I crushed an insect to death, and the system actually said I killed a dragon?

Chapter 160 The Venerable died with his eyes open, and you are just a clone?

Above the canyon, a cold aura swept around the masked old man. The surrounding blood mist expanded and collapsed, beating at an extremely fast frequency.

Red lightning crackled and vibrated.

His heartbeat suddenly beat like thunder, shocking the ears of the citizens below and triggering fear in everyone's hearts.

That huge heartbeat roars.

It was as if a trapped animal was making a death struggle.

boom! boom! boom!

"Your Majesty, stop!!"

The man in black robe was shocked by the sound and tried to stop the masked old man's crazy behavior.

Once these secret techniques are used, there is no room for recovery, the soul will be destroyed, and you will never be able to enter the six paths of reincarnation again.

Your Majesty has an honorable position in the religion, and is above all other people... He will definitely be able to enter the Supreme Realm.

Now I’m giving up my future for a Jianghai Sword God...

Is it really worth it?

Thinking of this, the man in black robe fluttered, trying to stop the masked old man's self-destruction trend and try to save some room.

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood! Your Majesty, don't be reckless!!"

However, before he could step forward, the masked old man glared at him angrily, opened his mouth and vomited, and the blood thunder came out of his throat, instantly sending him flying a hundred feet away, and the reverberation echoed between the canyon cliffs.

"Ignorance! For the sake of the divine religion, I will die without regrets!"

"If Jianghai Sword God is not dead today, how can the divine sect talk about the future in the future!? I feel uneasy!"

One word fell.

The gilt mask of the masked old man cracked and turned into ashes and fell, revealing a ferocious and twisted face.

The skin was covered with cracks, and several strange red lights bloomed from the cracks, like a ball about to explode, shattering the void around him and heading straight for Qin Yang!

"Come up."

When Qin Yang saw this, his eyes were still cold and sharp, and he just transmitted the sound softly, then turned into a wisp of star thunder, and moved higher up, also rushing into the sky.

"court death!"

When the masked old man saw this, he became even more furious and followed closely behind him.

The two of them rushed high into the sky at the same time, and the stars and thunder intertwined with the blood thunder, turning into two streams and heading straight towards Yunxiao.


"No, this old demon is going to die together with Senior Sword God!!"

In the canyon, Lin Mofeng looked up at the scene above and understood everything instantly, "He wants to drag the Sword God with him to blow himself up!"

"Impossible, Senior Sword God can definitely retreat!"

Hearing this, Mr. Li angrily scolded, and the veins on his neck popped out: "How can a group of despicable people trap the Sword God?"

"No, teacher, you don't understand."

Lin Mofeng shook his head and said with a solemn expression: "Once this secret technique is ignited, it cannot be stopped. The power of self-destruction at the supreme level is astonishing. No matter where it falls, it will be like a natural disaster."

As he spoke, he raised his head and said worriedly: "If the Sword God avoids it, this monster will rush into the downtown area, detonate the entire city, and drag everyone with him... In order to save Jianghai City, the senior Sword God deliberately led the monster to the sky. I'm afraid yes……"

He didn't say any more.

Silence is better than sound.

The people around him fell silent, having prepared themselves for the worst. Sadness spread among the crowd, and faint sounds of sobs could be heard.

"How can the Sword God withstand the self-destruction of a half-step Supreme Realm?"

"Damn cult lunatic!"

"Sword God Ling Ran's righteousness has been praised throughout the ages..."

"We should remember this moment forever!"


"Ling Ran is righteous?"

In the crowd, the noise in Li Zixuan's ears continued, and she was stunned in place, with tears flowing down her cheeks unconsciously.

She doesn't care about justice...

Not to mention any eternal praise.

It's too far to save the world, but the master is the closest to me.

After all.

I just want my teacher to live,

Just a very simple little wish...

Think of this.

The turbulent emotions broke out and defeated Li Zixuan's last shred of reason. She held the sword and brewed her star power, trying to prepare to rush forward to help.


However, just when she was about to get up.

Suddenly, several array patterns controlled her ankles, locking her in place again, unable to move at all!

"Don't be ridiculous, Zixuan! You can't go up!"

Li Qinghe released the formation diagram, controlled the out-of-control Li Zixuan, and hugged her tightly from behind, "What's the use of going up? There's no point in going up if the strength is not equal!"

"I...I, I want to save the master..."

Li Zixuan wanted to struggle out of her arms and spoke in a crying voice, her eyes already dim with tears.

"Nonsense! Calm down!"

Li Qinghe angrily scolded, "You will only die in vain if you go up there. Are you just like the gourd babies, giving them away one after another!? Think about it carefully, will your senior brother and master agree?!"


When Li Zixuan heard this, her tears broke down and she burst into tears. She burst into tears and fell into Li Qinghe's arms, sobbing.

In fact, I understand everything.

Nothing can be done up there.

But no matter what...it's better than seeing Master die!


It's too late.


The thunder roared, accompanied by the low sound wave decompression. The sound wave visible to the naked eye was like a mountain, shattering the sea of ​​clouds and rolling into waves in the sky.

"Collision!!! Everyone, pay attention!"

Lin Mofeng looked at the situation in the sky and shouted loudly, his voice reaching everyone's ears. But within a few seconds, he was overwhelmed by the deafening sound again.

The citizens at the bottom of the valley looked up.

Two thunder lights intertwined, red and bloody, white thunder beat the snow, like horned dragons fighting in the sky!

Ten breaths later.


The sky is blooming with brilliance!

It's like the scorching sun is hanging high.

Suddenly, two suns appeared in the sky!

The sun is approaching, and the sky and the earth are completely white.

The signal field was chaotic and the broadcast footage was blurry. Citizens covered their eyelids and fell silent, quietly waiting for the white light to dissipate.

Time passes, seconds are almost like years...

"It's gone!"

Lin Mofeng shouted loudly.

Everyone in the valley quickly put down their hands and looked at the scene in the sky.

See only the sky.

The white light faded, and the masked old man had long since disappeared. Qin Yang stood high in the sky, holding a sword. His eyes were still as ruthless as the sky, without any emotion.

"It was the Sword God who won!!! He is still alive!"

"The demon has been killed! The sword god is mighty!!"

"Wait a minute, there is something wrong with Master Sword God..."

At this moment, exclamations came from the crowd, and they suddenly pointed at Qin Yang in the sky.


The fluorescent light scattered, and his body was shattered into pieces. In an instant, it disappeared into nothingness, and he lost his trace in front of everyone.


When the man in black robe saw this scene, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he instantly captured the fluctuations of star power around him.

The star power gently dissipates, and the vitality naturally fades away.

There is no doubt that the sword god in front of me...

Just a star clone!

"You are actually just a clone!!!"

The man in black robe sensed the surrounding scene and was completely confused. After fighting for a long time, the self-destruction of the supreme state was actually just a clone! ?

If the self-destructed venerable Izumi Izumi knew it, might he die in peace? !

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