Since the emergence of the Soul Society, the copy five old star feels that his life has taken a sharp turn and is gloomy. However, he feels that starting from today, his beautiful life is back. Now He took out a pistol and pointed it at Aizen. This pistol was the King of Heaven.

There are three ancient weapons with the title of”gods” that have existed since ancient times and can destroy the world. They are Pluto (Pluto), Poseidon (Poseidon), and Uranus (Uranus).

Many forces on the sea already know what Pluto is.

It is the most evil battleship in history. It was a super battleship once built by the Capital of Seven Waters. It can destroy an island with one shot!

And the King of Heaven has different changes due to different users.

In the hands of Copy Five Old Stars, it is a pistol.

This pistol is eerie and weird. This pistol itself contains some kind of power. The navy admirals present also frowned and felt chills all over. They just felt that they were replicating the five old stars.���It’s not a pistol at all, but a monster

“What exactly do you want to do?”The third Harribel was also injured in the battle with Bailegang, but she still protected Aizen behind her, pointed at the replica of the Five Old Stars and roared.

Aizen patted Harribel’s Shoulder, Harribel asked Harribel to step aside, and then he walked up and faced the Copy Five Old Star directly.

The Copy Five Old Star smiled coldly and began to fill the bullet, but saw that his bullet was blood red. Look carefully. , the eggshell is not metal, but a living thing. When the flesh and blood squirm, you can feel that it is a bullet made of flesh. It is really scary and weird.

“Could it be a bullet made by the Celestial Dragons?”Fo Zhi Warring States thought of some terrible fact and exclaimed.

The navy generals frowned, and the ordinary soldiers in the navy were frightened to death. Although the people in the sky were arrogant and domineering, the replica of the Five Old Stars made a living person. Bullets, this is really scary, right?

“That’s right, this is a bullet made from the Celestial Dragons. One bullet requires more than 300,000 Celestial Dragons. I squeezed them into shredded meat, and then continued to press them together to form this bullet. That’s all.”

Copy Five Old Star spoke coldly, not feeling that he had done anything wrong. He now had a deep smile on his lips, as if victory was right in front of him:”Yes, they are the descendants of the Creator, but their The role is just that. I am not trying to squeeze them into a bullet. Why should we protect the Tianlong people? They have received so many benefits, so there are some responsibilities they must pay.”

Now Copy Wulao Xing directly loaded this bullet into the King’s pistol. Immediately, the terrifying fluctuations emanating from the King’s pistol faintly caused the big pirate world, and everyone’s heart was trembling slightly. Copy

Wulao Xing The King of Heaven pistol in his hand. Now it is so terrifying that everyone is in disbelief. Looking at this pistol, no one can imagine that the true face of the King of Heaven is actually a pistol. However, this is not an ordinary pistol. There is something in it. The power faintly emanated from the Heavenly King’s Shoutian, making everyone feel unfathomable.

“It seems that Aizen of Hueco Mundo is going to die here today!” Akainu compared Aizen’s strength with the strength of the copy of the Five Old Stars who is currently holding the Uranian pistol. Aizen has been seriously injured. It seems that he should not have The King of Heaven copied the opponent of the Five Old Stars

“Is Aizen really going to die?”Teng Hu said with emotion. His tone could not be told whether he was happy or sad. After all, he once really regarded Aizen as his confidant.


People all over the world did not expect that things would change like this. After Yhwach left, the five old clone stars actually stepped onto the stage and targeted the seriously injured Aizen like this. I am afraid that this Hueco Mundo The Lord is about to fall here.

Doflamingo and Dar, who had always wanted to join Hueco Mundo, were now staring at the live broadcast seriously, fearing they would miss something.

They hoped that nothing happened to Aizen and that Aizen would cooperate.

What he said about copying the Five Old Stars was ridiculous, but once he won, he would go wild!

When the time comes, he will provoke Soul Society and the Invisible Empire, and he will want to conquer Hueco Mundo, Soul Society, and the Invisible Empire.

The Five Old Stars are a group of guys who cannot recognize the facts.

Once they have power, they feel that they are superior.

If the Five Old Stars continue to hold power,

Doflamingo, Crocodile and others feel that the world will be buried with them…….

“go to hell!”

“The glory of the Five Old Stars is back starting today!”

After copying the brainless shout, he fired the Heavenly King pistol in his hand. Suddenly the bullet turned into a black light and shot out from the muzzle of the Heavenly King pistol. It rose up against the storm and turned into a terrifying bolt in an instant. The black light flew through the air. But wherever it looked, everything was faintly divided into two.

Aizen in front also pulled out his Zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu, and immediately collided with the bullets of the Tenno pistol. , in an instant, a strong wind rose, and the next moment, the Zanpakutō collapsed. The bullet from the Tenno pistol hit Aizen, and the blood in Aizen’s chest began to float away. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Aizen squatted down, Aizen squatted down. Aizen was injured, and then his body turned into a spirit and began to disappear.

People all over the world were shocked when they looked at this scene. One of the three legendary super ancient weapons, the King of Heaven, was indeed terrifying, and Aizen was completely unbeatable. It was the Zanpakutō. Was also completely crushed

“People before the live broadcast have seen it now. Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the Invisible Empire are nothing at all!”

“Under my power, they will all disappear.”

Copy Five Old Star is now shouting excitedly in front of the live phone bug. He feels that all the glory will come back.

He will be an invincible existence.

He is undefeated. He defeated Aizen today. He was once able to rebuild. The prestige of the World Government, next, is to defeat the captain of the Gotei 13, and finally defeat Yhwach, who is known as the emperor…….

Copy the ambition of Wulaoxing at this moment…… but,


The next moment, a knife came from behind Copy Five Old Star.

Copy Five Old Star’s eyes widened and he vomited blood!

The opponent pulled out the knife.

Copy Five Old Star felt that his life force was losing.

Copy Five Old Star turned around with difficulty. , but saw Aizen standing behind him,

“Just now……Just now…….”Copy Wulaoxing didn’t believe it. He opened his mouth, but lost all his strength and couldn’t say a complete sentence.

“Everything just now was just an illusion in the mirror.”

Aizen said calmly.

Copy the five old stars, die!

But the matter did not end there.

Aizen looked at Buddha’s Warring States and others._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP!

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