047: The plane infected by the zombie virus! (2/8 for flowers!)

“Okay, how long do you think Lin Yan can last?”

“It’s hard to say. Although he is a junior, his talent is too strong. It is estimated that he can last for half an hour.”

“Half an hour? Is there really a man who can last this long?”



Watching his sisters chatting and chatting, the style of painting suddenly changed.

Liu Yue’s face instantly turned red.

Immediately shook his head, he also followed into a virtual god’s domain cabin.


the other side.

The moment I lay in the virtual god’s domain cabin,

The scene in front of Lin Yan changed instantly, and he came to a white world.

[Hint]: You are about to invade a incomplete plane, please choose the believer you want to invade.

[Tips]: Because of the threat of the Sea of ​​Chaos, you can only select a maximum of 1,000 believers to enter the Incomplete God Realm, and no more than ten third-order believers, otherwise the Incomplete God Realm will completely collapse.

God’s Domain’s prompt rang instantly.

“Can you only choose a thousand believers?”

Lin Yan whispered.

No wonder those seniors and seniors in the third year of high school couldn’t pass for so long.

Then Lin Yan shook his head, and with a thought, he opened his own divine realm and picked it up.

Eleven immortal lizards must be brought.

For the remaining believers, Lin Yan selected 900 epidemic doctors and 89 terrifying old people for precaution.

[Tips]: Liuyue applies for a believer to join your invasion team.


Can this team up?

Lin Yan was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, a reminder was sent from his Divine Realm and a private message was received.

[Liu Yue]: Lin Yan, your first attempt to invade this incomplete plane, there must be a lot of things you don’t understand. I will use a believer to come in, and I can explain it to you at the same time.

All right.

One less believer, the difference is not that big.

After thinking about it, Lin Yan agreed.

[Tips]: The followers of Liuyue have successfully joined your invasion team.

Then you see,

Among Lin Yan’s followers, a Centaur believer joined Lin Yan’s team.

[Tips]: Your followers have been selected. It is estimated that the incomplete plane will be opened within five seconds. Please be prepared. The countdown is 5…  

【Tips】: Open successfully!

With the sound of God’s Domain’s prompt,

next moment,

The scene in front of Lin Yan suddenly changed.

He appeared in an extremely dilapidated city, with broken walls and ruins everywhere, and the sky was gray.

On the ground, there are countless rotting corpses left only with skeletons.

It looked like a long-abandoned city on the Blue Star.

“Is this… a plane infected by a zombie virus?”

Lin Yan whispered.

According to the history of the main world, many other planes often have various mutations, and some zombie viruses appear, infecting all creatures on the entire plane, and it is not uncommon for the entire plane to die.

This plane in front of me seems to be like this.

Beside the countless buildings in the dilapidated city, countless zombies are wandering aimlessly.

These zombies are basically first-order creatures.


Suddenly, a space on the ground suddenly burst open.

Immediately afterwards, I saw eleven immortal lizards and dozens of terrifying old men rushing out.

Those zombies who were still wandering slowly were immediately attracted by these new lives, and their eyes suddenly burst into red, and their speed suddenly became fast, and they rushed towards the inextinguishable evil lizard.

“Lin Yan junior, this is just a test, I will not participate in the battle.”

The believers of the centaurs were behind the group of believers and conveyed Liu Yue’s words: “Student be careful, these zombies have sharp claws, and there is a chance that the believers will be infected.”

Just as Liu Yue spoke,

The eleven immortal lizards and eighty-nine terrifying old men had rushed into the siege of countless zombies.

Eleven inextinguishable evil lizards can turn around and turn several zombies into real corpses.

And the claws of the zombies, caught on the big lizards and the old man covered with mucus, not only did not cause any damage, but even the bones were directly eroded and rotted!

The ten large lizards could be cut to pieces, but the wounds healed in a blink of an eye, and there was no sign of being infected.

Liu Yue was speechless for a moment, and looked at Lin Yan’s team of believers in surprise.

It’s so easy to solve the zombie group that made many of their high school seniors fall here?

And only sent out a hundred believers?

Is this really just an apprentice?


The second update, I don’t sleep without the eighth shift today, don’t worry.

I beg for the support of the monthly pass for flower evaluation!


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