025: Arena heads-up match! Dare to come to guard the ring at the first order? (1 more flowers!)

Lin Yan can feel it,

096’s worldview begins to crumble…

After all, although 096 suffered serious injuries, as long as it did not reach the limit, he would not really die. After destroying the enemy, he would still recover slowly.

But this slow recovery is really slow…

How can you be like the big lizard in front of you, just after the battle, the scars on your body began to recover quickly!

With an IQ of 096, it is really difficult to accept this.

Moreover, he could clearly feel that the big lizard in front of him seemed to be stronger after the injury recovered.

at this time,

The sights of 096 and the Immortal Lizard 682 collided again.


096 turned his head decisively, preventing 682 from seeing his face.

Lin Yan: “…”

All right,

Uncle 682 is really powerful, and he actually makes 096 cowardly…

“Almost, it’s time to take part in the believers’ duel…”

Lin Yan spoke.

A thought moved,

Lin Yan’s consciousness came to the arena again.

The huge ancient Roman building stood, and there were countless cheers in the venue.

Lin Yan walked in directly.

In the center of the arena, there are many arenas, and around each arena, there are countless audience seats, which seem to be superimposed on each other, but they are not.

“Every arena represents a dimension.”

Lin Yan whispered.

This world is indeed powerful enough to be extravagant.

It actually opened up a plane directly as a ring.

shook his head,

Lin Yan walked to the waiter in charge of the heads-up match.

“Dear Doctor Mystery.”

The waiter responded: “You should be clear about our rules. Once the arena is opened, you must accept at least ten challengers before you can leave. Of course, if the challenger’s believer’s rank is more than one rank of your believer, you will pass first. Your consent is required for the challenge.”

“In addition, no matter how many tiers your Keepers are, if the challenger uses at least Tier 3 followers to challenge you, they can challenge you without your consent.”

“Of course, if no one challenges you for ten consecutive hours, then you can also choose to quit the arena without any punishment.”

“Are you sure you want to continue opening the ring?”


Lin Yan said.

“Okay, then the arena will be opened for you here.”

The waiter pressed a button: “The funds you injected into the arena are 10,000 currency points. Regardless of whether you win or lose, the arena will draw 10% of each challenge.”

Immediately after,

The environment under Lin Yan’s feet suddenly changed.

He stood on a huge ring surrounded by countless audience seats.

【Tips in the Arena】: Please call your faithful believers.

The reminder of the arena sounded,

Lin Yan’s heart moved,

Directly summoned Uncle 682.

next moment,

A huge reptile creature, spitting out a letter, appeared on the ring.


And the other side.

Just when Lin Yan started the single challenge for believers,

The demigods of countless arena have received the news.

“Huh? Doctor Mystery has started a single challenge?”

“Really? He actually came to the heads-up match? Go! Go and see!”

“It is said that the believers in Doctor Mystery’s God’s Domain are all terrifying. Maybe you can take this to see what’s in his God’s Domain!”



In Lin Yan’s arena auditorium, spectators poured in one after another.

In no time, there were hundreds of spectators.

“Is that a believer sent by Doctor Mystery?”

“The Lizard Clan? It doesn’t feel like it! And the Lizard Clan is so weak, how could it be possible for Doctor Mystery to win eleven in a row!”

“What race is this? It doesn’t look too strong…”

“Wait, this… is only the first rank? Dare to use it to guard the ring? Damn, is he too arrogant?”

“Damn it, I really didn’t find it! What the hell is this Doctor Mystery thinking? Is this here to send currency points?”

“Does he really think that this is the same as the battle of God’s Domain?”


The eyes of all the audience were instantly focused on the inextinguishable evil lizard.

No one could figure it out, where did this Doctor Mystery get the confidence to let a first-order believer come to guard the ring?

In addition to sending currency points, is there any other explanation?

“Damn, I’ll try it!”

Soon, someone finally couldn’t help it and chose to challenge Lin Yan.

[War Arena Tips]: Someone has challenged your followers in the duel arena, please prepare for battle.

“Finally someone came.”

Hearing the beep of the arena, Lin Yan smiled.


The first one who came to challenge the inextinguishable lizard was a second-order bear man, and he was wearing armor, which looked extremely mighty.


Sorry for the lateness, the update is coming!

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass!


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