171: Kill the gods in seconds! Shocked Li Changsheng! (4000 ask for your own decision!)

In the abyss plane.

The army composed of countless abyss creatures is frantically calling for the plane channel opened up by Lin Yan and Hua Yunfan.

Dozens of pseudo-gods, as well as local pseudo-gods, also showed extremely cruel smiles.

According to the battle reports from other areas, it was very difficult for the rest of the invaders to deal with the abyss life garrisoned in other areas.

And because according to the previous speculation of the pseudo-god of fate, they gathered this abyss plane and one-third of the abyss life here.

These intruders are bound to come and go!

“Even if the other party is strong, it should be more powerful than those invaders, otherwise there is no need to disperse so much.

A local pseudo-god said coldly: “Quickly solve these invaders, and then support other areas!

next moment,

The plane channel is open,

Dozens of false god-level believers of Gai Yunfan poured out of the plane channel.

“The invaders in this area are really strong-big!

The native pseudo-god of the abyss plane said solemnly.

these pseudo-gods,

It is comparable to the number of pseudo-god-levels they are stationed here!

“Then there should be a real god among the invaders.

“Fortunately, we have already made preparations..3

Several native false gods whispered.

Fortunately, they had already made preparations. Ten local pseudo-gods were stationed in this area. Even if the other party really had gods, they should not be their opponents.

The most important thing is that here they have the abyss life of the ninth-order can!

With such a terrifying number, who can resist?

However, the next moment

Tens of thousands of ninth-order mysterious beings swarmed from the plane passages.

All the abyss life was suddenly stunned, too scared to move.

There was also a terrified expression on his face.

“Actually…there are tens of thousands of ninth-order lives?”

A native false god exclaimed.

On this side of the abyss, the momentum instantly slumped.

Tens of thousands of ninth-order beings, their abyss planes add up, there are not so many!


Without any hesitation, Lin Yan directly issued the oracle.

The next moment, tens of thousands of ninth-order mysterious beings launched an attack in an instant.

“Fleeing is useless, these invaders will not let us go and resist with all their strength!”

A local pseudo-god descended the oracle: “Also, our demon warriors are the most powerful, so what if there are more than us?”

“Single strength is bound to be no match for our great demon warrior! 93

The laws he comprehended were spiritual laws, which had a great influence on life.

The abyss army has reunited the military heart and resisted.

But soon,

The hearts of all the natives sank again.

Because they discovered that these tens of thousands of ninth-order beings are not only numerous, but their individual combat power is also too strong!

Those lizards whose defenses are invincible and cannot be broken through almost any means…

There are also those humans who ride on the giant dragon demons and are covered in complicated runes. They take weapons from the inexplicable space, and their combat effectiveness is also terrifying.

The same is the ninth order,

The individual itself is a powerful and incomparable demon, but it is not a match for this kind of human beings at all!

in the battlefield.

Countless ninth-order abyss life, looking at the terrifying mysterious life around them, their faces are full of horror.


They discovered that there were several extremely special figures in the battlefield.

These figures seem to be somewhat similar to those terrifying human beings with strong fighting power, but they always have a kind smile on their faces, and they don’t seem to have any means of attack.


Compared to other monsters, this seems…a good target to bully.

As a result, they decisively launched Cain’s most violent attack.




Countless terrifying attacks hit Cain’s body.

next moment,

The expressions on the faces of these abyssal beings suddenly changed, and then they died directly under their own attack!

And those humans still had a kind smile on their faces.

Seeing this strange scene,

The other abyssal beings around were immediately horrified, and they turned their targets directly, never daring to attack Cain again.

However, in the face of other mysterious beings, they still have no power to fight back!


As many Scp-049 plague doctors become ninth rank, the speed at which they manufacture Scp-049-2 is getting faster and faster.

in the battlefield,

The corpses of countless abyssal beings stood up again and attacked their former companions.

So many undead creatures were suddenly stunned.

What the hell are these beings wearing weird costumes? Why do they have their own race-specific abilities?

Whether it is individual combat power,

or quantity,

The abyss life is far from being the opponent of the mysterious life.

As time went on, the war situation was basically one-sided.

There is fear in the hearts of countless abyssal beings.




There are abyssal beings trying to roar to dispel this fear.

Strangely, however,

They found that no matter how loud they roared, they could not make any sound!

These abyss life is suddenly a slot.

Then he roared again unwillingly, but still no sound came out.


They now continue to notice that the entire battlefield seems to be silent.


All the sounds were swallowed up!

Before they could figure out what was going on, the Ten Thousand Winged Angels had already fanned their wings and launched the most violent attack.

“These disciples of Junior Brother Lin Yan are too strong, they are also ninth-order beings, and they are far superior to demons!

Hua Lingfan was also a little surprised when he noticed the battlefield on the side of Lin Yan’s followers.

Although her followers also have some advantages, they are far from being like Lin Yan’s followers. They are a proper crush!

But even so,

But she carefully cultivated the pseudo-god-level Yunlai, each of which is also powerful and unparalleled. Although the number is not too different, it is far from these abyss pseudo-god-level, which can be compared.

In the abyss plane.

“It can’t go on like this… 93

The local pseudo-god said: “We must start in advance! 93

next moment,

Ten native false gods appeared at the same time.

