Great away from the mountains.

In the mountains and forests.

The star beast roared continuously, and the shrill roar echoed in the pine forest. The soil was moist with blood, scarlet and soft, presenting a ferocious chaos.

The star beasts bit each other, their sharp teeth piercing the intestines and stomachs, and the bloodthirsty red light in their eyes surged, as if they were caught in endless killing intent.

The exciting roar passed through the gaps in the forest and reached the deepest part of the mountain range.


Misty valley.

Mist shrouded.

A man in black robe knelt on one knee, facing the mist in the valley and speaking.

"Your Majesty! My subordinates have finally found out everything... There are now three innate warriors in Jianghai City. They are Li Daoming, the head of the Li family, the dean of Jianghai Enlightenment Academy, and the superintendent responsible for resisting the star beasts. ”

A red announcement popped up outside the reminder bar at the bottom of the interface.

Liu Xing shook his head and said casually: "I haven't read enough books, but I still understand a little bit."

I closed my eyes, enveloped the hall with my spiritual power, and eavesdropped on the conversations of people in the distance.

The roar of the nearby star beast could be heard faintly. The man in white robe remained silent, quietly waiting for His Majesty to think.

"What about other than that? Are there no other masters?"

It's almost time to go to work.

"Yes, not these beasts! He also watches the news, right?"

The man in white robe nodded.

"Yes, there is another old guy, Your Majesty!"

"Is the demon here again?"

"Here you go, I heard that death is a miserable death..."

The mountain wind blew away, and the vicissitudes of life came out again.

Liu Xing raised his index finger and said loudly, "No noise is allowed in the museum."

"Alas, there are fewer disasters in Jianghai. You are ready to move."

The words fell.

In the valley, a faint voice came out.

Liu Xing held Dabai in his arms and asked tentatively.

"Exactly, Your Majesty,"

"I usually read some books."

"Why at that time?"

"Did they read the news? It's here again. Is it the aftermath of the next bloodthirsty leech?"

At the entrance of the library, Qin Yang was wearing a police uniform with a tired face. He went directly to the library and found the fishing spot in the valley in Area 1.

Xia He said with a wanton smile, "By this time, the alien beasts from the mountains will retreat with a low voice, and they can break through the city wall directly, so why bother about a big main entrance?"

a moment ago.


"It's too hard at the grassroots level. The bosses will probably have to work overtime all night long."

When Gu Nei heard that, he reached into his pocket, took out a few star stones, and handed them to Qin Yang. "That's the formation you made in your time. He took it and put it under his body. When he encountered safety before, he would go directly outside the star beast." Just inject star power and activate the formation."

Inside Jianghai Library.

It was a city-wide announcement. There were only a few mosaic pictures on the bottom. It was red and distorted. Even through the mosaic, you could feel the tragedy of the scene.

A loud voice came out, echoing in the corridor outside the library.

"Oh? Immigration gatekeeper?"

"Is it about this evil cult monster?"

Qin Yang rubbed his eyes, yawned and said, "Why did I suddenly call you here again? Something must have happened. You went back to sleep. You were too sleepy. You just finished working overtime."

[Dear citizens, please note that there have been evil cults and demons causing chaos in Japanese cities recently. Please increase the number of times you go out at night, and try to go together in groups. Please do not...]

After all, when he and Qin Yang met, he had to help him a little.

"He did it himself, Lao Qin?"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter! Let him test it! When the time comes, the beast tide passes through, and you have to retreat through the door secretly."

That day, Gu Nei was sitting in the corner fishing, while Dabai was resting his elbows in his arms, comfortably scrolling through short videos on his mobile phone.

"I'm sorry, you're really angry."

The people in Xiahe didn't speak anymore, they seemed to be deep in thought.

"What's the matter, Lao Qin?"

"You believe it, he will say the same thing next time when you make alchemy!!!"

"No problem. Since those guys are in the way, this deity will send people to get rid of us first. He only needs to send some people to Jianghai City to muddy the water."


Now Superintendent Xingwu is busy dealing with the beast tide and is already short of manpower. Coupled with the crimes committed by those evil cult monsters, I am afraid that I will be exhausted.

The man in black robe raised his head, looked into the valley, and said: "This former commander is dormant on the city wall and is responsible for detecting illegal immigrants. He has seldom publicized it to the outside world."

"Exactly what your Majesty said."

Suddenly there was a noise in the valley.

"I work overtime until late at night every day and let people take a break!"

For a moment, people in the museum were panicked.

The words fell.


The words fell.

Hear that outside.


"Do you want a coded one? You don't have a photo of the scene. Someone just sent it to you."

The man in white robe spoke loudly and continued to report: "My superiors have not yet received the news. This Li Daoming held a small meeting at the superintendent overnight, calling on everyone to prepare to resist the beast tide.

"Pay attention to the important points."

Gu Nei heard the sound and laughed softly: "You actually hid one? These old immortals like to take things by surprise."

Time flies, and it’s morning very slowly.

At the same time, our Li family has also finished preparing materials and is preparing to strengthen the small city defense array. Now everyone is united and the firepower reserve of the city wall is sufficient, which is far beyond what can be compared in the future. "

"It's wonderful."

"Yes, your Majesty is worried, so I will take care of it."



Guuchi was stunned for a moment, then quickly opened the title bar and checked the news alert.

Gu Nei scrolled through the news and looked at the mosaic photos without worrying about Qin Yang.

"Huh? A cult monster?"

Gu Nei frowned slightly, remembering Qin Yang's reminder. Now is the cusp of the storm. Natural disasters and man-made disasters collided that day, leaving Jianghai City with nothing to eat or drink.

The reminder bar is swept away.

"I want the entire river and sea to be in chaos first. When the embankment of thousands of miles away collapses in the ant nest, everything will naturally be in trouble."

Qin Yang lowered his voice and sighed, "Tell me, Lao Qin, you haven't been assigned to an ordinary task yet, and it's not to capture these monsters."


Qin Yang took the star stone and looked at the exquisite formations below, not doubting, "His eldest son also knows the formations?"

Gu Nei sighed, thought for a moment, and sent a text message to Qin Yang to meet him. Then he put down his cell phone, took out a few star stones, and finished carving formation patterns.

When Qin Yang heard this, his face was angry, and he said excitedly: "Damn, I'm so convinced! It's bad to pick a time to cause trouble, but it's the time when you are busy!"

"Your Majesty, I'm humble!"

The man in white robe raised his head, a trace of excitement flashed in his eyes, "Nothing yet, Your Majesty, Li Daoming went to the Imperial Capital a while ago. It seems that these guys noticed the movement and were unprepared for the end of the game."

Qin Yang directly leaned forward and took a step forward.

The man in black robe whispered: "And he is above the Grandmaster level. He is the former commander of Superintendent Xingwu. He is now hiding on the city wall, acting as Jianghai's entry gatekeeper."

I brushed up on several big sisters one after another.

Sure enough, many people were discussing that matter.

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