Invisible empire?

Buddha’s Warring States Period and others frowned, what kind of force is this?

They had never heard of it at all.

However, after feeling the pressure that was no less than that of the captain and Aizen, Buddha Sengoku and others looked at each other. They, the senior navy officials, only felt that they were in trouble.

The first half of his life seemed to be nothing, similar to that of generals from other eras, but what happened to the second half of his life?

Soul Society!

Hueco Mundo!

Now there is another invisible empire

“No, I want to resign. If this matter is over, I must resign.”

Buddha’s Warring States Period has only one thought in his mind now. He feels that he can no longer serve as the marshal of the navy. It’s too terrible!

Who knows what will happen to the sea next?

At this moment, listening to the words of the captain”Bai Xiu” slowly He started telling it,

“Yhwach organized the first Star Cross Knights thousands of years ago to plan an attack on Soul Society. They were defeated by me and fell into a deep sleep.

Because the Kyon that was destroyed by the Quincy completely disappeared, affecting the balance of souls, Soul Society launched an attack on the Quincy 200 years ago. The division carried out a massacre, but Soul Society may have concealed the fact!” As the commander-in-chief”Bai Xiu” said this, he looked at the figure at the highest point in the sky and said:”I didn’t expect him to appear again..”

Kingraku Shunsui and the others did not expect that the person who appeared would be a Quincy…….

But considering that his captain was able to defeat Yhwach once, he should be able to do it this time too, right?

“You seem to want to defeat me, but I am already invincible.”

The voice of Yhwach resounded again.

Shiro Xiu’s body plays the role of Yhwach, and the spiritual pressure envelopes the world of pirates.

At the same time, this spiritual pressure also descends on Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

The Soul Society Some of the squad members looked solemn, and the students from the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts looked at each other with stunned expressions.

Within the Hue Circle,

Whitebeard and Grimmjow also looked at each other, not knowing what to say. What, this spiritual pressure is so terrifying……

“The window period is over, it’s time to sit on the throne of heaven…it’s me”

“”Aizen” snorted, and headed towards Bach higher up in the sky.

However, at this time, Yhwach used his own spiritual power to summon several giant spear-like weapons in mid-air. A huge spiritual bow with arrows, an arrow formed by gathering spirit sons, instantly went towards Aizen’s jade power.

The power of the jade disappeared, and the arrows came towards Aizen. Aizen snorted. With a sound, the Zanpakuto in his hand struck the arrow, and the Quincy’s arrow disappeared.

However, from this round of confrontation, everyone could see clearly that

Aizen was at a disadvantage……People watching the live broadcast all over the world are excited now. They never expected that Aizen, who merged with Bengyu, was so powerful, but he couldn’t defeat Yhwach. Instead, Milan Ran was defeated in the first round. Already at a disadvantage.

The power of Yhwach is self-evident.

People all over the world want to see the face of Yhwach clearly, but now Yhwach is standing at the highest point in the sky. The live phone bug cannot see clearly what Yhwach looks like, even on the isolated island at the scene Yes, even the people in Buddha’s Warring States Period couldn’t see clearly what Yohabach looked like.

At the highest point in the sky, the spiritual pressure belonging to the Quincy continues to expand.

“From today on, both Soul Society and Hueco Mundo will belong to the territory of my invisible empire.”

Yhwach spoke calmly, and his voice resounded in the three worlds of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo at the same time.

Yhwach’s spiritual pressure is still expanding.

At this moment, the sword-like swastika has been withdrawn. Because if the swastika continues to appear, the world will be destroyed. The Zanpakutō now in the hands of the captain Bai Xiu is just the swastika…….

“Yhwach, don’t be too arrogant. I could defeat you once, but now I can only defeat you a second time.”

Bai Xiu’s voice echoed from the sky and the earth in the world, and at the same time, boundless spiritual pressure came from Bai Xiu. erupted from his body, completely tearing Yhwach’s spiritual pressure apart……Shattered.

Although Bai Xiu had withdrawn the swastika of the chopper, the flame of the swastika was still burning in the space. Everyone felt frightened. The remaining flames contained an unspeakable power. This kind of power is vast and boundless, with infinite pressure, as if it can be burned to release.

Now, Yhwach’s voice continues to say hoarsely:”The captain of Todosui Sian and the Lord of Hueco Mundo, you just fought a battle.””Obviously, it is no longer in its heyday, and I am waiting for work. It seems that I won this time!!!”

Yhwach’s voice continued to ring in the world, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, calling everyone My heart is condensed. According to what Yhwach said, it seems that the captain of the Gotei 13 and the Lord of Hueco Mundo Aizen really can’t defeat this Yhwach.

“The spirit son condenses the flame.”

Yoha Bach didn’t say anything nonsense. Now he stretched out his finger. The spirit son was burning, turning into a blue flame, releasing extremely destructive high temperature. It was Yhwach in”Death”. Led by Bach, the Knights of the Star Cross. One of the unique skills that contributed to Soul Society

“You will lose to the power of the Quincy.”

The blue flames did not bloom completely, but the power of this flame has made the people in the world, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo feel endless pressure.

“Captain, your power is higher than that of Yhwach, but you can no longer use Swastika. Otherwise, Hueco Mundo will be destroyed, whether in this world or in Soul Society. But if you just use it, it will be destroyed. Yes, you can’t be his opponent.”Aizen sighed with emotion and said this suddenly.

No one knows that the current”Yuhabach”,”Bai Xiu” and”Aizen” are basically the same person.

Bai Xiu is now cooperating with Aizen to speak, with a look of justice on his face:” You seem to have some ideas.

Aizen said calmly:”Let’s go together.””


At this moment, people watching the live broadcast are not only people in the real world, but also Soul Society’s Shinigami and Hueco Mundo’s Arrancar.

I didn’t expect Soul Society and Hueco Mundo to join forces one day?

After looking at each other,

“”Bai Xiu” nodded,

“”Hakushu”‘s Zanpakutō was already aimed at Yhwach.

“The same is true for”Aizen”.

Yhwach, who is at the highest point in the sky, has an expressionless face. Behind him, there is terrifying spiritual pressure surging. Looking at”Bai Xiu” and”Aizen”, his indifferent voice sounds:”What should be done A closure.”

The cyan flame burned completely, and then went directly towards”Bai Xiu” and”Aizen”, _Fei

Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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