"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's not the first time you touch me."

Seeing the reward of triggering the system, Qin Yang was also indifferent to Xiaobai. He let go of his hand in disgust and let her leave.


The next moment, Xiaobai hugged his tail, quickly ran out of Qin Yang's arms, huddled into the corner of the sofa, shivering, his eyes red.

He also glanced at Qin Yang's hands from time to time, casting a look of disgust...

"what do you mean?"

Qin Yang felt her gaze and frowned slightly, "Master, this is serious research, I'm not greedy for your body!"

Just detected by groping.

The meridians, flesh, skin, and bones of Xiaobai's fourth tail were all explored. Now Qin Yang has a better understanding of the physiological structure of the fox clan.

"Am I the kind of person who prostitutes you for free?"

With that said, Qin Yang opened the star ring, took out two calming pills, and threw them towards her.


When Xiaobai saw the elixir, without even thinking about it, he subconsciously opened his mouth and swallowed it, all the grievances he felt just now were gone.

So delicious!

The little calculation in my heart was whirring.

The owner touched my tail.

In exchange for two calming pills.


Touching the tail is equivalent to getting the elixir!

"This fairy lady is not at a loss!"

Thinking of this, Xiaobai moved his body, rushed out quickly, got back into Qin Yang's arms, raised his butt, and swung the plush fox tail to tease him.

"Master, keep playing. If you haven't had enough, continue. Please don't pity this slave..."


Hearing this, Qin Yang tilted his head back to avoid the white hair brushing his face, slapped Xiaobai's butt, threw her on the sofa, then got up and walked to the courtyard.

"I told you...I am serious about research, and now you are greedy for my hand?"



Hearing this, Xiaobai's face instantly turned red, and he hid in the corner of the sofa, watching Qin Yang leave, cursing in his heart.

"Huh, if you don't want to play, you won't play. Why are you so cruel to others?"

Outside the courtyard.

The night is deserted,

Qin Yang found an open space, bathed in the moonlight, lay on the soft grass, and began to receive rewards from the system.

First of all, the first reward is "The True Explanation of Weapon Refining".

"Refining weapons to restore gods,"

Qin Yang closed his eyes and concentrated, his consciousness sank into the enlightenment space, a vast amount of knowledge emerged, he was enlightened, and he roughly mastered some of the magical functions of weapon refining.

What is a weapon refining?

In this world, people mobilize the power of stars in the sky and gather spiritual energy in the world to refine it into artifacts.

Taoist wats, wishful thinking, nectar bowls, altar wood, flags, canopy rulers, or the Eight Treasures of Buddhism all belong to the category of refining weapons.

It can be as high as asking gods to cast down ghosts, or as low as being clean and pure.

Having a good tool in hand can bring a lot of bonus to the wielder's own combat power!


After comprehending the true meaning of weapon refining for a while, Qin Yang stopped thinking and continued to focus on the next reward.

The Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Finger!

Another emperor-level martial arts.

"It looks familiar."

Qin Yang looked at the introduction of emperor-level martial arts, rubbed his chin, and thought for a while.

This isn't... Then who created it?

"Hey, I kind of don't remember...whatever, just absorb it."

Qin Yang sank into the enlightenment space, and a vast amount of martial arts knowledge poured into the sea, churning, his consciousness rising and falling, and he absorbed the martial arts knowledge with a face filled with relief.

It takes less than a moment.

He opened his eyes again and initially understood the mystery of this emperor-level martial arts.

Condensing the power of heaven and earth into one point, reaching the pinnacle, capturing the sky and shaking the earth, just within a finger.

"You have to find a suitable place to practice."

Qin Yang looked around.

The Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Finger is extremely powerful.

You can't try your hands randomly, and you definitely can't point your finger on the ground.

I'm afraid I won't be able to point it out...

Most of the Fuhai villa complex will be reduced to rubble!

But since we can’t try it on the ground...

What about that day?

Think of this.

Qin Yang rested his head on his head and looked up at the night sky. It was vast and boundless. The moon and stars were sparse tonight and only a few stars could be seen.

"Tsk, I'll give you one more."

Seeing this, Qin Yang took out his right hand, slowly extended his index finger towards the night sky, and pressed it gently using the sky as a curtain.

next moment.


Tens of thousands of meters above the sky, dark clouds rolled and exploded.

The raging wind raged, the bright moon suddenly dimmed, the void cracked, and a huge molten hole exploded!

Under the night sky in the countryside, in front of a stargazing telescope, a star chart enthusiast looked up at the sky, pointed tremblingly at the night sky, and quickly pulled his companions and ran to an open area to observe.

"Come here and take a look. Why does the sky in the southeast corner seem to have an extra star?"

