Whitebeard was one of the four emperors in the past. No one expected that he would become the Ten Blades he is today.

Buddha’s Warring States Period, Garp and others were shocked, and Auntie, one of the Four Emperors, also widened her eyes.

No one on the sea thought that Whitebeard would get such a blessing.

What did Buddha’s Warring States think about, and he almost vomited blood. In the battle on top, so many people were sacrificed in order to defeat Whitebeard and eliminate Whitebeard. But now Whitebeard is resurrected and becomes one of the Ten Blades. So what he made in Buddha’s Warring States is What is the battle plan at the top?

Helped Whitebeard?

The Admiral deceived one of his own people?

The Admiral is actually a spy placed by Whitebeard in the Navy?

Thinking of this, Buddha’s Warring States face turned blue and white.

There are two people among them who have relatively big mood swings, one of them is Doflamingo

“Why did Aizen choose Whitebeard instead of me?”

Now in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, Doflamingo is walking around very impatiently.

He also wants to get the power of the Hollow to take himself to a higher level, but he can’t find anyone with the same strength as the Hollow. Opportunities for collaboration

“Young Master, there are actually some ways. As long as you can enter Hueco Mundo, then you can sell some information to Hueco Mundo. If this is the case, Aizen can agree to you joining the so-called Hueco Mundo.”Miya”

Hearing his subordinate’s words, Doflamingo nodded with a smile. Now his younger brother Corazon is already a student of Soul Society’s Central Spiritual Arts Academy, and they have both awakened the Zanpakutō. Although Doflamingo Lumingo has never fought the current Corazon, but Doflamingo knows that he cannot be Corazon’s opponent. His Zanpakutō makes Doflamingo very afraid.

“Without further ado, I must go to the Buddha’s Warring States now and ask to join them in their conquest of Hueco Mundo.”

Doflamingo immediately left the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

His white lines were tied to the clouds in the sky, allowing him to fly on the sea.

Just like Doflamingo was holding The one who had the idea was Crocodile.

He and Doflamingo arrived at the Navy’s temporary headquarters base at the same time.

They asked to join the conquest of Hueco Mundo, but the Warring States Period of Buddha was not a fool.

Crocodile, Dover What Brother Lang Ming and the others do cannot be hidden from the Buddha’s Warring States at all.

If it were not for the sake of the overall situation, it would be impossible for the Buddha’s Warring States to turn a blind eye.

In fact, the Buddha’s Warring States is always smarter than they think. Regarding Doflamingo and Crocodile’s thoughts, Buddha’s Warring States also saw it, and he directly rejected the two people.

Doflamingo and Buddha’s Warring States gritted their teeth, but there was no way. Buddha’s Warring States as a pirate world The commander-in-chief of the alliance.

Doflamingo and Crocodile could only leave with desolate figures.

Things would not end so easily.

After Doflamingo returned, he vented his anger on the people of the kingdom..

After Crocodile returned, he seemed to have turned into a shrew and smashed everything in the room.

In a blink of an eye, the night passed, and dawn appeared!

Buddha’s Sengoku and others came to O’Hara again. , here Vegapunk and Urahara Kisuke have appeared, and they have prepared directional black guns.

Vegapunk and Urahara Kisuke have even met each other very late!

They have regarded each other as confidants. Many people felt that the other party was their rare friend and opponent on the road of science.

When Buddha Warring States saw this scene, they wanted to vomit blood.

Originally, Bai Xiu asked their naval headquarters to hand over Vegapunk.

, Buddha’s Warring States Period felt distressed.

He wanted to add Punk, who is the world’s leading scientist, but facing the powerful Soul Society, Buddha’s Warring States Period had no choice but to add Punk and hand it over.

At the same time, Buddha’s Warring States Period felt that You can ask Vegapunk to help, act as a spy, help the Navy Headquarters get Soul Society training methods, etc.

, so that the people in the Navy Headquarters can also awaken the Zanpakutō, but when I saw this scene today, Buddha Sengoku knew Vegapunk now completely belongs to the Soul Society.

Bai Xiu is too lazy to pay attention to what Buddha’s Warring States is thinking.

Now Bai Xiu gives an order,

“”Let’s go.”

Shirosu took Unohana Retsu, Kyōraku Shunsui, and Ukitake Jūshirō, while on the side of the Ocean Alliance, they sent out Buddha’s Sengoku, Garp, revolutionary Ryu, and the Yonko Aunt.

They walked into the black within the cavity,…..Hueco Mundo!

The boundless gray desert was full of dead branches and boulders. Some small animals were crawling in the desert. But at this moment, they noticed something. They speeded up in an instant and fled in a hurry. The animals were more fragile than ordinary animals. Animals possess terrifying power and intuition.

After a few breaths, no animal exists within a hundred feet. At the same time, the space splits, revealing the black inside. This is the Technology Development Bureau, Director Urahara Kisuke, Deputy Director The directional black chambers and black chambers produced by Nirvana, Vegapunk

, etc. are actually similar to the boundary gates, but the destination is different.

The black cavity can be said to be the door to Hueco Mundo.

Now, Bai Xiu and others walked out of the black cavity. When they saw the pale and desolate Hueco Mundo, Buddha Zhi Sengoku and others looked at each other.

Here, they actually felt many existences that could rival them.

Hueco Mundo ,horrible!

Buddha’s Warring States and others couldn’t help but say this in their hearts,

Bai Xiu said calmly:”We have only one purpose, and that is Xuye Palace.” Bai

Xiu immediately looked in one direction, and as Bai Xiu took steps, Buddha’s Warring States Wait for nature to follow.

Hueco Mundo!

It’s a cruel world.

The animals here are cautious, but the animals in general are free to act recklessly. They don’t know the difference in strength. They only know how to eat and kill……

Bai Xiu and others headed in the direction of Xuye Palace. Not long after walking, something happened!

The tyrannical spiritual pressure suddenly descended and enveloped Bai Xiu and others.

Bai Xiu’s face was calm.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of Hollows appeared.

But the spiritual pressure does not come from these voids, but from another existence. The spiritual pressure wants to suppress Bai Xiu and others.

The spiritual pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and

Bai Xiu’s face is dull.

But when they looked closely at the Buddha’s Warring States period, their faces were pale. They didn’t expect that they had been defeated without even seeing the enemy’s face.

Maozhihua felt it and said:”This power, in the On top of Kilian!”

Jingraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jushiro looked around this person, and finally, those virtual ones gave way to a path, with short black hair and slanted bangs. The Arrancar with light purple eyes and the remaining mask on his left head came out,

“I was ordered to take you to meet your parents!”

She has an extremely bad personality._

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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