"I heard that Your Majesty and the others are about to enter Jianghai City?"

After watching Xia He go away, the ghosts of the two people under the tree were still lingering. The man with the worm nest in his arm squatted on the ground and played with the ant nest in the soil with great interest.

"Yes, the Venerable came to Jianghai precisely to force Jianghai Sword God out."

Another companion lowered his peaked cap and said in a cold voice: "Once the Sword God is destroyed, no one will be able to stand in our way, and the entire Jianghai City will become the plaything of the beast tide."


The man from the insect nest fiddled with the ants in the hole and said hesitantly: "It is rumored that the Jianghai Sword God is hiding his head and tail. How should we find him then? Does the Venerable already know his hiding place?"

"Huh, this is natural."

The companion sneered, crossing his arms and looking at the traffic on the road, "Your Majesty has his own way of making this rat appear."

With that said, he turned to look at the insect-armed man and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."


The words fell.

The high base of the anthill was destroyed with one kick.

The two figures turned into black shadows and disappeared.

And at the same time.

In the library.

"Your Majesty?"

On the stool, Qin Yang opened his eyes, and after sensing that their auras had completely disappeared, he withdrew his mental power and looked thoughtful.

Ever since Xia He walked out of the museum just now, he had released his mental power to follow him.

If you keep thinking about it, there will eventually be an echo.

Sure enough, as soon as I started to investigate, I found these two strange men, who had been sneakily guarding the roadside, hiding their presence.

"So the ultimate goal is for me?"

Qin Yangsi immediately smiled in relief as he complimented the words of the two stalkers.

Are you the only one who wants to lure us out?


Don't embarrass everyone with your three-legged cat tracking skills.

"I would like to see what tricks you guys can pull off."

Qin Yang shook his head and smiled, thinking about leaving Xia He just now, he didn't worry much about his safety.

after all.

With the means given to him.

A single Rainstorm Pear Blossom Syringe can penetrate even the star power protection of the Innate Realm. If a star warrior who has just entered the Innate Realm is not careful, he can be directly shot into a sieve leaking blood.

Plus the formation method given before.

It can be said.

At this moment, Xia He is able to take charge of his own business. Under the Grandmaster, he can run away whenever he wants and roam the world at will.

As for those above the Grandmaster level...

That's a bit hard to say.

If the other party can send out the Grandmaster Realm, it means that they clearly want to capture and kill Xia He.


Since we can dispatch such a large formation, come and kill him in the acquired state...

That's also top-notch one-for-one.

Even if Xia He can't escape the opponent's palm, it will be enough for him to brag about his awesomeness for a lifetime and carve an epitaph on it...

"If we don't practice martial ethics, there's nothing we can do about it."

Qin Yang shook his head and took out his phone to look at the time. Before he knew it, it was already time to get off work.

No matter what the future holds, we must live this life accordingly.

After get off work, Qin Yang took Xiaobai to the market, bought some fruits and vegetables, prepared some dishes, and then returned home.

The sun is setting outside the window, the silhouette of the old street is elongating, the bicycles are jingling, and life is passing by in a day.


In the villa, pots and pans clinked in the kitchen, and the sounds of chopping meat on chopping boards overlapped. Xiaobai, holding her blue and white checkered kitchen skirt, was busy in front of the stove.

Breaking the dishes, carrying the dishes, and cooking in an orderly manner.

Qin Yang was sitting on the sofa, his consciousness immersed in the space of enlightenment, thinking about the use of "The True Explanation of Refining Weapons", and constantly deepening his understanding.


He took out his mobile phone and started trying to refine a new magic weapon.

What age are you in... still using traditional weapon refining?

Electrical appliances are also tools!

Everything can be refined!


Qin Yang poured star power into his mobile phone, concentrated his attention, and constructed the formation pattern.

After a while.

The mysterious formations appeared and disappeared, and the formations refined by the mobile phone ended.

Qin Yang opened the phone and swiped the screen twice. It was smooth and smooth. The refresh rate of the entire screen skyrocketed and the performance doubled on the spot!


Qin Yang was extremely satisfied and looked around at the furniture in the living room.

Chandeliers, TVs, tables, chairs... I will refine all of them when I have time, strengthen them a little bit, and give them a comprehensive upgrade.

Gee, that scene is so luxurious just to imagine...

at this time.


Suddenly a scream came from the kitchen.

"Master, master! It's not good!"

Xiaobai ran out and jumped directly into Qin Yang's arms, crying so hard that he kept pointing at his tail.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Yang rubbed her head.

"Maomao is gone!"

Xiaobai hugged his tail and cried loudly, "My hair is gone! Look here, Master! I'm bald!"

As she said that, she turned around, raised her butt, and raised her fox tail in front of Qin Yang. Sure enough, she saw a large bald area.

Under the sparse white hair, the skin is pink and delicate.

Qin Yang: "..."

Hiss, when she was refining weapons in the library during the day, her hands seemed to be stronger and she could pick up more...

"I remember it was there last night!"

Xiaobai cried, "When I turned around just now, I realized that a big piece had fallen off, Master!"

"I guess he's malnourished, right?"

Qin Yang grabbed the stuffed tail, turned it over, and said nonsensically: "Eat more meat and see, it won't be a big deal, it will grow back soon."


Hearing this, Xiaobai looked at Qin Yang suspiciously, curled his tail, stroked the soft and shiny fur, and asked, "What is that?"

"It's just that you eat too little. You fox tribe eats spiritual energy every day and doesn't eat grains. It's normal for you to lose hair."

Qin Yang closed his eyes, pillowed his head on the sofa behind him, and said skillfully: "Stay up less late these days and take more nutrition. Otherwise, if you continue like this, sooner or later all the hair on your body will be lost."

The words fell.

“All the fur is going to fall out?!”

Xiaobai trembled all over and stepped back in fright, stroking the big plush tail in his arms, his animal ears trembling and standing upright.

She touched her tail and covered her head in fear.

"My fairy girl has just grown a tail, and she is about to lose her hair?"

very scary!

No, I want to stop the loss in time!

A must-have dish today!

Just think of this.

Xiaobai ran back to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took out a lot of vegetables, and put them on the chopping board.

Ping ping ping pong!

In the kitchen, there were busy sounds, the sound of stir-frying and spooning, and the smoke rising suddenly.

After working for a while.

On the dining table in the living room, the food is sumptuous and the aroma of the dishes is wafting...Braised lion's head, sweet and sour pork ribs, old fire soup, all kinds of delicacies are gathered together.

"Master, give way."

Xiaobai held up a small bowl and cell phone, pulled out a chair, and sat on it coquettishly, "I'm going to start eating today too!"

As she spoke, she lowered her head, opened her phone on the dinner table, and swiped the screen as if she was searching for something.

Qin Yang took a glance.

Just see the screen.

[Order address for Polygonum multiflorum and black sesame seeds…]

[What should I do about hair loss? 】

Qin Yang: "..."

This silly fox….

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