184; Invasion of the Abyss God Realm! Listen to thousands of seventh-order creatures? (1.2)

(The reason for the sudden attack. In addition to the end of the trial, it was also because Lin Yan and Hua Lingfan explored a broken abyss law, and after the trial, they had initially figured out the situation of guarding this abyss law. This one During the month of the Divine Realm, Lin Yan and Lei Lingfan are constantly testing. In fact, in this kind of Divine Realm battle, it is always the most appropriate to distribute more than a dozen incomplete law fragments in the corners of the Divine Realm. In this way, even if one side loses, the rest of the law fragments can still be preserved. However, in Lin Yan’s domain, there are mysterious buildings and mysterious terrains such as the stasis tower and the endless forest. A safe choice! After all, other believers are guarded by these two mysteries, so Lin Yan is not as relieved. Of course, Lin Yan is also full of mysterious creatures guarding the inside and outside of the Endless Forest and the Stasis Tower. The army, of course, still cannot be the entire army of Lin Yan and Hua Lingfan. Soon, Lin Yan assembled an army of mysterious creatures, and then descended the oracle and ordered the mysterious army to enter Hualingfan through the plane passage. Hua Lingfan’s earlobes were slightly rosy looking at the mysterious army that kept coming in. Although it was a war, this kind of opening the God’s Domain to the other party without reservation, and the other party also trusted the believers to transfer in. Actions in the realm of the gods are actually more intimate than physical communication. Because no matter which party, as long as there is a thought in their heart, they can easily bring a devastating blow to the other party. In the plane battlefield, although this is very difficult It is common, but it undoubtedly requires very deep feelings and incomparable trust on both sides. And she and Lin Yan, the first time they joined the cabinet and the Abyss Quasi-God to resist, did it to such a degree. IT……. each other The believers of Lingfan poured into their own divine realm. If this action is abstracted, it can be compared to another action… Thinking of this, the earlobe of painting Lingfan instantly turns red and can drip blood. However, when Lin When the mysterious army sent by Yan continuously poured into his divine realm, the face of Lingfan gradually became clear. The believers above the seventh rank are full of roughness! The average quasi-god, the believers of the seventh rank and above in the divine realm, are only about 100,000, and the millions of believers above the seventh rank can already be called the gap in the sky. Most third-year students are only at this level. Even within her divine realm, all believers above the seventh rank add up to a level of difficulty. Junior Lin Yan, this… There are more than 20,000 attacking troops?” Lin Yan… This is our first attempt to invade, so you have transferred so many high-level believers? The most important thing!” Lin Yan was stunned for a moment, then continued: “Don’t worry, Senior Sister, I’m fully prepared for the power of defense! 99

Lin Yan also knew the importance of this plane war. If he lost, I am afraid that the entire main world would become a vassal of the abyss and be conquered by the abyss.

From the historical experience of the main world,

Once conquered by the abyss, the fate of the main world will not be good.

These quasi-gods of the main world can only be reduced to believers or even slaves of the abyss gods.

And he is only a quasi-god now, not strong enough to be able to survive without fear of the abyss.

So Lin Yan knew very well that this battle could not be lost.

All the saved Faith Points are used to buy believers.

In the mysterious realm of the gods, the number of believers above the seventh rank, if the lizard beasts are also included, the number will definitely exceed 100 million!

Even if all of the attacking troops sent out are lost, it doesn’t matter.


This time, he also deliberately sent out some secretive beings of the defensive type, such as Little Peanut.

It was placed in the mysterious army, creating an appearance that the troops were not strong enough, and they were forced to enter!

“I’m not afraid that you won’t be fooled…”.

Lin Yan whispered to himself.

“That’s… well.”

Hearing Lin Yan’s words, Hua Lingfan could only helplessly say.

Since it was Lin Yan’s decision, she believed that Lin Yan naturally had her own considerations.


Lin Yan’s army of two million believers has been assembled.

In contrast, the army of believers in Hua Lingfan was much smaller, only more than two million, and the believers above the seventh rank were only one million.

But this is only the first wave of offense. Generally speaking, this is already a very strong lineup.

But compared to Lin Yan’s army of believers….

Looking at the dense and mysterious creatures, Hua Lingfan sighed silently.

“Then, Junior Lin Yan, let’s attack!

Hua Lingfan said softly.


Lin Yan also nodded slightly.

the other side.

In the two gods of the abyss.

The two abyss quasi-gods are still discussing business strategies.

“The most important thing right now is the quasi-god behind that strange and incomparable God’s Domain!”

The red-haired abyss quasi-god said: “Although the other quasi-god is powerful, we still understand it after all, but this quasi-god,

His expression turned serious.


Often represents the unpredictable, which makes him very uneasy.

The SWAT is that just relying on the army of believers to show the rhythm of the other party has already made him feel extremely difficult.

With the passage of time, those creatures similar to large lizards have become more and more powerful.

At the moment, the believers in his domain are basically unable to cause any harm to those big lizards.

It can only be temporarily controlled by believers who have the ability to control.

The key is,

If the other party really has this big lizard, it’s better to say,

Although it is impossible to break the defense, there are still restraint measures.

However, they didn’t know anything about the strength of that quasi-god!

It is far from knowing how many cards the opponent has left!

