038: God’s Domain was invaded again, two coalition forces! (4 more flowers!)

In the virtual world.

Those demigods who were killed by Lin Yan’s invading team quickly made up their minds.



They are not enough!

As a result, every demigod sent believers to the neighboring gods to ask for union.

“I saw a super-powerful enemy that has invaded the nearby God’s Domain. The next one is me, and the next one is you!”

One pass ten pass one hundred,

There are already hundreds of demigods of the gods, willing to unite.

However, each demigod only sent some believers out to attack, and they also had to stay some believers to guard their own divine realm.

However, in the God Realms closest to Lin Yan, almost all the believers were sent out.

The total number of believers has actually reached tens of thousands!

And the other side.

Lin Yan’s army of epidemic doctors is still operating on those corpses.

There’s no way, there are too many corpses, and the epidemic doctor only has so much. It will take some time to make Scp-49-2.

“Go outside and see what’s going on.”

Lin Yan whispered.

Immediately afterwards, he directly descended the oracle.

An epidemic doctor stood up and ordered a bearman Scp-49-2 to leave this God’s Domain and go to other places.

Immediately after,

Lin Yan saw that in the next God’s Domain, there were actually many believers of different races starting to gather.


These believers discovered the Scp-49-2 of the bear people, and they were shocked, and they quickly dispatched a large number of troops to kill it.

Then the sight disappeared.

However, Lin Yan also got the information he wanted.

“Do you want to form a coalition?”

Lin Yan chuckled: “It’s naive and scary.”

Then he moved in his heart and lowered the oracle.

Immediately afterwards, several other teams from God’s Domain also rushed to this side frantically.

Four teams, without any casualties.

And all the Scp-49-2, add up to a total of more than 1,700.

Including this God’s Domain, all Scp-49-2, there are a total of 2,000.

The total number of troops is about 3,000.


Although there are tens of thousands of believers in the coalition army opposite, Lin Yan is not afraid at all.


“Then, let’s give you a little surprise.”

Lin Yan chuckled and lowered the oracle.

next moment,

In the mysterious realm, the second-tier inextinguishable evil lizard who had gone through countless arena heads-up matches roared violently.

Immediately after that, he ran quickly in the direction of Lin Yan!

This inextinguishable lizard was bought by Lin Yan at the beginning. After a lot of battles, although it is only Tier 2, its defense is extremely high!

Fourth-order believers are difficult to break through!


teacher area.

“Hundreds of students united? A grand occasion!”

“look forward to!”

“Wait, is that from that God’s Domain? Is this a support believer sent out? Just one?”

“Like that lizard…but not the same!”

“Maybe, what’s the difference? I’m looking forward to it more and more!”


More than a dozen teachers who have been paying attention all of a sudden started chatting excitedly.

This situation today has never been seen in previous years.

First came out such a genius who shocked them all,

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of students joined together.

No matter that scene, it was impossible to appear in the previous school-wide unified examination!

I didn’t expect to meet them at the same time today.

Soon, they saw that from the mysterious realm, a large lizard suddenly rushed out, and then rushed in the direction of the attacking team at a very fast speed.

Just send a support team of believers?

All the teachers were stunned.

Are you so confident?

“Hey, another pair of coalition forces united?”

Suddenly, a teacher who had been paying attention to the mysterious realm exclaimed.

Then everyone saw,

In the God Realm around the mysterious God Realm, there are also dozens of God Realms united to send out attacking teams to prepare to invade the mysterious God Realm!

all teachers,

Immediately, everyone was refreshed and excited.


It is an offensive team sent out to attack hundreds of allied forces in the God’s Domain.

the other side,

It is his own God’s Domain, which was invaded by another group of coalition forces!

Both offense and defense happen at the same time!

All the teachers expect the anomaly and can’t wait to see what happens next.

It’s a pity that Lin Yan’s divine domain is full of fog, and they can’t observe it.

Qin Yu clenched his fists silently.

He is naturally very confident in Lin Yan.

However, when the attacking team faced the coalition forces, they fought more with less.

Now God’s Domain has been invaded by the coalition forces again.

Lin Yan… Can he handle it?

“Mr. Qin, what do you think of Lin Yan?”

At this time, the principal asked.

Qin Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Principal, to be honest, I don’t know either.”

“Ha ha.”

The principal chuckled and said expectantly, “I have great confidence in this Lin Yan.”


the other side.

The coalition army that was preparing to invade Lin Yan,

After the quick integration was completed, the entire army directly advanced into Lin Yan’s domain!


It’s a bit late, Khan, an old friend came to look for it today, and I really can’t open the code, I’m sorry, but there will be at least five more… Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass!


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