022: 682 Uncle’s price! A challenge from the arena! (5 more flowers!)

think of this,

Lin Yan directly opened the system’s mysterious store.

Start searching for the right mysterious creature inside.

So… who to choose?


An unusually familiar icon that deeply attracted Lin Yan’s attention.

An icon resembling a large lizard.


Do not destroy the evil lizard!

Also known as Uncle 682’s containment.

This can be said to be the most special containment in the Scp Foundation.

The vitality is extremely tenacious, has strong adaptability and regeneration ability, and can evolve with the harsh environment.

682 is almost impossible to kill.

And as long as it can’t kill him, even if it is seriously injured to the extent of 99% of the physical damage, after a period of time, 682 can fully recover, and has evolved the ability to resist the last serious injury to him.

It can be described as an invincible containment!

Why is he special?

It’s because almost every time the Scp Foundation has a new containment, it will try the effect on 682.

Called the Foundation’s famous guinea pig.

The maddened 173 experiment with Little Peanut was done with 682 Uncle.

As a result, until the last Uncle 682, he still did not die, and he also evolved many eyes.


Lin Yan’s face couldn’t help showing a strange expression.

This is definitely a weapon for Te Niang’s attack!

The price of Scp-682 is much higher than that of Peanut and 096.

It requires 30,000 Faith Points.

However, it is also normal.

After all, the characteristics of Uncle 682 are too buggy. Whether it is offense or defense, they are perfect.

“If you have 30,000 Faith Values… it’s barely bearable.”

Lin Yan whispered.

There are still six days before the school’s unified examination. He is now able to collect more than 100,000 Faith Points every day, and there will be more when the containment increases later.

It is expected that after six days, collecting 900,000 Faith Points will not be a problem.

About thirty 682 uncles can be purchased.

very nice,

However, the Faith value can be increased every day,

The most urgent task now is to continue to improve the position of life in God’s Domain!

At this moment,

The reminder of the arena sounded.

【Against Arena Tips】: You were challenged in the arena, and the other party used 5,000 currency points to challenge you. Do you agree?

[Gladiator Tips]: Opponent wins: 23, loses: 10


“Hey, someone challenged again… A big fish came?”

Lin Yan whispered.

5,000 currency points, in this world, is almost equal to a demigod’s annual income.

Moreover, the ratio of the opponent’s victory to defeat is obviously much stronger than before.

“Maybe, it can be a medium-difficult defensive battle…”

Lin Yan licked his lips and said, “Agree to the challenge!”

In the realm of the gods, the prompt came instantly.

[Red Warning]: Your God’s Domain is being invaded, do you want to disperse it?


[Red Warning]: The countdown is ready…  

[Tips]: God’s Domain docking is completed, please prepare for battle.


And the other side.

in a castle.

A man with glasses disdainfully said to Xia Ning next to him: “Thanks to your kid who has opened up God’s Domain for so long, he was so scared that he fainted…”

“Boss… that Doctor Mystery’s domain is really terrifying.”

When he remembered what he saw in Lin Yan’s God Realm before, Xia Ning was a little terrified and said in a trembling voice, “It’s really horrible, those creatures…”

“Hmph, it’s just pretending to be a ghost, and it’s just bullying you. A truly powerful demigod doesn’t bother to play these psychological tactics, let’s see how your boss handles him!”

The man with glasses snorted disdainfully, and then laughed: “Hehe, beat this kid who won ten consecutive victories in one night, Laozi’s worth will definitely skyrocket now!”

“The boss goes out, that’s for sure!”

Xia Ning quickly flattered.

This man in sunglasses is his boss, codenamed Little Devil, and he has become famous in the arena since he first opened up the realm of the gods.

“The boy agrees!”

There was a reminder from God’s Domain, and the kid lay directly in the God’s Domain link warehouse.


The next moment, the two gods collided again.


The next update is estimated to be in the early morning, so you can get up and watch it tomorrow morning.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass!


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