Balegang In his memory, he once ruled Hueco Mundo and was the only king of Hueco Mundo. Because of the arrival of Aizen, his status was taken away. Thinking of this, Balegang He was even more angry. He knew that it was really difficult for him to defeat Aizen, but Aizen was stupid and actually handed over Bengyu to them. Bailegang felt that as long as he got Bengyu, he could completely overpower Aizen. above.

Thinking about it in Balegang, this is 100% achievable. You must know that the captain of the Soul Society has already personally taken action. If the captain of the Gotei 13 fights Aizen, both sides will definitely lose. At that time, Bailegang felt that if he got the jade, he could not only take back Hueco Mundo, but he could also wipe out the Soul Society in one fell swoop.

He didn’t know that the jade was completely created by the system. He would only listen to Bai Bai If Shuu was alone, he didn’t even know that the captain of the Gotei 13 and Aizen were actually the same person.

Bailegang was extremely excited now. He knew that he must give Bengyu more powerful power as soon as possible, plunge everyone in this world into despair, and let Bengyu absorb enough negative energy.

When the time comes, he will be able to defeat the captain of the Gotei 13 and Aizen with the Hongyoku in hand.

“Decay, Skeleton King.”

So as soon as Balegang took action, he used all his strength and began to return to the sword.

After returning to the blade, he completely turned into a skeleton. His whole body was covered with black flames.

Now Balegang looks extremely strange.

The aura of death burning all over Balegang’s body now spreads out from him, covering the entire world of the sea.

Akainu and others’ expressions changed greatly, because they could feel the aura of death contained in Balegang’s body at this moment. What a terrifying power, such a power is enough to wipe out the entire sea world. The image of Balegang reminds the navy of Brooke from the Straw Hat Pirates, but this Brooke only has a somewhat similar image to Balegang. It is a talking and walking skeleton.

The power of Bailegang is so strong that even the hidden replica of the Five Old Stars was frightened.

“Go together!”What Akainu didn’t expect at this moment was that there was a trace of timidity in his heart. This was something Akainu would not allow. When he was angry at himself, he would feel a trace of fear. Now his face changed drastically and he shouted loudly.

He didn’t allow himself to back down.

In fact, he didn’t need to say anything. Qing Pheasant, Teng Hu Yixiao, Green Bull, Golden Emperor, etc. at the temporary naval headquarters base, as well as many lieutenant generals and major generals, all roared together, and then the energy in their bodies The power surged, and the surrounding space was torn apart one by one. One after another, the special moves were directed towards Bailegang, the first blade Stark, and the third blade Harribel in mid-air.

“devil fruit awakening ice age”

“The Devil Fruit awakens and the meteorite arrives!”

“The devil fruit awakens and explodes the volcano!”


So many people are now taking action at the temporary naval headquarters base. The momentum is very scary and terrifying.


Under the nervous gazes of Chi Quan and many others, the attack formed by the awakened power of their Devil Fruit collided with the death aura of Balegang in front of them. boom!

At the moment of the powerful impact, an indescribable shock wave raged across the entire ocean, moving in four directions with this place as the center. Dozens of islands were submerged in one time, and the space was torn apart.

Finally, the smoke in the air dissipated, and it was seen that Bailegang was only like bones, without any damage at all.

The power gathered by the Devil Fruit awakenings of Akainu and others just now cannot shake the second blade of the Ten Blades, Balegang. hiss!

Now in the navy headquarters, Akainu and the others couldn’t help but gasp, and their faces turned pale.

No matter what, I never imagined that the power of so many strong men could not harm each other.

“Has the end of the world really come?”Akainu roared angrily, with a strong look of despair in his eyes.

“Akainu, don’t let me look down on you. As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, we shouldn’t give up!”

Aokigu saw Akainu like this. Although they were targeting each other, Aoki still shouted angrily, hoping that Akainu would cheer up. Akainu came back to his senses, nodded towards Aoki, gritted his teeth and said:”You’re right, I shouldn’t give up”

“Everyone in the world, listen to me, feel the incomparable despair right now!”

Bailegun is now a skeleton, and his voice is hoarse and horrifying. He exhales a long sigh filled with the breath of death. This breath is the sigh of death, directed towards Akainu and others below. When people invaded, this sigh of death had not yet arrived.

The flowers and plants on the island quickly began to become hypocritical, and the green color disappeared.

The island instantly turned into a gray color.

Some weak naval soldiers , as if their flesh and blood had been extracted directly, they fell to the ground, like mummies.

Akainu and others looked at each other, and immediately stepped on the moon steps one by one, each using their own abilities, and immediately escaped from the island, doing At this step, Akainu felt at ease. After all, he was a man who could kill his own navy soldiers for the mission.

But Aokiji and Fujitora felt uncomfortable when they smiled.

As soon as the generals left, the remaining navy soldiers on the island , they were stupid, they couldn’t escape.

Even if some of them could moonwalk, they couldn’t run on the sea for a long time with moonwalk, which meant that they were dead.

However, just when the sigh of death came completely when,

“Scatter, Senbonzakura Kageyan!”

“Clear away insects in hundreds of ways, and add crickets like crazy!”


The world-traveling gate opened, and the gods of death appeared.

They also felt the power of Bailegang, and they were relieved immediately!

The power of the Zanpakuto Swastika immediately collided with the sigh of death. The sea seemed to be trembling, the space collapsed crazily, the forces canceled each other out, and disappeared one by one.

The navy soldiers did not expect that the one who saved them would be the God of Death.

They looked at the God of Death gratefully and felt that if the Navy Headquarters asked them to deal with the God of Death, they would not do such a thing again.

If the God of Death had not come, they would definitely die. , and the world is now facing a huge disaster.

There is no doubt that at such a moment, the figure of the God of Death, Yuan Ting Yue Zhi, is like a pillar supporting the sky, which can turn the tide and save the world…….

They are the hope of the world.

Bailegan’s expression was not very good. He looked at the first blade Stark and the third blade Harribel. He did not recognize his identity. Instead, he said in a condescending tone:”Let’s go together.”

Feilu reminded You: Three Things to Do in Reading – Collection, Recommendation, and Sharing

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