007: Trap! Weird statue! (The new book asks for everything!)

Among the tauren army,

The wet ground suddenly sank three blocks, and the tauren standing on it fell directly, as if being swallowed.


There were several terrified screams from the ground.

The expressions of the remaining tauren suddenly changed, revealing the color of fear.

What is the place that God slandered us to invade?

Is it hell?

At this time, a group of poisonous gas burst out from the depression just now, and instantly enveloped a large area of ​​tauren!

The shrouded Tauren’s body declined at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The originally strong body, almost instantly, became skinny, as if it had been swallowed up with blood!

The Tauren army suddenly flinched.

They are not afraid of the enemy they see,

But now, so many strange things have happened without seeing a single enemy!

It’s all over the place!

“Damn! This Lin Yan’s priesthood is the god of tricks, and he still has the remaining Faith to build traps and curses!”

Chu Tian roared: “However, this can’t fool me!”

The core of God’s Domain is destroyed, and everything in God’s Domain can no longer be generated, but the original belief value will not disappear out of thin air, but it cannot be collected again.

In his opinion, all this is Lin Yan’s conspiracy!

The curses and traps he wanted to build with the last bit of faith made him shrink back.

“My God has orders! Invincible tauren warrior, don’t be afraid, rush!”

The leader of the Tauren clan roared.

This time, the Tauren army suppressed the fear in their hearts and continued to advance into the depths of the mist.

In a silent foggy forest,

dim light,

The Tauren army is slowly advancing.

Along the way, they did not encounter other traps, which made Chu Tian and the Tauren army a little relieved.

“Humph! This Lin Yan, the core of God’s Domain is broken, and he still wants to hide Laozi! However, this can’t fool me. I’m afraid you have spent the last point of faith…”

Chu Tian laughed wildly.


Suddenly, an exclamation came from the Tauren army below.

“what happened again?”

Chu Tian’s spirit trembled.

It turned out that in the fog, a strange statue as tall as a person stood abruptly next to a gloomy tree.

It seems to be a humanoid, but it is extremely terrifying, and it is unknown everywhere!

In such a quiet and dark forest, such a strange statue suddenly appeared,

The tauren, whose heartstrings had already reached the limit, was suddenly startled.

Especially just now, the few tauren who were almost shrouded in curse were extremely frightened, and when they saw this statue suddenly, they collapsed to the ground with fright.

“It’s just a statue, don’t make a fuss!”

The tauren patriarch took a deep breath and said, “Don’t forget the order of my god! Move on!”


The tauren who was screaming in fright quickly apologized and stood up.

The tauren people just left the statue behind and moved on.

However, several tauren still involuntarily looked at the statue with fear on their faces.


The tail of the Tauren army is also out of the scope of the statue.

The last tauren’s gaze left the statue.


The statue shook suddenly.


“Damn it! This Lin Yan is too dark!”

Thinking of the statue just now, Chu Tian was a little scared.

In an environment where his heartstrings jumped to the extreme, such a strange statue suddenly appeared, which really shocked him.


At this moment,

The tauren below screamed again!


“It’s a monster!”


Immediately after Chutian saw,

The weird statue from before,

He actually followed behind the tauren army, suddenly emerged from the fog, and broke the neck of a tauren!


ps: Seventh update on the first day! !

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By the way, I put a picture of Peanut, related to the work,

In addition, the SCP world view is very large, and there are many containment objects. It is impossible for the author to understand all the SCP containment objects that readers have in mind. You can say it in the comment area, and the author will fill in it if it is appropriate.


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