The pseudo-god level is different from the local pseudo-god. Although the former is also a pseudo-god, it is not within its own plane after all. Although it is far beyond the ninth order, it cannot use the laws.

The latter can.

Moreover, any one of these ten local pseudo-gods has comprehended several laws, and in the local plane, has the combat power of ordinary lower gods.

Dozens of laws swept across the battlefield in an instant, and the battle situation was reversed in an instant.

However, before those abyss life had time to be happy,

Lin Yan and Gai Yunfan also launched an attack at the same time.

The real body descended into the abyss plane.

see this scene,

The ten local pseudo-gods did not talk nonsense, they were directly divided into two groups and launched an attack on Lin Yan and Hua Yunfan.

Hua Yunfan’s law of destruction is extremely domineering, even if he does not use the secret method Shiva’s Dance, it is not something that these local pseudo-gods can compare to.

On Lin Yan’s side, the battle was even easier.

Mystery came to be displayed at will, directly letting the five false gods who came to besiege him, and at the same time lost the connection with the law.

The expressions of the five false gods suddenly changed, and they became extremely frightened.

Immediately after the next moment,

Directly killed by Lin Yan easily.

“Hey! This junior Lin Yan seems to be much stronger than a month ago!

Seeing Lin Yan kill the five false gods so easily, Hua Yunfan couldn’t help taking a deep breath: “Or, a month ago, he was still letting me?”

Thinking about it, these two guesses are really possible!


In either case, Lin Yan’s younger brother’s talent is really terrifying.

shaking his head,

Hua Yunfan also killed the last local pseudo-god at will.

At this time,

Lin Yan and Lei Yunfan looked at each other at the same time and nodded.


Directly turned around and went to help other students.

“Strange…. Why did these abyssal beings only send a false god to besiege me?”

A third-year student wondered: “Could it be that the principal’s information is wrong and has been damaged before?”

He raised his head, looked at the three false gods that Lu was besieging, and said to himself: “If you don’t use the most consuming secret technique, in another minute, I will be able to kill these…

In order to save the divine power, he took the safest method and consumed it slowly.

After all, this is no better than a virtual god battle. After the divine power is used, it is really slow to recover.

At this moment,

He suddenly discovered that the attacking pace of the three false gods in front of him suddenly stagnated, and his face was instantly filled with expressions of horror.

I still don’t understand what’s going on,

A figure suddenly appeared,

next moment,

These three false gods directly shattered their bodies.


The third-year student was stunned.

He couldn’t help but look at the figure, frowned and said, “This seems to be… Junior Brother Lin Yan? 33

At this time,

Lin Yan also looked at him, nodded slightly, and went straight to the next area.

Then the junior was stunned on the spot.

“Fuck… is it really classmate Lin Yan?

“He he he… the battle on his side is over?”

“Moreover, he killed three false gods in seconds? And it seems that the consumption of divine power is not too big?”


This junior’s bread,

Couldn’t help but get weird.

he remembered,

Just now I have to work, I want to help my brother Lin Yan. …

So who is helping whom?

Open from the plane channel of Lin Yan and Hua Yunfan,

To the end of the battle, the total duration is only a day or two in the plane.

Several veterans who had been fighting all the time were dumbfounded.


A veteran couldn’t help swallowing: “This is really just a student? 33

Even Li Changsheng looked sluggish.

Kill five false gods in seconds,

The combat power Lin Yan showed was not even weaker than him.

So, they rope would be so shocked.

You know, they are veterans of many wars on the front line of the abyss!

The combat power of the other students, although not as good as Lin Yan at present,

However, it is not weaker than some veterans!

“No wonder the Lord God Hesen said, let these students get used to the abyss, and then they can directly enter the real abyss battlefield…

Li Changsheng couldn’t help muttering in despair.

At this time,

With the help of Lin Yan and Hua Yunfan, ten students of Imperial University have completely invaded this abyss plane.

And the eyes of the nine juniors looking at Lin Yan are also complicated.


The combat power of this junior Lin Yan is so strong!?

They originally thought that although Lin Yan’s talent was strong, compared to their current combat power, it should still be far from enough.

For a time, they couldn’t help but rejoice.

Fortunately, in the mid-season exam a month ago, Lin Yan met directly with Hua Yunfan, otherwise…they would have failed when they met Lin Yan!

“Very good! Classmates, your performance is far beyond my imagination!

At this time,

Li Changsheng took a deep breath and said, “Now that you are almost used to the environment of the abyss, then, according to the arrangement of the Lord God He Sen, you will directly enter the abyss battlefield!

Hear this sentence,

The ten students suddenly became excited.

abyss battlefield,

It is different from their direct invasion of this abyss plane. It is a real war, and the gods are all involved, and it is also the real combat environment of these veterans.

It is necessary to link the Divine Realm or the Divine Kingdom. If you are not careful, the Divine Realm will be in danger of being invaded!

“I won’t say more about the extra, in short, the war is not a daughter-in-law, everything must be obeyed!

After saying this,

Li Changsheng thought directly, and the law space created by He Sen changed the coordinates again.

next moment,

Lin Yan and other students have been hooked into an extremely vast plane.

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