"No, that doesn't seem to be a star. I remember seeing none there just now!"

"Quick, quick, take a photo and post it online! Isn't this the disaster of Jianghai coming?!"

As the photo was uploaded to the Internet, the sudden appearance of the stars immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens, who speculated on the reason.


"Hmph! Bad master, you wait for me!"

On the balcony, Xiaobai sniffed his red nose and absorbed the effects of the elixir in his body. Thinking of what happened just now, he felt humiliated in his heart.

"Today, I will lick you!"

"One day, when I become stronger, I will hold your head with my own hands and make you lick it back ten times or a hundred times!"

"I, Baili, swear to God!"

Xiaobai wrinkled his nose and muttered angrily. He raised his hand and was about to swear when he suddenly saw Qin Yang pointing his finger at the sky.

"Huh? Master, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, she was stunned for a moment, rubbed her eyes, and looked in the direction Qin Yang pointed.

All I saw was the night sky.

Qin Yang pointed at it, and a white light suddenly lit up in the night sky, then dimmed and disappeared.

Raise the pointing star?


That's not a star!

More like poking a hole!

"This...is this made by the master?"

Seeing this, Xiaobai remembered the harsh words he just said and looked at Qin Yang below in horror, "Did he just hear it?"

If this finger were pointed at myself...

A few tails are not enough for him to consume!

Thinking of this, Xiaobai's straight spine softened again, he clamped his legs, urine rushed in his lower abdomen, and he ran back into the house in fright.

After a while.

In the courtyard.

Qin Yang was lying on the ground, holding a grass root in his mouth, admiring the night view, when he suddenly heard Xiao Bai's voice.

"Master, you have been practicing for so long, is it hard?"

Xiaobai brought tea and cakes over his head, came to Qin Yang's side, and sat on the floor.

"Come, eat some fruit, drink a cup of tea and rest. I'll give you a squeeze on your shoulders."

With that said, she put down the plate and put down the three big white plush tails in a flattering manner, "Come, Master, lie down here and feel comfortable."

"Oh, you have nothing to do to show your courtesy."

Qin Yang rested his head on Xiao Bai's foxtail, picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake on the plate, put it into his mouth, enjoyed her shoulder-squeezing service, and glanced behind her.

A newly grown tail is swaying...

Shake left and right...

Almost reaching the sky...

"Lick the fox!"

The next day.

Jianghai Library.

Fishing time.

During this period, there were obviously fewer people coming to the library than before. Everyone in Jianghai City was in danger, and many citizens were hiding at home and trying to avoid going out as much as possible.

The entrance hall inside the museum is cold.

Qin Yang was sitting at the rest table in Area 1, fishing openly and studying the "True Explanation of Weapon Refining" he got last night.

This book records many methods of refining weapons.

for example.

From the selection of materials, the craftsmanship, to the requirements for the temperature of the refining, there are extremely strict requirements and standards...

"When making a sword, fast for a hundred days first, then set up a house facing west in a secluded place, near a clear spring, with the mouth of the stove also facing west. A person who is good at tempering can refine the iron, and combine it with the collar to make it eight kilograms. . If you want to understand the essence, use bamboo charcoal."

Just refining a sword requires extremely complicated rituals.

Qin Yang thought about it and remembered the "Ziwei Divine Sword" in his hand.

I don’t know how much time it took for the seniors to forge the sword in the first place?

ten years? century?

When the time comes, I will be rich and take the time to prepare a handful of "crape myrtle" for all my relatives and friends around me, and I will be really awesome.

And in addition to sword refining, "The True Explanation of Weapon Refining" also contains all kinds of evil secret methods for refining weapons.

Casting human bones, peeling off animal skins, activating tendons, using living people and star beasts as materials, applying secret techniques, and going through special processes.

Like the Ten Thousand Souls Banner, the Human Bone Magical Artifact, the Heart String...

Some of the production processes are downright terrifying.

Either the corpse is exposed in the sun for several days and the dry skin is peeled off, or the skull of the deceased in a very dark place is taken...

Just looking at it can send chills down your spine.

"How evil...Eh? And you can also make magic weapons made of fox fur?"

Qin Yang searched for the knowledge of weapon refining and was quite surprised. He checked it and then looked at Xiaobai lying on the table.

The snow-white little fox was lying on the table, looking wilted.

It is recorded in the true explanation of weapon refining that the nine-tailed fox clan can be said to be full of treasures, heart and soul, especially those charming eyes, which are alluring and can be made into special magic weapons.

Qin Yang stared at Xiaobai.

This is too delicious!

Noticing Qin Yang's gaze, Xiaobai raised his head alertly, twitching his ears and frowning, feeling a little cold behind his back.

