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