095: The realm of the gods that is even weirder than the abyss! (5 is more self-determined!)

The moment you step into the transmission channel,

Lin Yan felt that a strange light film enveloped his entire body, that is, his body felt a burst of relief for no reason.

The pores all over his body were relaxed…. he couldn’t help but want to sleep.

Time seems to have stopped passing,

It seems like a moment has passed, and it seems like a long time has passed,

【Tips】: Detected abyss fragments, whether to open God’s Domain?


In his mind, the sound of the God’s Domain sounded.

“Is this the abyss?”

Lin Yan opened his eyes and found that there was a piece of nothingness below, separated by a thick sea of ​​chaos, which could not be detected at all.

It is necessary to invade with God’s Domain, and Ji Neng-knows the following situation.

At this time,

Wang Quan’s voice suddenly reached Lin Yan’s mind.

“Dear classmates, below are the fragments of the abyss,


“In the abyss, there are too many force majeures. Your body is now in an absolutely safe position. Now, open up your divine realm and invade the abyss below!”

“Everything you get will belong to you!”

hear this voice,

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, but he reacted immediately.

These principals, along with Wang Quan, should be somewhere, watching these students invade the abyss.

Lin Yan opened up his own domain,

It was found that the core of the God’s Domain was protected by a thin layer of transparent objects, as if the light film had just wrapped itself, obviously to protect the core of the God’s Domain.

Lin Yan guessed the purpose of the light film almost instantly,

When participating in the core of the quasi-god’s realm, when it is really invaded by the abyss, it can play a protective role and reduce the loss of the quasi-god as much as possible.

After all, every quasi-god who ignited the fire of God, but the treasure of the Federation, is the future foundation of the main world. If it is really lost, the Federation can’t afford it.

【Tips】: Bai Xuan requested to get in touch with you, do you agree?

At this time,

Suddenly, a reminder came from within God’s Domain.

“Bai Xuan?”

Lin Yan was stunned, and then chose to agree.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Bai Xuan’s voice: “Lin Yan junior brother, which area do you choose? Our God’s Domain, all descended nearby, anyway, there is a care.

Lin Yan nodded and said, “Okay!

However, when they did not descend to the realm of the gods, they couldn’t observe the abyss, and they could only blame the realm of the gods for opening it.

After jointly agreeing on a goal, Lin Yan directly opened the domain of God.


In the next instant, Lin Yan’s divine domain suddenly descended into the abyss!

at the same time,

He also got the sight of the abyss nearby.

Like hell, the ground is full of rocks, the dark and deep space, no grass grows, the creatures who see this scene for the first time will definitely be shocked!



Lin Yan said softly: “It seems that the Mysterious Domain is not scary yet.

In the current mysterious realm, Lin Yan can create a very atmosphere!

“Junior Lin Yan, damn, we are so unlucky!”

Bai Xuan’s slightly annoyed voice came: “It actually came to the hinterland of this abyss fragment!”

“Student Lin Yan, where is your divine domain? Why didn’t I find it?”

In the abyss fragment, there are countless abyss creatures.

Every god’s realm that opens immediately has a good or bad location.

If it comes to the periphery of the abyss fragment, it is enough to prevent the invasion of abyss creatures in one direction, and if it is in the hinterland, it needs to prevent the invasion of abyss creatures from all directions!

Of course, there is also an advantage, that is, no matter which side invades from, you can find abyss creatures.

But in comparison…. the advantages are obviously not as bad as the disadvantages!

However, Lin Yan became excited almost instantly, and began to formulate a strategy in his mind.

And the other side.

in a space full of light.

Several principals, along with Wang Quan, were nervously watching the invasion of the Divine Realm by the third-year high school students.

All the invasion battlefields were hidden from their eyes.

“It’s okay! The students in our school are basically on the periphery!”

Damn “! How are the students in our school scattered so far?”

“Huh? Principal Du, your Bai Xuan’s luck is a bit bad. Why did the gods descend to the hinterland of the abyss fragments, and why didn’t you see Lin Yan’s gods…”

•0 for flowers•

Soon, the attention of the principals turned to Lin Yan again.

However, they searched for a long time, but they still didn’t notice where Lin Yan’s Divine Realm was.

Principal Zhuoli also searched for a long time before detouring: “It should be here, near Bai Xuan’s Divine Realm.”

– Principal Ju immediately observed the past.

“Near Bai Xuan? Isn’t there only one God’s Domain here?”

“Where’s the… FUCK!”

“This….this is really Lin Yan’s domain? I thought it was an abyss! 93


Under the prompt of earning, they finally noticed Lin Yan’s domain.

But the next moment, everyone was taken aback.

The environment of the abyss, compared to the normal Divine Realm, is already terrifying, and it is almost impossible for life to exist.

The realm of the gods in Zhuanli is filled with fog, blocking their sight, and, as a whole, gives them the feeling that,

dark, gloomy, unfathomable…

A world full of weirdness!

just like….

– Principal Ju couldn’t help but look at each other, his face became strange.

“It’s like an abyss! Right?”

In the end, Minister Wang Quan said solemnly.

The rest of the principals nodded.

“Lin Yan’s divine domain is not an abyss, it is far worse. 33

Wang Quan stared at the fragments of the abyss and said, “The abyss is hell, and Lin Yan’s divine domain is weird.

“It seems that the main law in this Lin Yan’s divine domain is not ordinary…”

Staring closely, Wang Quan sighed.

After the divine fire is ignited, the main law drawn will gradually change the state of the divine domain. For example, the divine domain where the main law is the law of fire will gradually be wrapped in flames and become a world of flames.

The rest of the quasi-god realm is either a blaze of fire, or the sound of thunder, or a rushing sea, but Lin Yan’s realm is too different!

It’s even weirder than the abyss! A few.

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