It is even more alarming that traces of the fragments of the law have been found.

This is what worries him the most.

“Don’t worry, those big lizard creatures will definitely not be too many.

The black-haired abyss quasi-god said: “We add up to two gods, but only a hundred heads. 19

The red-haired abyss quasi god nodded.

Believers of this kind of terrifying ability are generally not very good at breeding, and the number is absolutely small.

It also seems to be a rule that the stronger the ability, the lower the reproductive ability.

In addition to being born as a demigod race, no matter it is all biological groups on the material plane, even demons, angels, can’t escape this fate.

“Boom! 59

At this moment,

In his realm, the earth suddenly trembled.

“No! They’re attacking!

The complexion of the red-haired abyss quasi-god suddenly changed.

next moment,

The dense army of believers madly poured into his divine domain.

“Having launched an attack so soon? This is the time to observe the specific strength of that quasi-god.

The black-haired abyss quasi-god smiled and said.

However, the next moment

Looking at the dense army of believers, his complexion changed instantly.

These attacking troops…. the number has reached a dilemma!

Shouldn’t this be a tentative offense?

The other party directly sent so many believers to attack their divine realm?

Don’t you need to be stationed in your own God’s Domain, are you not afraid that they will directly attack the God’s Domain?


What about the extremely rare large lizards?

Seeing that there are more than four million in number, and more than one million inextinguishable lizards of the seventh rank and above, the two abyss quasi-gods suddenly fell silent.

The number of this special girl’s name is rare?

Are their previous inferences wrong?

How could there exist creatures with such powerful abilities and such terrifying ability to breed?

I am afraid that it is a giant dragon, and it cannot be compared with it!

“Impossible, these lizards may be similar in appearance..

The red-haired abyss quasi-god said solemnly.

However, the next moment

He was dumbfounded.

Because in the battlefield, when the big lizards who came to attack were attacked by the army of believers he left to garrison, the scars on their bodies healed at a crazy speed!

and after further questioning,

It will evolve the corresponding organs of rhyme, and when the same attack is encountered again, it will be able to completely resist!

“What kind of creature is this? 99

Seeing this scene, the red-haired abyss quasi-looked.

Why are there so many such powerful biological groups?


Although he was stunned, his reaction speed was also very fast.

The moment he sensed the invasion of the army of believers, he lowered the oracle of support and ordered other believers around him to hurry to support.

at the same time,

In a split second, he also came to a conclusion.

Among the army of believers who came to invade, there were at least a dilemma, and they were all sent by that strange God Realm.

At the same time, there is at least one jar of believers above the seventh order!

So soon,

The two abyss quasi-gods descended another oracle at the same time.

Ordered a large army of abyss creatures to quickly assemble and directly invade that strange divine realm.

After all, in their own divine realm, believers above the seventh rank are also difficult.

The strength of the opponent cannot be too much stronger than himself.

And now that the other party has sent so many believers to invade, there must be not many high-level believers who stay in their own God Realm!

in other words,

At this moment, the mysterious God Realm is very likely to be in an empty nest state!

In this kind of plane war, in theory, it should be very cautious to send troops to deal with it,

But the situation of the war is hard to change, and there are not many such precious opportunities.


Those sculptures, long and narrow humanoids, dark shadows, old men with slime on their bodies…

These believers, who are only suitable for the defense of the pavilion, have all come out to attack!


Both abyss quasi-gods decided to take risks!

“Aah, what is the empty city plan…

The black-haired abyss quasi-god whispered.


The two abyss armies were directly divided into two teams,

An army composed of more than 10,000 believers above the seventh rank passed through the other side of the God Realm and headed to the mysterious God Realm.

The other team was heading in the direction of the invasion of the mysterious army sent by Lin Yan and Hua Lingfan to support!

In the Abyss God Realm.

Because Lin Yan and Hua Lingfan’s army suddenly invaded on such a large scale,

The garrisoned abyss army could not resist at all.

Looking at the dense and mysterious army of Mi (Nuo Mo Zhao), the abyss creatures garrisoned, trembling all over.


With the oracle of the quasi-god in the abyss, they still forcibly calmed down and fought with the mysterious army.

But soon,

They found that they were far inferior to these invaders in terms of numbers and individual combat power!

SWAT are those big lizards, and human creatures with countless runes on their bodies, they are simply invincible!

The front was pushed forward continuously, even basically without any obstruction!


The abyss creature responsible for guarding here is desperate.


“Brush! 19


However, at this moment, countless piercing sounds rang out.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a powerful and unparalleled figure with outstretched wings rushing towards the battlefield.

“It’s a warrior of the fallen angels!

“Here comes the messenger of the gods! 33

“Go! Kill these invaders! 33


Seeing these figures, the originally desperate abyss creatures immediately screamed with excitement.

“A fallen angel race?

Lin Yan whispered.

Speaking of which, it was the first time he saw it.

These were originally angels, but after they were transferred to hell, they became fallen angels, and their fighting power was also extremely terrifying.

Unexpectedly, these abyss quasi-gods have actually cultivated such powerful creatures!

At this time,

Batch after batch of support troops also arrived.

The same powerful abyss army!

ps: I’m sorry I was too busy yesterday and didn’t update, but there will be a holiday in three days, and the author will make up for it.

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