The cooperation between the Navy Headquarters and the Revolutionary Army was a huge event, and this incident also attracted Morgans’ attention.

In the past, when the Navy Headquarters tried to capture Morgans, Morgan’s division escaped, but this time Morgans came to the door himself.

“How dare you come here.”Akainu shouted loudly for the first time, his fists were covered with lava, and he pointed angrily at the birdman Morgans.

Morgans is called the King of News, and the content of his news papers is pretty good. But the title was too stupid.

For example, one time Akainu went to hunt down a group of pirates in the dark, but Morgans’ news headline was that Admiral Akainu sneaked out of the Navy headquarters at night to have a secret meeting with a pirate man.

Such a headline made What do people think after reading this?

Not to mention Akainu, even Aokiji and others don’t like Morgans very much. The title he wrote is really an asshole.

“In the clear daylight, Navy Admiral Qing Zhi actually made a sow scream in agony. How could he do such a horrible thing?”The blue pheasant just wanted to eat pork that day, so Morgans wrote it like this.

What will others think when they see such a headline?

It can be said that no one in this world can escape Morgans’ news headlines

“Don’t be angry. Don’t be angry.”

Morgans said calmly.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to mention the past things anymore. Your naval headquarters can put aside the grievances and grudges with the revolutionary army and cooperate for the time being. I think my little thing is nothing.”Morgans had already thought about it before he came here. Now that the Navy Headquarters and the Revolutionary Army need him, he volunteered and said:”As the King of News, I think you need my help.”

Buddha’s Warring States couldn’t help but nodded in agreement. Sometimes Morgans’ help is indeed needed.

Soon the news birds flew to all over the world, and newspapers shocked the world.

“Boss Kaido? Come and see, something big has happened.”

Above the vast sea of the new world, the Onigashima Island in Wano Country has an eerie and terrifying atmosphere. At this time, Drought Jack took a newspaper and rushed towards Kaido’s place crazily and quickly.

“Why are you so reckless? Tell me, what happened?”

Now Kaido is still drinking. Apart from drinking, he can’t figure out what else he can do.

Soul Society has appeared, and everyone knows that he is better than him.

Hueco Mundo has also appeared, and everyone knows that he is still better. More powerful than him.

The super ancient weapon has not been found yet, and Kaido has changed from the four emperors that everyone is afraid of to the ignored existence today.

Times, why do you change so fast?

“Boss Kaido, now is not the time to drink, something big has happened.”Drought Jack brought the newspaper in front of Kaido. Kaido snatched it away. Seeing that there was too much content in the newspaper, Kaido couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

“How is this possible?

Is this newspaper fake?”

The content in the newspaper is unbelievable to many people, and other people in the sea are also unbelievable. The well-informed older generation people even think that this newspaper is starting to falsify?

This newspaper is completely confusing everyone’s IQ. He pressed it to the ground and rubbed it hard.

Drought Jack shook his head every year in front of Kaido.

“No, no, no, boss, this newspaper belongs to Four Morgans. You also know that although that guy likes to write nonsense in the headlines, the content is absolutely true.”

Hundred Beast Kaido couldn’t help but nodded after hearing this. It’s true, but the content in this newspaper is too surprising and unbelievable, isn’t it? The content in the newspaper is actually an invitation from the Buddha’s Warring States period. In the letter, he invited all forces in the world, including the Pirate Revolutionary Army, hired killers, bounty hunters, etc., to put aside all their past prejudices and grievances and gather together to discuss how to deal with Hueco Mundo.

No matter who sees this kind of thing They all found it unbelievable and couldn’t believe this was true.

The Warring States Period of Buddhism actually lowered its head and was willing to coexist peacefully with all forces and deal with Hueco Mundo together.

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts felt that he must have drunk too much and read the wrong content , and now he punched himself directly in the face. The terrible impact made his cheeks swell, which made him barely sober up.

Kaido Kaido picked up the newspaper again and slowly read word for word. After reading it, I finally realized that I had read it right. Buddha’s Warring States period really invites all the forces in the world to put aside their prejudices and work together to deal with Hueco Mundo.

“What should we do now?”

Drought Jack asked Kaido of the Beasts

“ignore him.”Although what is written in the newspaper is sincere, Hueco Mundo is a disaster for the whole world, and now we should fight this disaster together regardless of each other.

But Kaido of the Hundred Beasts still doesn’t want to go.

Let the rest of the world deal with Hueco Mundo Well, Kaido thinks it’s more important to find super ancient weapons.

“Let’s go to O’Hara’s ruins now and hope to gain something.”

Following Kaido’s words, Drought Jack nodded.

……On the other side, the golden lion who was not dead at this moment also got the newspaper in his hand. After taking a look, he also widened his eyes in surprise.

“What happened to this era?”

“The navy and pirates are at odds with each other, how could they join forces?”

The golden lion shook his head and felt that the idea of Buddha’s Warring States was too naive. It is not easy for people to let go of so many years of grudges.

But Buddha’s Warring States is not an idiot. He must have thought of this, but Buddha’s Warring States is not an idiot. Warring States still did this, which shows that Hueco Mundo is terrible!!!

Thinking of this, Golden Lion immediately shook his head


“How can I have fear?”

“Who am I? I am a golden lion!!!”……But there are still some forces who decided to go to the temporary naval base to take a look.

For example, among the pirates, the Supernova Pirates, the Eight Treasure Marines, and even Auntie, one of the Four Emperors, are here. It can be said that most of the forces in this world are gathered together, except for Kaido.

If the Kaido Pirates could come, there is no doubt that they would be able to make the alliance stronger. However, Kaido did not come…….at the same time.

Bai Xiu was about to start a system task.

The system asked him to help Robin awaken the Zanpakutō.

He immediately found Robin at the Central Spiritual Arts Academy.

“I want to teach you how to awaken your Zanpakutō!”

Bai Xiu walked up directly and got straight to the point.

The famous captain suddenly said such words, which made Robin stunned.

All the girls around him were also dumbfounded. Why was it Robin?

Robin also felt that he had nothing to surpass. Where other girls are, why does the captain value him so much?

“Is it really just teaching? Nothing else?”

Robin’s words made Bai Xiu frown slightly:”……”

You are thinking too much.

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