The revolutionary dragon was now floating in mid-air, gritting his teeth angrily and glaring at Ulquiorra with a pair of eyes.

Most of the people fell into the sea. If they couldn’t swim, they would definitely die. Fortunately, there were students from Soul Society’s Central Spiritual Academy. They rode the blue-eyed white dragon and the red-eyed black dragon and they also carried some people at the same time.

For example, Maginot, etc., are still alive now.

But they can’t carry much.

Many people are still asking for help on the sea.

Looking at the East China Sea islands that had completely disappeared. At this moment, there was no longer any island in the East China Sea. Ulquiorra nodded with satisfaction.

Ulquiorra didn’t care about what other people thought.

He felt that it would be good to complete the task assigned by Lord Lanlan.

Among the entire Arrancar group, Ulquiorra was more popular because of his calm, rational and loyal personality.

He gained the trust of Aizen Soyousuke and often performed the tasks assigned to him by Aizen.

The interaction between him and the other members of the Hollow Night Palace is very subtle.

Among them, Grimmjow Jakarjak, the sixth blade, has the most frequent disputes with him, but Ulquiorra only uses a calm expression every time.

to stop or blame someone.

He doesn’t want to care about other people’s moods! Ulquiorra felt that the heart thing was useless, and he also felt that he couldn’t understand it, and now Ulquiorra. Turn around and leave here

“Stop right here.”Seeing Ulquiorra destroying his hometown and then leaving with an indifferent expression, the revolutionary Long was furious and just shouted.

Ulquiorra did not turn around, but It was Grimmjow who flew towards this place and then stretched out his palm.

Grimmjow smiled very cruelly, like a crazy leopard. Now he stretched out his palm and pointed it at the revolutionary dragon. et al.

“You guys are chattering too noisily, so be it, just pick me up.”

After finally coming here, you can’t just leave without taking action once. This will be a bit boring.

Grimmjow has an impatient and cruel temper, and is quite confident in his own strength.

Now in Grimmjow’s hands In his heart, he also displayed a false flash. The color of his false flash was completely different from Ulquiorra’s false flash. The color of Grimmjow’s false flash was blood-like.

As the third of the Ten Blades , The 6-blade Arrancar was cold and ruthless. Now the spiritual pressure gradually gathered in his palm and turned into a blood-red ball of light.

Then the ball of light was thrown towards the revolutionary Long and others.

This seemed to be able to destroy the world. Power.

The revolutionary Long originally thought that he could not defeat Ulquiorra, so he should be able to defeat the sixth existence among the ten blades. However, facing this false flash, the revolutionary Long felt a strong sense of crisis. and sense of death


The revolutionary Long is brave, but at the critical moment of life and death, he chose to stay in the green mountains without fear of running out of firewood. As he fell, the other Soul Society students riding the blue-eyed white dragon and the red-eyed black dragon also Immediately dodge with the dragon,


As the blood-red flash fell into the ocean, there was a loud noise, and a huge water column was blasted out of the ocean. It rushed into the sky, and its height seemed to be able to hit the sky island.

Then , the sea water fell one by one, and it pattered like heavy rain.

Some people who could swim were also directly killed.

People watching the live broadcast were shocked and speechless one after another.

The power of these ten blades has been It was completely demonstrated.

The revolutionary Long used his last trump card to defeat the tenth among the ten blades, but he did not expect that the other existences among the ten blades were so strong.

Compared with the tenth in strength, , I don’t know how powerful it is, the people of the world were stunned.

I originally thought that the Ten Blades were similar to the three navy generals, and their strength should be equal, but I didn’t expect that this strength was a complete step-like increase.

How many people once regarded the Yonko as the world’s leader? The existence with the most powerful power in the world, but now comparing the Yonko with the Ten Blades, they think the Yonko looks much cuter.

At this time, Ulquiorra opened a black hole in the space, Ulquiorra and others entered the black opening one by one and left.

The Hollows also left.

This war seemed to have come to an end like this, however. The first Ren among the Ten Blades entered When I needed to circle, I suddenly said something

“The war is just suspended, not over!”

This sentence brought a huge panic to everyone in the world. At this moment, the East China Sea has been destroyed.

So, will the next West Sea, North Sea, South China Sea and other islands also suffer the same fate as the East China Sea?

Although Soul Society is very powerful, Soul Society seems to abide by a rule. They do not kill innocent people indiscriminately? But this Hueco Mundo is completely different. They are like monsters, killing each other cruelly. They are not killing people at all. Their lives were taken seriously.

Their methods were more cruel than those of the Four Emperors, just because of Aizen’s order. They completely destroyed the entire East China Sea.

At the same time, many people fell into the sea just now, but because of Gree Mjo’s last flash caused all those who could swim to die. At this moment, the waters of the East China Sea were completely dyed red with blood, including the blood of humans and the blood of sea kings. The East China

Sea, which used to be peaceful and prosperous, is now Completely disappeared

“Cough cough cough.”

Just when the revolutionary dragon and Luffy looked at each other, not knowing what to do next, suddenly a voice came from the sea, but it was Garp who had now emerged from the sea. The former naval hero, now. Face It was filled with a look of horror at the aftermath of the disaster, and he gasped feebly:”It was just that close, I would have died.”

Garp didn’t know what happened just now. Garp fainted after being defeated by Yami. Suddenly he felt seawater pouring into his mouth. Garp suddenly woke up and got out. After reaching the surface of the sea, he looked around for 4 weeks. The water was a new red, and there was not even a piece of land. Garp stayed for a while, and suddenly asked blankly towards the revolutionary dragon suspended in mid-air, holding Luffy. :”Where is our home, where is our windmill village?”

No one knew how to reply to Garp at this moment, and everyone was silent.

Garp also realized what kind of fists he had, and clenched his fists. The steely man shed tears at this moment.

The atmosphere was even more intense!

The whole world was watching. The person broadcasting the live broadcast was now staring blankly at the scenery of the East China Sea. It was really endless as far as the eye could see. It was all sea water, not even an island. The bright red sea water seemed to still explain what kind of terrible incident had just happened.

Hueco Mundo’s The existence has brought a huge threat to everyone in the world.

At this time, Byakuya Kuchiki, Renji Abarai, and Rukia Kuchiki appeared.

The appearance of Byakuya Kuchiki shocked everyone watching the live broadcast around the world. His eyes changed drastically again. He didn’t know what the people from the Soul Society were doing.

“I am here to convey a message from the commander-in-chief!”

Kuchiki Byakuya spoke slowly. His words attracted everyone’s attention. The existence of the commander-in-chief Bai Xiu attracted everyone’s attention, because perhaps he was the only one in this world who could rival Aizen.

Revolutionary Dragon He asked Kuchiki Byakuya politely:”Excuse me, what does the captain of Gotei 13 have to say now?”

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