"Get one of the thunder ones, one of the fire ones, and one of the windproof ones. Then I can light a cigarette in the formation!"

"Hey, you kid, don't be greedy, my star stone doesn't want money?!"

In the box, Qin Yang flipped through the star stones in his pocket. After all, he couldn't defeat Xia He and gave him a new formation.

"I knew you were interesting, Lao Qin!"

Xia He took the star stone, as if he had found a treasure, and excitedly speculated on the formation patterns on it, "Is there any more? I don't want to go whoring for free, you can spend money!"


Qin Yang looked at Xia He's expectant eyes and waved his hand.

Almost all the formations that can be used for him have been given away.

As for the rest,

It’s not that I don’t give it.

But the level is too high, the required star power is strict, and non-professional formation masters cannot drive it at all.

Xia He and his colleagues couldn't even reach the lower limit of use!


The set of star stones I am giving now is also extraordinary.

It's like taking shelter from the wind, being able to escape instantly, being in a quiet place, blocking fire and escaping from water...

In other cases, Qin Yang cannot guarantee it.

But as long as Xia He carries the Star Stone on his body, there are only a few people in Jianghai City who can break the formation.

Even if he can't beat him, he can definitely outrun him and use the formations in his hands to their full potential!

"Thank you, Lao Qin."

After leaving the hotel, Xia He sent Qin Yang back to the library for work and stood beside the sports car to say goodbye to him.

"If you have nothing to do, just come here, no need to send it away,"

Under the white clouds, Qin Yang walked towards the library door. Without looking back, he waved his hands high and said, "Have a good time as the superintendent. Don't lose your life, kid."

"I know, can I order something good?"

Xia He smiled and cursed, looking at the back of Qinyang Park, then looking down at the star stone in his hand, thoughtfully.

"Old Qin is really hiding in the city."

down these days.

Qin Yang's delivery of pills was like pouring beans, and the effect was outstanding; the formation he gave casually was so strong that even the innate realm could not be broken.

From this point of view, how could the identity behind this be so different?

"You were the one who rescued me last night, right?"

Xia He murmured to himself, then sat back in the sports car, stepped on the accelerator and left.

The past is like smoke. Qin Yang had no intention of mentioning it at the dinner table just now, so why should he pursue it?

No matter who Qin Yang is, he will always be his brother.

Since he doesn't want to talk about it, he won't delve into it.

"Fuck, no, when did this kid become so awesome?"

After thinking about it, Xia He suddenly felt a little sour.

I am afraid that my brother will starve, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover!

Before, I had advised him to lie down less and practice more, but now... Qin Yang was sitting on the rocket, soaring into the sky, and he had already reached a height that was beyond his reach.


Xia He drove into the superintendent's parking space, and the more he thought about it, the more embarrassed he felt. He had told him to practice more and less to make a fool of himself.

Dare to love...

The clown is actually me?

"Alas, it was the wrong payment after all."

Xia He sighed, opened the car door, and walked to the superintendent's main office building.

In front of the Superintendent’s Square, white pigeons flew in swarms, and passers-by stood in front of the door to check in and take photos. The majestic buildings on all sides stood like holy monuments in the steel forest.


Just after walking through the revolving door, Xia He suddenly heard the front desk calling him and pointing upstairs.

"Police Officer Xia, the commander is looking for you."


Hearing this, Xia He was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he was not surprised.

The story of how he and his colleagues escaped last night was widely circulated among the superintendents, and many veteran police officers called that operation a miracle.

When the reinforcements arrived at the scene, not a single demon was seen.

As for where are those monsters?

Floating in the sky, stuck to the ground, everywhere...

Later, forensic experts surveyed the scene and filled the demon's bags shovel by shovel...

When Xia He returned to the superintendent's position, he was directly regarded as a major contributor to this incident and left a mark on his resume.

"Tsk, I took advantage of Lao Qin."

Xia He took the elevator and went straight to the commander's office on the top floor.

Push the door open and enter.

Immediately, he saw the commander sitting at his desk, his chin resting on his hands. The room was simply decorated, and the floor-to-ceiling windows were overlooking the city.

"Here, sit down."

"Yes, Commander."

Xia He pulled out the chair and sat down, putting his hands on his knees and sitting upright. Looking at the commander's face, he felt that his hands were shaking.

I have always met people on TV before, but this is the first time I am face to face like this!

"Don't be nervous, I've worked hard for you these days."

The commander picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Xia He, "Your team suffered heavy casualties, and the information has been received."

"It's okay, Commander, this is what I should do."

Xia He took the tea, took a sip, clenched his fist and said, "As long as the information can be delivered, I must be worthy of the sacrifices of my brothers."

"Not bad, young man, very responsible."

The commander nodded with satisfaction, "Considering your performance in this mission, I have nominated you to the headquarters and will find an opportunity for you to apply."

"Thank you, Commander."

Xia He said excitedly.

"No, there are just some places here that I need to check with you."

The commander whispered, opened the drawer, took out two stacks of documents, and put them on the table, "This is the on-site survey report from last night. I need to confirm it with you again."

"for example?"

"Don't be nervous, it's mainly small things."

The commander pulled out one of the documents and glanced across the paper, "I'd better skip those details and ask you the key questions directly."

With that said, he pressed down on the table and stood up, stared at Xia He, and asked word for word: "Where did your fifth-level formation come from? And who is the person who rescued you?"

After the words fell, the commander narrowed his eyes and observed Xia He's facial expressions.

After yesterday's mission, there were too many doubts.

First of all, it is this fifth-level formation.

Not to mention the police, even I, as the commander, couldn't take it out.


But this young police officer named Xia He took it out?

Secondly, there is the cause of death of the monster hunter.

According to the investigation at the scene, all those monsters died in the flames.

That is to say.

At that time, a strong person intervened and directly caused a fire to solve the problem, causing them all to self-immolate!

Such a method is simply incredible!


Xia He wiped the sweat from his forehead, gritted his teeth, and said nonsensically: "Well, Lord Commander...it's not that I don't want to say it, it's that...my master didn't let me say it..."

I definitely couldn't talk about selling Qin Yang, so I had no choice but to make it up.

——It’s better to make it up randomly than to sell it to your brothers!

"Is this so..."

When the commander heard this, his eyes flickered, he pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. If that's the case, you can go out first. Someone will handle the rest of the matter for you."

"Yes, Commander."

Xia He nodded, stood up quickly, and walked out of the office quickly.

And just after he left.

The commander looked at the cloud scenery outside the window and fell into thought.

In Jianghai City, only Li Daoming is the only person with level five formation attainments.

Is it possible…..

Is Xia He still related to the Li family?

Thinking of this, the commander shook his head.

"It seems that I have to pay a visit to Lao Li."

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