After hearing what Whitebeard said, the old woman hesitated, not knowing whether she should say it or not.、

“explain!”Whitebeard’s spiritual pressure immediately filled the space, and the terrifying spiritual pressure suppressed the entire void, making the old woman feel that her soul was trembling. Now what the old woman was afraid of was saying:”He was originally a member of the giant race. Guy, later Poison Q and I caught him and we did an experiment on him!”

Poison Q is not an unknown guy.

He is known as the”God of Death” and is a doctor, but he always looks like he is terminally ill and dying. He rides a tall horse named”Zhuang Zhuang”.

Poison Q So he is famous all over the world because he once wrote a paper

Many people ridiculed the thesis” People can eat two Devil Fruits”. How could a person eat two Devil Fruits?

But Poison Q believed that he would be wrong. People must have the power of two Devil Fruits.

Poison Q was abandoned by the medical science in the sea, and then he went to who knows where.

I didn’t expect that Whitebeard II would be related to Poison Q.

Whitebeard’s eyes were cold:”Tell me, what kind of experiment is it?”

The old woman lowered her head and told what happened. Du Q is a doctor. Of course, a doctor can also be regarded as a kind of scientist. Du Q is different from other doctors. Du Q likes to study some strange things and make some strange things. Medical research that is not recognized by others.

Poison Q once imagined how a person could have the power of Whitebeard.

In the end, Poison Q conducted many experiments, but many people died one by one because they could not withstand Whitebeard’s energy and blood. In the end, Poison Q found the Giant Clan, cut off the head of a Giant Clan, then took out some organs from his body, and reinstalled new organs cultivated with Whitebeard’s blood. The

Giant Clan His vitality was stronger than that of ordinary humans, so Whitebeard II was born.

The side effect was that he lost his brain.

After Whitebeard heard this sentence, he didn’t know what to say. Zefa and others also looked at each other in confusion. Thinking that there is such a perverted medical scientist above the sea.

The old woman lowered her head

“Even so, he has organs cultivated with my blood, but he cannot be said to be my child. Your sin is unpardonable.”

White Beard pointed at the old woman again, and suddenly roared. His momentum was like a lion, making the old woman immediately kneel to the ground.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me since we are from the same hometown!”

The white monkey clenched his fists, but instead of using his own fists, he said coldly:”You don’t seem to remember my kindness!”

White Monkey also remembers now, who is this old woman?

This old woman is a neighbor of him, and his parents once agreed on a baby marriage, which means that this old woman and he should have been a couple. Yes, but this old woman disliked her poverty, so she ran away before she even got married.

White Monkey didn’t expect that this old woman would have the nerve to tell others that she had a son with him?

To this money-worshiping woman, a white beard is nothing It’s easy to say, now hit him directly with a fist. As one of the four emperors, Whitebeard is of course not a good man. With a punch, the old woman immediately turned into ashes under the spiritual pressure!

Look at the vitality of Whitebeard II. It is gradually disappearing, and in his mouth, he is still screaming wildly

“I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you all!”

“I am Whitebeard’s son!”

But his voice became weaker and weaker, and finally died completely. The reason why he had a beard like a white beard was because his body had mutated after the organs were installed.

He was a hybrid product!!!

White Beard After snorting, he turned around and left without thinking about Zefa. The navy and pirates were originally enemies, but Whitebeard and Zefa were also old acquaintances. Zefa was injured, and Whitebeard would naturally not take advantage of others to kill him. Zefa looked at Whitebeard’s figure and sighed.

The distance between him and Whitebeard was getting farther and farther.

Now Whitebeard’s power is many times stronger than before.

……After Whitebeard bought food in the town, he returned to Xuye Palace in the form of a ship.

Aizen also knew everything about what was happening in the town. Although he could be on the ship, his power was also watching the world.

When Xiao Nilu saw Baibeard coming back with a lot of things he bought, Xiao Nilu ran over happily, holding a chicken leg and a pig’s trotter and started to chew on it.

Aizen entered Xuye Palace. There were many buildings in Xuye Palace, for example, there was a wine cellar. Aizen took out a few bottles of wine from the wine cellar.

The wine of Xuye Palace is of course different from the wines in the world. The wine of Xuye Palace is brewed from the plants of the Great Xu Forest. In other words, there is no grass growing in Hueco Mundo. There are very few plants, but if there are As for plants, it goes without saying that the umami flavor of this plant is natural, and the taste of wine brewed from such plants is also self-evident.

After Whitebeard took a sip, he was hooked

“Guhahahaha……I didn’t expect that there was such a fine wine in Hueco Mundo. It was so enjoyable to drink.”Whitebeard laughed. What he loved most was drinking. When he was a pirate, he often drank. Later, his health became too serious, and Phoenix Marco and others forbade him from drinking too much. Now After becoming an Arrancar, this body was too strong, much better than a human body. Whitebeard felt that he could drink as much as he wanted from now on.

“Go drink to your heart’s content from now on, Whitebeard.” After Aizen took a sip of wine gracefully, he looked at Whitebeard and said,”You will have many different kinds of wine in the future. In the future, Hueco Mundo may not be connected to the same one. This world, but two worlds, three worlds…..”

“Guhahahaha……”Whitebeard laughed. He somewhat understood Aizen’s words, two in this world, three in this world……But there was something magical about this kind of thing, and he didn’t know what to say.

In addition to the world of the sea, are there other worlds?

Thinking about these questions, Whitebeard felt a little tasteless when he drank. The curiosity in his heart became more and more intense. He was not a timid person. He finally spoke, looked at Aizen and said:”Sir Aizen, your goal is What is it? The so-called Throne of Heaven?”

Shiro Xiu, who plays Aizen, smiled slightly.

“I won’t say too much to you, Gainute. All I can say is that the first step is to form the Ten Blades!!!”

“So who will be the Ten Blades? Do you have anyone in mind?”Whitebeard asked again._Fei

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