Whitebeard never expected that he just went to the town on the island to get some food, and encountered something that made him very depressed. People in this town hid in the houses one by one. On the long street, White Beard saw a man who was 6 or 7 meters tall, holding his Cong Yun Ya in his hand, and his face looked similar to his. A man with a white beard of about the same shape. This man’s upper body is very burly, but his lower body is ridiculously thin. Together, he looks like an idiot.

And this idiot is now shouting at the woman behind him:”Mom, this old man is so powerful. I fought with him from the sea to here, and I still can’t suppress him!” The woman he called mother looked at it with white beard. At first glance, I felt a little familiar, but I couldn’t remember anything.

And now the person that the mother and son want to target is Zefa.

Zefa tried his best to protect the students behind him, and then Zefa shouted at the mother and son in front of him:”You are so lawless. At this time, the whole world is in a stage of recuperation. How dare you do this?” Do”

“Rest and recuperation is just wishful thinking of your navy.

“The old woman had already shouted.

She had thick red lips, sunglasses, and a leopard print coat.

She was short in stature and had a vulgar look on her face.

She said coldly:”Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and Intangible.

The empire is indeed very powerful, but their three leaders have been seriously injured.

They said they want to recuperate and think that they may not appear in the world of the sea again within 100 years!

Your navy has been depleted of energy due to the battle at the top, and it has not recovered yet.

Now is the time for the pirates like us to become arrogant!

In her judgment, the attacks of the three leaders were so terrible. All three of them were injured. Such serious injuries will require at least 10 years of recovery, right?

The old woman gave another order:”Come on, son. Although he was able to fight you from the sea to this town just now, he is not your opponent. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Really? Mother? He really can’t beat me?”The pirate who had the same beard as Whitebeard asked happily like a fool.

Whitebeard hid in the dark and observed this scene carefully. In his opinion, Zefa really couldn’t beat this fool who had the same beard as him. , because Zefa is already old, and his energy and blood cannot support a long-term battle.

If it were a young Zefa, he would definitely not lose to this fool.

And the next moment Whitebeard heard a sentence, he was stunned, because The woman suddenly shouted and said with a proud face:”Of course he is not your opponent, because you are the son of me and Whitebeard. How can Zefa be your opponent?”

The eyes of the white-bearded man hiding in the dark almost fell to the ground in surprise. He couldn’t believe what his ears heard. He thought there was something wrong with his ears? No matter how hungry he was, he couldn’t What does it have to do with this short old woman, and it is impossible for him to give birth to such a bastard and a fool-like son.

Whitebeard was petrified at this moment and was shocked…….

And the fool had already shouted happily:”Okay mom, wait a minute, I will go over and chop this hateful guy to death!””

“Okay, go quickly, he is indeed the son of me and Whitebeard!”

This woman’s name is MI. Ba, and her son is named Whitebeard II by her. This woman named this fool Edward Will, using the Whitebeard family name, and the reason why they are here today is There is only one purpose, and that is to kill Zefa.

At this moment, the old woman’s chrysanthemum-like wrinkled old face showed a proud and obscene smile, and then looked at Zehua coldly and shouted:”Son, kill him!”

Second White Monkey Master nodded, went up, and came to Zefa in the blink of an eye. Zefa gritted his teeth and fought with Second White Monkey Master. Zefa’s students went to help Zefa. Ain has already She is no longer here. She has joined the Central Spiritual Arts Academy in the Soul Society. The remaining students of Zefa are still young and are no match for them.

Whitebeard II also does not take those naval soldiers in his eyes.

“How dare you fight me? Do you know that I am Whitebeard’s son?”

Whitebeard II looks stupid, but he is a cruel existence. The Cong Yun Ya in his hand was found by his mother from the ruins of the war by some unknown means.

Cong Yun Ya is the supreme sharp sword. One of the second workers, now his Cong Yun Ya is attacking a weak navy. The white beard in the dark is angry. Under his Cong Yun Ya, all the people who die are famous people, never the unknown people.

Cong Yun Ya is for Whitebeard was also his friend. How could Whitebeard let his friend drink the blood of no one? Thinking of this, Whitebeard immediately shouted loudly.

“Stop it!”Whitebeard’s spiritual pressure then spread out.

Whether it was the navy,

Whitebeard II, or everyone on the island, they were all suppressed at this moment and stopped what they were doing.

Whitebeard finally walked out step by step. Although everyone watching the live broadcast saw

Whitebeard’s resurrection , the crazy woman felt that Whitebeard would not come to the world, so she felt relieved and said that she was Whitebeard.

The bearded woman even said that she had a child with Whitebeard.

Whitebeard was wearing an Arrancar suit at the moment.

He stepped out step by step, giving people the impression that he was more majestic than when he was a pirate in the past.

Now the crazy woman His legs were trembling, and he didn’t know what to do.

Whitebeard II, looking at Whitebeard walking over, suddenly shouted happily:”You are daddy, right?”” Whitebeard’s face was silent.

Zefa looked at Whitebeard’s face that darkened, and knew that Whitebeard was angry.

But Whitebeard II didn’t know it, and called to Whitebeard again:”Dad


Whitebeard snorted, stretched out his hand, and used Ring Turn very quickly.

No one knows what happened.

Whitebeard’s skills are too fast.

Cong Yunya, who was in the hands of Whitebeard II just now, now falls into Whitebeard’s hands.

“Ah, daddy, how could you steal my toys?”Whitebeard II was angry. In ordinary families, fathers give things to their sons. Why is his family an exception? The father robs his son of his things?

Whitebeard II shouted,

“Shut up!”Whitebeard was tired of hearing this, and immediately shouted at Whitebeard II, _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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