Chapter 189 Bondage!

The giant dragon demons are a little timid now, but they didn’t expect that these sculptures are not ordinary stones, obviously these things are made of stones.

However, it has such a large attack power and defensive ability. The abyss believers of Ganglian used such a huge physical attack, but they did not play the slightest role in these guys.

The losers do not lose the battle, these guys have just fought, and they have already lost the battle.

Seeing this scene, some of the abyss believers who are relatively strong and very brave suddenly turned unhappy, and some angels also fluttered their wings and looked extremely anxious.

“It doesn’t matter, since our quasi-god has issued an oracle, then of course we won’t let it go!”

An angel fluttered his wings with a cruel smile on his face.

“Kill them!”

kill them!

“Kill them!

Under the orders of the angels, these abyss creatures finally gathered up their courage. Although they are still a little uncertain in their hearts, since they want to use the call of the quasi-god, they naturally have to rush forward.

After all, they are Abyss believers.

As a believer, you naturally have faith in your heart.

The angels fluttered their wings and rushed forward, and those abyss believers were also not afraid of death, like those sculptures filling the past, but those sculptures were suddenly motionless at this moment.

The sculptures were neatly arranged there, motionless.

Behind is a large number of mysterious army.

The mighty looks extremely spectacular, and soon the two waves of forces fought together.

At this moment, the sculptures suddenly moved, and they suddenly enlarged infinitely, looking extremely spectacular.

Originally, these sculptures were only a few meters high, but after this infinite magnification, they reached a height of 100 meters, and some even broke through to brown rice.

It completely blocked the sunlight for a while, making the entire earth appear gray and black and looked extremely depressing.

Those gluttonous rabbits also suddenly showed a maroon light in their eyes, and their eyes were full of red, as if they were full of blood.

The gluttonous rabbits have completely lost their cute appearance before, they look extremely fierce, and have a terrible feeling of special police, which makes people shudder, and the teeth of these gluttonous rabbits have also become extremely sharp.

The teeth sharpened at a speed visible to the naked eye, like the tip of a needle, and looked so sharp.

“click, click, click,

“click, click, click, click


Taotie gritted his teeth, and then rushed to the giant dragon demon!

The giant dragon demon hurriedly made a fishing attack, but he didn’t expect that the attack would be moved like a fist hitting cotton. It didn’t work at all, but it made these gluttons even crazier.

The gluttonous rabbit showed a fierce face, and bit those giant dragon demons mercilessly.

The giant dragons and demons screamed in pain, struggled hard and fought back. Although some gluttonous rabbits were knocked out, these gluttonous rabbits rushed up again.

The crazy rhyme of the gluttonous rabbit has just tasted the sweetness of these dragons and demons, and they “love” these dragons and demons even more.

When these gluttonous rabbits ate low-level abyss creatures before, they didn’t think much of it, they just tried to instinctively treat these guys as food, but the food was also divided into delicious or unpalatable.

These low-level abyss creatures below level 7 taste okay. Incredible.

If low-level abyss creatures are ordinary food, then these giant dragon demons are definitely delicacy.

The higher the cultivation base, the better the taste, and it has great benefits for these gluttonous rabbits, so the gluttonous rabbits naturally tasted the sweetness and charged them quickly, as if there were a lot of them in front of them. Like a lot of food.

“Damn, why do I feel like they’re treating us as food?

A giant dragon demon said displeasedly while trying to deal with the three gluttonous rabbits rushing over.

He actually saw that the eyes of those gluttonous rabbits were full of excitement, and the corners of their mouths also showed silver lines.

At this moment, he felt like a prey.

No, no, it’s food!

And it’s terribly tempting food!

Otherwise, how could these gluttonous rabbits show such an expression.

When he thought that these mysterious creatures actually used their great abyss army as food, the dragon demon had a cruel idea.

He fiercely attacked those gluttons, and the other giant dragon demons were not to be outdone, and launched fierce attacks one after another.

I plan to teach this gang of gluttonous rabbits a hard lesson!

But don’t want to, there is still a chance for them to attack.

Before their attack landed on the gluttonous rabbit, they were hindered by the “sculpture”.

“Sculpture” is like conjuring a lot of stone pillars like arms.

These stone pillars stood in front of the gluttonous rabbit, and a magical scene happened.

The rune attacks of the giant dragon demon were all absorbed by the stone pillar.

“I’m dying, what’s going on with this pile of stone pillars?”

“What the hell are these sculptures, who can tell me what to do with them! 33

Damn, what kind of monster is this?

“All of our attacks fell into the void!”

“Damn it, what the hell is something strange, why have I never seen it! 93

The dragon demon and other abyss believers were dumbfounded.

The pictures they saw today that shocked them were stronger than anything they had ever seen in their entire lives.

Let them once think that their life is in vain.

(Nuowang is a giant dragon) The demons were shocked, but the gluttonous rabbits seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and they rushed over to collect them.

The dragon demon, the abyss angel, and the believers received the whistle again, and they fought back one after another, trying to kill all these invaders.

But how could the mysterious army sent by Lin Yan be so easy to deal with?

The gluttonous rabbits devoured these abyss creatures fiercely, and those sculptures magically formed a copper wall and an iron wall outside.

Block the escape route of these abyss creatures.

What’s more outrageous is that the sculpture stretched out their “devil’s hand” to those angels dancing with white wings, as well as the huge and powerful dragon demons!

They were locked up tightly.

No matter how powerful they attacked, these “hands of demons” remained motionless, restraining them like iron chains, keeping them alive.

No matter how strong they are, it is difficult to escape the bondage!,

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