084: The speed of the reproduction of the lizards! Bai Baixuan’s evaluation!

As the sound of the god’s domain sounded,

In Lin Yan’s God’s Domain, on a plain terrain, the upper bridle Scp-1013 appeared instantly, densely packed, occupying a large area.

Suddenly, those lizards rolled up their tails that were more than one meter long in a strange posture.

Lin Yan can feel,

That is they are expressing emotions similar to worship.

[Hint]: Your Faith value has increased by 100,000 points.

“Faith has increased by 100,000 points!”

Lin Yan thought happily: “Then the purchase of this batch of lizard beasts is only 4.9 million Faith Points, and blood is earned!

This is a whole can of second-order believers,

There are not so many in the God Realm of many senior high school students.

“Just to test their abilities…

Lin Yan whispered, and looked at the two remaining inextinguishable lizards with malicious eyes.

I finally know why in the Foundation, basically no matter what kind of containment they get, they have to try it on Uncle 682,

The characteristics of the 682 make it a perfect experiment!

mind moving,

Lin Yan immediately descended to hang the oracle.

A lizard raised beast suddenly looked at the third-order immortal lizard, and the latter also turned his head and looked at it with disdain.

Lin Yan can feel,

The third-order inextinguishable evil lizard froze instantly.

However, it only lasted for less than a minute, and the third-order immortal lizard regained its mobility.

777 In addition, the main parts of the body of this unreduced lizard have evolved a new defense organ.

When the second-order lizard beast looked at the inextinguishable evil lizard again, it would not be able to paralyze the inextinguishable evil lizard.

“The second-order lizard recruited beasts can probably paralyze third-order creatures for about a minute.

Lin Yan speculated.

It’s only a minute, but it’s definitely enough!

After all, it’s still a step-by-step effect!

Immediately after,

He sent down the oracle again, ordering the Lizard Cauldron to test it against the second-order immutable lizards.

This time, the undead lizard lasted for about ten minutes.

“Um… If you are of the same class, you can be paralyzed for about eight minutes.

Lin Yan speculated excitedly.

This is definitely a super bug ability on the battlefield!

After another test,

Lin Yan finally figured out Scp-1013’s ability to recruit beasts.

If you want to trigger the characteristics of the lizard beast, you must contact the target with sight, and the limit distance is about 60 meters.

Beyond this distance, it is not necessarily successful.

That is to say, a lizard can only paralyze one target at the same time.

But it is extremely agile and can paralyze many targets (babh) in quick succession.

Relying on the ability of the lizard beast, even though Lin Yan’s current type of believers do not have the kind of believers who are strong in single attack special police, but with such a long time of control,

This is no longer a problem!

“However, the physique of the lizard beast is very weak, that’s what’s wrong…”

Lin Yan said softly.

The physical quality of the lizard beast is not much better than that of the 625 class sniper, and it is easy to be killed.

Wuhui belief is worth one end, and Lin Yan will feel distressed for a long time if he is killed in battle.

“But I remember that the lizards in the data seem to be hermaphrodites and can reproduce very quickly!

A sudden flash of light flashed in Lin Yan’s eyes.

do what you think,

Lin Yan transferred several zombies,

Although the zombies have no vision and cannot trigger the characteristics of the lizard beasts, they were easily killed under Lin Yan’s order.

Immediately afterwards, several lizards quickly began to devour the internal organs of the zombies.


The size of a few lizard beasts began to grow rapidly, and their weight continued to increase. After more than half a month in the Divine Realm, several sac-like structures were born on their tails.

Two days later,

The sac-like structure on the lizard’s tail suddenly shattered.

And, in every sac-like structure, a young lizard was born!

Of course, these lizard beast cubs are all first-order level.

“Hahahaha! This is cool!

Lin Yan said excitedly.

In this way, I don’t have to be afraid of lizards and sacrifices!

As long as there is enough food in the realm of the gods, the lizards can reproduce almost infinitely!

And the speed of this reproduction is terrifying!

Lin Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment,

The prompt of the God’s Domain space came.

[Liu Yue: Brother Lin Yan, why didn’t you come to class? Bai Xuan welcomes you today. He has been asking where you are and wants to learn from you. ”

“Damn, I almost forgot, I have to go to class!

Lin Yan just remembered that it was about to go to class.

He directly exited the Divine Realm space and rushed towards the school.


Lin Yan still had some expectations for Bai Xuan, the only one who ignited the fire in the fourth middle school and senior year.

the other side.

Four middle schools and three high schools.

“This junior Lin Yan is really powerful!

Surrounded by a group of senior high school students, a man watched the video of Lin Yan and Liu Yue’s virtual battle of the gods, and said solemnly: “He is the future of our fourth middle school!”

He is the only student in this year’s fourth middle and senior year who has ignited a fire, Bai Xuan!

“Hahaha! What you said, classmate Bai Xuan, aren’t you also the pride of our fourth middle school?”

“That’s right! You are the love that ignited the divine fire! 99

“If I can be alumni with the two of you, I’ll be able to brag if I cut it out in the future!”


I heard the voices of my classmates around me,

Bai Xuan laughed at himself, shook his head and said, “I? I’m not worthy of shoes for the real Tianrao, otherwise, I wouldn’t be climbed by the special training team. 99

“During the time I went to the special training team, I continued to know what the real sky is! 33

“Those who are really surrounded by the sky can easily defeat me, and even make me unable to resist.”!

“The gap is big, it can be described by the cloud and mud police!”

Hearing this, the surrounding classmates suddenly showed disbelief.

In their eyes, Bai Xuan is a first-class heavenly crack, and now even Bai Xuan is saying that, how powerful are the heavenly circles of those special training teams?


Bai Xuan watched the video of the virtual battle of gods again, his eyes flickered, and he showed a smile: “However, this junior Lin Yan is different, he is the real Tianzhuo, even more powerful than the canopy of the special training team. !”

“I’m sure that Lin Yan will amaze all of you two years later!”

hear this,

The surrounding students suddenly looked strange,

One of the senior high school students couldn’t help but smile bitterly: “Student Bai Xuan, in two years, the current junior brother Lin Yan has already amazed us all.”

The other senior high school students also laughed bitterly.

More than to amaze them? It makes them despair!


Bai Xuan didn’t know if it was possible.

What he said was amazing, and it was completely different from what these classmates understood!

And Liu Yue and Hua Lulu, who had been watching and waiting at the entrance of the third year of high school, couldn’t help showing smiles on their faces when they heard this.

To make Bai Xuan’s evaluation of fishing, Lin Yan, it seems that he is really strong!

At this moment,

Hua Lulu suddenly laughed, and waved to one side: “Little brother Lin Yan, come in and play! 93


The smile on Liu Yue’s face suddenly stiffened.

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