【Yhwach’s template and subsequent tasks will become a bit novel. Because the task is only 10% completed, so Yhwach’s template only appears for 10%, just the head part. As long as you complete this task thoroughly, there will be Habach’s template will appear completely naturally! 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Bai Xiu nodded slightly.

At the same time, Bai Xiu’s consciousness entered Xuye Palace again. You must know that both Soul Society and Hueco Mundo were created by Bai Xiu and the system, which means that his consciousness is omnipresent in these two worlds.

He is the Creator!

Now in Xuye Palace.

Bai Xiu’s consciousness began to play the role of Aizen, and his voice resounded in every room in the inner hall of Xuye Palace.

“Ulquiorra, how are you doing now?”

This was Aizen’s voice.

Ulquiorra was shocked. He didn’t see Aizen at all, but heard Aizen’s voice. Ulquiorra immediately said respectfully:”Thank you, Lord Aizen, for your concern. , at this moment, the potential in my body has been completely stimulated, and the body burned by the Blade Ruohuo has been completely repaired. I really didn’t expect such incredible power to exist.”

Aizen’s voice continued to ring in the space, his tone was light and domineering.

“Yes, this is the greatness of Bengyu. Bengyu has incredible abilities.”When Bai Xiu brought Whitebeard to Xuye Palace last night, he also brought Ulquiorra to this inner hall, where Bengyu was stored.

Under the light of Bengyu, Ulquiorra recovered.

“Bengyu can completely break the impossibility of everything and create new possibilities in it.”

Aizen’s voice came out faintly in the space again.

“Ulquiorra, now go and notify the other Ten Blades to come to the meeting! There will be a big battle next!”

Hearing Aizen’s words in the space, Ulquiorra’s expression still did not change at all. He nodded and left. A moment later

, in the main hall of Xuye Palace, a group of people stood Then came the Arrancar.

They were the Ten Blades.

The first one was Keyatei Stark. His attribute was”Loneliness”. His power was soul splitting and infinite virtual flash. The second one was Balegang Rui. Senbang’s attribute is”aging” and his ability is the decay of all things. The third ranked one is Tiya Helibel. His attribute is”sacrifice” and his ability is waterfall and water control!

The fourth ranked one is Ulchiobra.The fifth place is Nnoitra Gilga, whose attribute is”Despair”, and his ability is the strongest defense. The sixth one is Grimmjow. The attribute is”destruction”, his ability is strength and speed, and the seventh one is Zo Mari Lulu,”Intoxicated”, his ability is manipulation, he is also the fastest moving among the ten blades, ranked eighth and ninth, already dead under the fire blade.

The tenth ranked is Xin. The Arrancar Whitebeard.

Grimmjow, he has always felt that power is the greatest. He glanced at the new Ten Blades No. 10 Whitebeard with disdain. He originally wanted to challenge this Whitebeard, but felt that he He was definitely stronger than Whitebeard. Grimmjow had no interest in provoking a weakling. He immediately looked at Ulquiorra who was falling across the way.

“I heard that Aizen-sama asked you to announce that Hueco Mundo is about to invade the present world, but you escaped back in embarrassment. Oh, you usually look arrogant. I thought you were very capable, but I didn’t expect you to be really capable. Embarrass us!”

After listening to Grimmjow’s words, Ulquiorra still lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Ulquiorra’s dead look made Grimmjow snort even more, with impatience revealed in his eyes. Just when I want to continue talking

“Grimmjow, you talk so much, do you think it is you who should take charge of the Night Palace?!”

Bai Xiu is not here at all at the moment.

But his consciousness is everywhere, and his consciousness plays the role of Lan Lan.

Aizen’s figure did not appear, but his voice echoed in the hall.

Hearing Aizen’s voice, Ge Grimmjow’s eyes narrowed.

Grimmjow once provoked Aizen, but was instantly defeated by Aizen’s spiritual pressure. He was no match for him.

Thinking of this, Grimmjow couldn’t help lowering his head and gritting his teeth. Said:”I…I don’t have that idea!”

Aizen’s voice continued, with a hint of gentleness at this time:”Yes, you should always be gentle like this, it’s good for everyone!”

Then Aizen’s voice said with a hint of domineering:”The war between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo has begun, because the captain of Soul Society has now gradually approached Xuye Palace!”

Thinking of the terrifying hot spiritual pressure just now, the expressions of the Ten Blades all changed obviously. The spiritual pressure just now was too terrifying.

When they thought of dying in a fight with such a guy, they had no confidence.

However, they thought of Aizen, Aizen With the power of Hongyoku, Hueco Mundo may not lose to Soul Society.

“Now our primary goal has not changed, attack the present world!”Bai Xiu had to do this. This scene must be played well. Aizen must be defeated, but not in Hueco Mundo, but in this world.

“Soul Society is too bold to attack us Hueco Mundo, we Hueco Mundo can’t just turn a blind eye!”

After hearing Aizen’s words, the second blade’s cold voice also came out, with obvious disdain in his single eye.

“As long as Aizen-sama can hold back the captain of the Gotei 13, we can take care of the people around him!”

Although he also called Aizen”sir”, there was no hint of admiration in his tone.

Everyone knows why.

Second Blade, his subordinate officers called him Your Majesty.

He turned out to be Xu. The ruler of the circle.

Of course, Nishizumi in this world was originally created by Hakushu, who played Aizen. But the memory in the second blade’s mind was still the memory in the Shinigami world. He wanted to take it with his own hands day and night. Aizen’s life, he hated Aizen to the extreme,

“Do I want to fight that captain? How to fight? This is my thing.”

The voice of Bai Xiu, who plays Aizen, continues to sound.

Bai Xiu knows that several Ten Blades will die in this battle. There is no other way. If he is not a loyal guy, he will die if he dies.

“Next, let me tell you something. Stark, Balegang, and Harribel, you three will follow me to invade the world! Bengyu needs to become stronger.”

In the original work”Death”, Aizen wanted to attack Karakura Town for the king!

But this time, Aizen wanted despair and other negative energy emotions to make Bengyu reach a higher level.

“The remaining people stay in Xuye Palace and hold back those from Soul Society. You……Can it be done?”

Aizen’s voice suddenly became indifferent.

And how do the Ten Blades answer this question?

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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