At night.

Superintendent Xingwu.

meeting room.

The lights were bright, and Jianghai's senior executives gathered around the rectangular conference table. Everyone was a leading elite in the industry, wearing suits and leather shoes.

And in the main position.

Mr. Li and the superintendent sat down An Ran and looked at each other, also a little confused.

To know.

It's almost ten o'clock now, it should be time for rest.

But just half an hour ago.

The owner of the museum suddenly sent a message asking everyone to hold an emergency meeting, so this was the beginning of this meeting.


At this time, Li Daoming pushed open the door and walked in from the corridor outside the door, walking in a hurry and showing a little tiredness on his face.

next moment.

Everyone heard the news and left.

"Master, you said you had something to discuss, and now everyone is here."

The superintendent of police knocked on the table and said with dissatisfaction: "Why is it delayed so late and the meeting has to be held at night?"

"Sorry, everyone, I had something to do in the library during the day and I just finished it."

Li Daoming apologized, walked slowly to the conference table, pulled out a chair and sat down. Seeing the impatient faces of the people around him, he went straight to the point:

"This time I went to the Imperial Capital and got an important piece of news, which is related to the future of Jianghai City. The situation is very serious."

"In a few days, our Jianghai will be hit by another wave of beasts."

The words fell.


Everyone present was shocked and looked at Li Daoming one after another, with horror in their pupils.

After listening to the news, Commander Li Laohe, who was sitting in the main seat, changed his expression suddenly. He was obviously surprised by the news.

To know.

Beast tides only occur once every twenty years.

The disaster star from the sky returns to its place, stimulating the violent instincts in the star beasts and igniting their most primitive violent wildness.

Once the beast tide starts.

The overwhelming star beasts will come out in full force and begin to besiege the bustling urban gathering places, destroying all lives.

Drinking blood and eating meat, using human blood to appease anger.

Throughout human history, every time a beast tide appears, it will bring the death of countless citizens, overturn the city, and burn the buildings.

Some weak countries have even been destroyed because of this, ruining the entire inheritance of civilization!

"Don't panic, please be alert."

Li Daoming supported his chin with his hands, glanced at everyone, and continued to relay:

"The scale of this beast wave is different from the past. According to the news from the imperial capital, it may exceed any previous one.

Next, we must unite as one to resist the attack of these star beasts. "

"Well, what the owner said makes sense."

Hearing this, the superintendent commander said with a solemn expression: "Master, the beast tide is coming, and the protective formation on the city wall will be activated again. From now on, I will leave it to you, the Li family."

"It's natural."

The owner of the museum nodded lightly, "It is our Li family's duty to protect the people in the city."

As he said that, he looked at the others and said, "I have invited you here today mainly to discuss the layout and prepare for future beast tides.

Otherwise, relying solely on the protective formation on our city wall will not be reliable enough after all. "

The voice fell

Everyone in the conference room nodded in agreement.

Beast tides are natural disasters.

There are three levels according to the degree of crisis.

Normal level, difficult level, hell level.

Among them, the ordinary level ones are okay, and the ones leading the beast tide at most are king-level star beasts. The beast tide in Jianghai City twenty years ago was ordinary level.

At that time, the three great innate masters and a group of acquired warriors joined forces and quickly suppressed it.

But when it reaches the difficulty level, the degree of disaster is different.

The impact of this level of beast tide is huge, and the degree of danger is rising exponentially. There will even be the emergence of emperor-level star beasts!

Destroying mountains and strongholds, even if the defending humans try their best, even if they succeed in resisting, there will be heavy casualties and very tragic consequences.

Introduction time.

Most of the city was reduced to ruins, and the people were thrown into the wilderness... The cost of reconstruction in the future will be a huge expense.

And at the final level——

Hell level.

This level of disaster scene lives up to its name.

The world is like a prison!

There will also be legendary emperor-level star beasts.

There are very few records related to the hell level in historical materials. After experiencing the hell level beast tide, less than one percent survived, and the city has always been destroyed.

Often overnight, cities with a radius of several miles disappeared silently.

Human beings are so insignificant in the face of such natural disasters.

"Master, did the emperor inform you this time... what level of beast tide impact will we face?"

Mr. Li stroked his white beard, looked at Li Daoming and asked, "Please tell me everything so that everyone can prepare in advance."

The words fell.

Everyone in the conference room nodded and spoke in agreement.

"Yes, Master, the beast tide is of great importance, and information must be transparent!"

"Targeted defense is better than being a headless fly."

"With the strength of Jianghai City, it is difficult to deal with the beast tide at the difficult level."

"If a hell-level beast wave comes, then we'd better evacuate!"


In the conference room, there were mixed discussions.

"Ahem, everyone, calm down."

Li Daoming coughed a few times, signaled everyone to be quiet, and said slowly: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that my knowledge is limited this time. I will sort out all the information later and distribute it to everyone."

"The museum owner is right, please be patient."

At this time, the superintendent also stood up and reassured the surrounding people: "The top priority now is to formulate the next few response plans."

As he spoke, he directed the meeting towards the fortifications.

"Those cluster artillery on the city wall may be able to add a few more rows. Cheng Bei Group can donate some funds."

"Our Zhang family can also contribute and help set up the formation!"

"Send more manpower. Lincheng Kongren next door can just send some manpower over..."

After a while.

With the heated discussion ended.

The night meeting was dissolved.

At the door of Superintendent Xingwu, senior leaders from all parties filed out, exchanged greetings for a while, and then left in their cars.

Li Daoming stood on the steps at the door, watching the senior executives leave, worried, and then looked up at the stars in the sky.

"I hope Jianghai City can survive this beast wave safely."

Every beast invasion is extremely dangerous and the consequences are unpredictable. It has always been a major problem in Jianghai City.

"Yes, with the current defense level in the city, we can barely cope with the difficult level at best." The commander came to his side and whispered: "It will be very difficult to go up any higher."

"It's hard to say, Commander, we also have the Jianghai Sword God.

Li Daoming sighed when he heard this and looked at the night view of the city in the distance, "With the Tianyan Forty-Nine, everything has a glimmer of hope."

In a trance.

He thought of the conversation he had with Li Qinghe during the day, and he had more expectations in his heart.

"I hope that girl in Qinghe is really sure...and can ask Senior Sword God to come out."

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