Very good...

Master, what do you think this fairy is doing?

The eyes don't look right.

Thinking of this, Xiao Baihan's hair stood up, and he stepped forward affectionately, taking the initiative to rub Qin Yang's arm to please him, and encouraged him with his big furry tail.

"Come play with your tail, Master..."

"Don't always think about those bad things..."

"That's right, I haven't raised you in vain these days."

Qin Yang stroked Xiaobai's plush tail and stroked the fox happily. When he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a figure approaching.

It's Li Qinghe.

Not seen for many days, this girl changed back into a boy's clothes, called "Li Qing" again, and strode towards Qin Yang.


Li Qinghe put his hands behind his back, squinted his peach blossom eyes, and came to the opposite side of the table with a smile and sat down. "I haven't seen you in the past few days. Do you miss me?"


Qin Yang hugged Xiaobai and said leisurely: "Since you haven't come to work these days, the library has been a lot more relaxed, and my teacher can sleep comfortably and lie down at ease."

"Are you still used to living in the villa my disciple gave you?"

Li Qinghe put his elbows on the table and supported his chin, "Would you like me to add a 4K TV for you?"


Qin Yang let out a light "tsk", looking at Li Qinghe who was licking a dog, and felt that he was not used to it.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let me show you something good, master."

Li Qinghe said mysteriously, stroking the star ring on his index finger.

next moment.

A roll of yellowed drawings appeared on the table, with layers of intertwined patterns, simple, mysterious, and intricate.

"Ten Thousand Formations Diagram?"

When Qin Yang saw this, he was stunned for a moment and looked at her in surprise.

Shouldn't this Ten Thousand Formation Diagram be on the third floor?

How come it returned to Li Qinghe's hands?

Is this girl going to be a thief again?

Seeing Qin Yang's expression was different, Li Qinghe quickly waved his hand and explained:

"Master, don't get me wrong, I didn't steal this time!"

"You told me the same thing last time, right... taking your own things is not considered stealing."

Qin Yang looked disbelieving: "What did you say this time?"

"This time is really different, Master!"

Li Qinghe rubbed the Ten Thousand Formations Diagram and said softly, "I didn't steal the formation diagram this time, but my father gave it to me on his own initiative..."

As she said that, she stared straight at Qin Yang, "You should have felt it in the past few days. The star pets in the city are rioting, the news is also making a big fuss, and the whole Jianghai City is in chaos."


Qin Yang nodded slightly, touched Xiaobai's head, and remembered her previous situation.

Even the nine-tailed fox in the early innate stage will be affected, let alone other weak star beasts.

It seems that the scale of this beast wave is several times more terrifying than the previous ones. Once the city is broken, it will be a desperate situation with no survivors.

"These days, my father finally figured it out."

Li Qinghe whispered, "He teamed up with several prestigious elders in the family to overturn the old family rules for me. Now I have finally become the orthodox owner of the Ten Thousand Formations Diagram."

"It should have been so long ago."

Qin Yang replied in a muffled voice.

The torrent of history rolled forward, and this scroll of Ten Thousand Formations went round and round, and finally returned to Li Qinghe's hands.

With such a talent for formations, it would be a waste not to learn the Ten Thousand Formations Diagram.

If the Li family continues to stick to their old ways.

Maybe, in the end, it will develop into the trend of not bullying young people into poverty... Fast forward, Li Qinghe returns from his studies, brutalizes the elders of the clan, a famous scene in Hexi for thirty years.

"Master, do you think so too?"

Li Qinghe looked at Qin Yang excitedly. After getting his approval, he seemed a little excited, "Just watch, one day in the future, I will become the master of the formation!"

As she spoke, her expression became more and more excited, "I will definitely reach the top of this world's formation as a female streamer!"


Qin Yang shook his head slightly and smiled without saying a word.

My teacher is not just watching.

I also showed you the day five hundred years later when you became famous and became a master of formation...

The future you want now.

In my eyes, it's just another past...

Li Qinghe glanced at Qin Yang and felt a little guilty when he saw his calm appearance.

In fact, there was something about the intra-clan transfer of pictures just now.

There was one more thing she hadn't said.

A large part of the reason why his father passed the picture to him was because he became a disciple of the Sword God.

And the night of the night attack.

The Star Stone Formation diagram presented by Qin Yang also played a large role.

It can be said.

Now the clan elders have high hopes for themselves, just so that one day they can see the completion of these ten thousand formation diagrams.

"Don't worry, father, I will definitely succeed!"

Li Qinghe spread out the Ten Thousand Formation Diagram, put it on the table, and asked Qin Yang in a low voice: "Master, this disciple has a few formation problems, please help me take a look."

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