Kashiwamura Zuozhen’s image is also the most eye-catching among the gods of death. It is not that he is more handsome, but he is a special existence among the gods of death. He has the head of a dog,

Now the Kashiwa Village Left Formation came in front of Buddha Sengoku and others, staring at them coldly.

Buddha’s Warring States Period and others were terrified, fearing that the Baicun Left Formation would suddenly attack them. If this is really the case, Buddha Zhi Sengoku and others know that they must die, and there is no way they can be the opponent of the God of Death.

“You blind fellows are actually deceived by Aizen. I have never seen you so stupid.”

The Kashiwa Village Left Formation roared at the Buddha’s Sengoku and others at the first moment.

The Buddha’s Sengoku and the others bowed their heads one by one, ashamed. Thinking of their thoughts about Aizen, they also felt ashamed. No matter it was Everyone thinks that Aizen is a first-class good person, so gentle, so kind, and a perfect candidate for the future navy marshal.

Who would have thought that Aizen has the heart of a tyrant?���, trying to sit alone on the throne of heaven and control everything

“Okay, stop talking.”Bai Xiu looked at this scene and just wanted to laugh for some reason, because in the original plot of the God of Death, the ignorance of Buddha’s Warring States and others should be focused on the left formation of Bai Village, but the plot of the left formation of Bai Village seemed It came to Buddha Sengoku and others, especially the concept of partiality came to Fujitora Isho.

As the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, Shiro Xiu stopped talking nonsense. Now after glancing at everyone, That is to say,

“I won’t say anything more to you now. I’ll just briefly explain the current situation.”

“Aizen has already created Bengyu, which is gradually approaching perfection. If he succeeds, Soul Society will also be affected!”

When they heard the words Bengyu, the people in the navy suddenly thought of the last ball thrown by Aizen during the battle at the top, which could actually withstand the blade of Captain Bai Xiu. Ruohuo, obviously that is the so-called Bengyu. It is really powerful!

What did Garp think of? He even asked Bai Xiu doubtfully:”It seems that Aizen took out the Bengyu from Ace’s body.” , but why is there Bengyu in Ace’s body?”

Can Bai Xiu say it was because of the system? But Bai Xiu shook his head and could only say that he didn’t know.

“Now all we have to do is head to Hueco Mundo!”

“Of course, it’s not possible for everyone to go, some people have to stay and look after the house, otherwise they are afraid of being taken advantage of by other beings.”

Bai Xiu’s words were undoubtedly intended to lay a trap and a trap for the emergence of the invisible empire.

So when Bai Xiu said these words, his brows were furrowed, as if he was worried about something?

This made the Buddha’s mind Sengoku and the others looked at each other, wondering, could such a powerful and terrifying captain have other beings that he could be afraid of? The other captains of the Gotei Thirteen Team had different feelings, and seemed to be thinking about something.

“Okay, without further ado, who is left to look after the house now?”

After a pause, Bai Xiu said again:”Of course, I personally have to go out of the Soul Society this time.”

When Bai Xiu said these last words, everyone’s eyes lit up.

If the powerful captain goes to Hueco Mundo, then there is no doubt that the battle between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo will be won, so let’s go People are just taking credit for their work.

The most cautious people in the Gotei 13 are actually Kyoraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō.

Kyōraku Shunsui immediately said:”Captain, the opponent is just Aizen. I think you No need to go in person.”

Aizen betrayed Soul Society. During this period of time, the captains of Soul Society have been practicing hard and do not want to be compared with Aizen. The captains also discussed it before. If they use the swastika together, they will The combined power of the swastika cannot defeat Aizen.

In other words, there is no need for Bai Xiu, the commander-in-chief, to personally take action.

Bai Xiu’s eyes did not change and he said lightly:”You guys underestimate men too much. With the almost perfect Hongyoku, Aizen’s strength is no longer inferior to mine. Unless I can use the swastika, or even I may not be 100% sure that I can defeat him.”

As soon as these words came out, the captains present, including Buddha Sengoku and others, didn’t believe that Aizen was so powerful now?

Kyoryu Shunsui nodded and asked again:”Then captain I feel like who should go and who should stay? Bai

Xiu pondered for a while, and immediately looked at Unohana Retsu:”You” and then looked at Kyōraku Shunsui aside, and took one last look. Ukitake Jūshirō

“Okay, just you guys, come with me!”

Then Bai Xiu fell in love with the navy alliance.

To be honest, Bai Xiu can now play with all living beings and play the role of the captain of Soul Society. At that time, he showed an admirable look, as if he didn’t care about the past at all. This attitude was deeply admired by people in the Buddha’s Warring States Period.

“What do you think?”

Following Bai Xiu’s question, Buddha and Warring States looked at each other again, and Buddha and Warring States said:”I am the one who is going here. Garp, Dorag and one of the four emperors, Auntie.”

Bai Xiu nodded slightly. Finally, he looked at Nirvana and asked,”How is the production of the directional black cavity leading to Hueco Mundo?

Nirvana grinned and immediately replied:”It can be used tomorrow!””

Bai Xiu nodded slightly after hearing this, and looked at Buddha’s Warring States. He was not polite at all, and said directly and calmly:”The Technology Development Bureau of Soul Society already has many members. However, in the Technology Development Bureau, Of course, the more people, the better, so let Vegapunk join them.”

Buddha’s Warring States Period was confused:”……”

Now the Navy Alliance and Bai Xiu’s Soul Society only have a cooperative relationship, and Bai Xiu’s tone of voice is basically a superior and subordinate relationship, as if he, Buddha Sengoku, has become a subordinate of Soul Society.

At this moment, Byakuya Kuchiki, Toshiro Hitsugaya and others looked coldly at Buddha’s Sengoku. It seemed that if Buddha’s Sengoku’s answer could not satisfy the Soul Society, a terrible incident would break out later.

“I agree!”

Buddha’s Warring States Period is not a fool. At this moment, he can only nod.

“very good!”

Bai Xiu has made the final decision.

“Expedition tomorrow……Hueco Mundo!”

……At the same time, when everyone was making preparations, Bai Xiu also put on Aizen’s template and went to the Great Void Forest in Hueco Mundo. You must know that there are only 9 people in the Ten Blades. Bai Xiu decided to go to the Great Void Forest. , looking for Whitebeard. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation, sharing

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