【I don’t have the word count, otherwise I could write three chapters about the battle before the second stage of Return to the Blade!】

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The second stage of sword return is also called the second stage of sword liberation.

Among the ten blades, he is the only one with the ability to return to the second level.

Now when Bai Xiu felt Ulquiorra with the strength of his own spiritual pressure, he felt that Ulquiorra actually had the potential of three levels of returning blades in addition to the second level of returning blades.

“I remember that in a certain game Ulquiorra did have a third mysterious form.”Bai Xiu was asking about his system at this moment. Was the Ulquiorra he made based on the game?

【Yes, the Ulquiorra in the game has one more ability than the Ulquiorra in the anime version and the comic version, maybe it’s called the three-stage returning blade, or it’s called the mysterious form. This kind of Ulquiorra is more powerful. potential, more qualified to become the Ten Blades. ]

Bai Xiu nodded slightly.

When he was the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Division, the captains of those divisions admired him, just like the division captains in the original novel admired Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni.

When he was Aizen, the ten blades were as loyal to him as the ten blades were to Aizen in the original Shinigami world. But how many of the ten blades were truly loyal to Aizen?

Therefore, the war between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo is about to begin, and Bai Xiu will also use this war to completely get rid of some unqualified Ten Blades.

It’s not impossible to change. For example, after killing Yami, you get the source of anger. As long as you give the source of anger to a potential Daxu, a ten-blade will appear again.

……Of course, the people in the Masked Legion didn’t notice that Bai Xiu was observing them.

At this moment, the Masked Legion was still confronting Ulquiorra.

One of them shouted:”No matter how we fight, it’s a draw, so why continue to fight?”

Ulquiorra, with a cold face, said slowly:”You don’t know what it means. In a tie, the momentum you are waiting for is despair.!”

Ulquiorra’s tone was very calm, and there seemed to be no emotion in his voice. There was no anger, sadness or other emotions in it.

“It’s time that you know what true despair is!”

When Ulquiorra said these words, the Masked Legion and others looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what Ulquiorra was talking about.

The next moment, the spiritual pressure on Ulquiorra continued to surge. When he got up, the terrifying spiritual pressure completely enveloped Ulquiorra.

Immediately, the evil spiritual pressure aura fluctuated in the space.

A terrible spiritual pressure suddenly surged between heaven and earth,

Urquiorra Kiora’s spiritual pressure continued to rise, filling the entire world. Even Buddha Sengoku and others on the isolated island felt it.

“What kind of terrifying power is this?”

The aunt of the Four Emperors couldn’t help but startled now.

The aunt of the Four Emperors knew that if she followed this Ulquiorra, she would definitely die.

You must know that this isolated island is far away from the sea of Oha, but Ulquiorra Aura’s spiritual pressure fluctuations came here from such a distance.

“What on earth is he going to do? There was confusion on the faces of Sengoku and the others.

Even the masked legions who were in front of Ulquiorra at this moment were all frowning slightly. They didn’t know what Ulquiorra was going to do, but they looked at the terrifying power. The fluctuations finally completely condensed on Ulquiorra’s body. When the green light shattered like an egg, Volquiorra appeared inside, but his appearance was very different from before.

After the second stage was returned to the sword, Ulquiorra’s upper body clothes disappeared, black liquid flowed from his eyes, the lower half of the tear stains were two, the whites of his eyes turned green, and his pupils were similar to those when the mask was blurred.

The abdomen to the legs, as well as the arms and back are covered with black feathers.

The lower part of the robe is divided into two halves, and the wings are fully opened, revealing bat-like claws.

The horns on the helmet grew longer and pointed upward, and a long tail grew out that could be freely controlled.

There was a bone object similar to a knife at the tip of the tail, and there were sharp claws on the feet.

The hollow hole became larger, and a black pattern appeared from the hollow hole to the abdomen.

Ulquiorra, who looked like this, couldn’t help but make the Masked Legion’s pupils suddenly say in surprise.

“Can you completely feel the terrifying ability in his body?”Hirako Mako is really not in the mood to joke now.

I didn’t expect Ulquiorra to be able to return to the sword in the second stage!

This is simply incredible.

Ulquiorra himself is not a person who is good at talking. At this moment, he is facing the Masked Legion The person just stretched out a finger.

The black void flashed on Ulquiorra’s finger and condensed. The black void flashed just once, but this time the black void flash was completely different from the one just now. Then, the terrifying black void flash power made the space make a clicking sound.

The members of the Masked Legion looked at each other, knowing that they had to fight, otherwise they might die here. The

Masked Legion and others originally thought that this time The mission would actually be very simple, but I didn’t expect it to be so difficult.

Originally, meeting the Ten Blades was not a particularly serious matter, but who would have thought that this Ten Blades actually possesses the ability of Nidan Takahiro. At this moment, he The power has increased exponentially, which is really terrifying.

Watching the live broadcast, Buddha Warring States and others have bowed their heads one by one. Are they doubting whether their alliance is really necessary? The total number of people present seems not to be An opponent of Ulquiorra, not to mention there are other strong men in Hueco Mundo besides Ulquiorra.

Crocodile and Doflamingo are also here now. They looked at each other and took a deep breath. After taking a breath, they were already eager to join Hueco Mundo or cooperate with Hueco Mundo.

Now Ulquiorra’s black flash erupted from his finger like a meteorite.

Mask Legion also exerted all its power one by one to resist Ulquiorra’s black flash.

When the power of attack and power of defense collided, a thunderous noise suddenly flashed in the world. , like the wrath of the God of Thunder, making everyone in the world unbearable fear and tremble.

Now every corner of the sea can hear this terrible sound. After the loud sound, the energy burst out like a meteorite hitting the earth. The air wave moved in all directions.

Many islands were directly destroyed for a while, and the space became blurred and distorted because of this air wave.

Some members of the Masked Legion were already injured, their faces turned pale, and blood spurted out wildly..Hirako

Mako was also shocked and took several steps back at this moment, and his face was not very good-looking either.

Ulquiorra looked at this scene lightly, knowing that he was always the winner.

His eyes also looked at the fire on the side. Huo Shaoshan, Huo Shaoshan was broadcasting this scene live on the live broadcast phone, but when Huo Shaoshan noticed Ulquiorra looking at him, Huo Shaoshan, the lieutenant general who was not afraid of death, couldn’t help but his soul began to tremble at this moment.

“Everyone in the world listen to me!”

Ulquiorra is not a domineering person, but at this moment he must carry out Aizen’s orders.

“From this moment on, Hueco Mundo will completely invade reality!”

With the help of spiritual pressure, his voice spread to every corner of the world, causing many children to cry.

Everyone who watched the live broadcast that day could clearly see the cruel incident that happened in the East China Sea..

Someone was eaten alive.

The words spoken by Ulquiorra now seemed to announce that the end was coming.

At this moment,

Bai Xiu also knew that it was time for him to play.

“Hueco Mundo wants to invade reality. Have you asked me?”

His voice also resounded throughout the world with the help of spiritual pressure. The captain of the Soul Society appeared. He was like a light of hope in the end of the world. _

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