Now the wind on Revolutionary Dragon’s body is getting stronger and stronger, causing Revolutionary Long’s body to gradually levitate. Then this wind holds Revolutionary Dragon, causing him to float into the mid-air like a king.

Grimmjow among the Ten Blades also exclaimed with interest:”Their power seems to be interesting.”

Now the revolutionary dragon exudes a suppressive demeanor, called the Furious Beast Fang Mi, also I felt uneasy, but Yami didn’t think he would lose. Now Yami shouted again,

“Come here and let me crush you to death.”

The revolutionary Long Zi asked himself that he would never be the opponent of this ferocious beast just now, but now he is not sure. Some black robes are fluttering in the wind, and his long black hair is flying wildly in the air. , a pair of ferocious eyes, with a look of indifference to the common people. At this moment, it seems that everything in the world is under his control.

The reason why he dares to challenge the world government and establish a revolutionary army is that he has this power.

It is like this Revolutionary Long rarely used the power of power. He used it once, in Rogge Town. He wanted to send his son Luffy to the sea, so he used this power for a small amount of time.

But he could only It was a small test, but now in order to protect the home where he grew up, the revolutionary Long has completely unleashed this power.

“Surrender under my power.”

Looking at the ferocious giant Yami in front of him, the revolutionary Long said this sentence lightly. The revolutionary Long gave Yami a sense of shock at this moment, causing Yami to frown slightly. He did feel a A sense of threat.

But this also makes Yami even angrier. He is one of the Ten Blades. How can he be no match for a living person?

This is simply the funniest thing in the world, but what is Yami doing now? I can’t even laugh anymore.

Because Yami is not a fool. He can clearly feel the changes in power coming from the revolutionary Long.

Yami knows that if he is not serious, he may die here.

……This is an isolated island. Watching the live broadcast, Buddha Warring States and others even looked at each other and saw the astonishment in each other’s eyes.

They finally understood why the revolutionary army dared to provoke the World Government.

With such terrifying power, what would the revolutionary Long not dare to do?

But what exactly is this power? Is it just the power of Devil Fruit? But what Devil Fruit could produce such horrific imagery?

If this isn’t the power of Devil Fruit, then what is?

……Bai Xiu in Soul Society also watched this live broadcast. Bai Xiu was not surprised at all that the revolutionary Long had such power. He had vaguely guessed this in his previous life, but what exactly was this power? Bai Xiu doesn’t know yet. Of course, Bai Xiu is not afraid of this power, because the Blade Ruohuo in his hand is much stronger than the power controlled by the revolutionary Long.

……On another isolated island, Copy Five Old Star is now with the Tianlong people. Copying Five Old Stars locked the Tianlong people in a house and asked them to do that kind of exercise every day and let them have more children, so that he can Use the King of Heaven.

As long as there is King of Heaven, Hueco Mundo, or Soul Society, he is not afraid.

But Copy Wulaoxing never thought that the revolutionary Long had such a power, this power. It is so similar to the power of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

However, this is definitely not the King of Heaven, because the King of Heaven is in his hands at this moment, so is the power controlled by the revolutionary Long the King of Pluto or Neptune?

……East China Sea!

This is the broken East China Sea!

The islands were silent on the sea, and all the buildings were shattered one by one under the power of the void.

The human civilization here is brilliant to the extreme.

Faced with the power of the revolutionary dragon, Yami did not admit defeat, because Yami had seen a more terrifying power than the revolutionary dragon.

For example, Ulquiorra, his power, Yami is sure to be completely superior to the revolutionary dragon in front of him.

The revolutionary Long actually asked him to surrender, and Yami even smiled coldly.

I feel that this guy in front of me is too arrogant. No matter how powerful he is, can he compare to Aizen?

Anyone who betrays Aizen will definitely die an ugly death.

“Go to hell!”

Yami shouted angrily, and then fired another dummy bullet towards the revolutionary dragon.

This dummy bullet was more powerful than the previous dummy bullet, and this dummy bullet shone even brighter. This terrifying When the power came out, the space was distorted.

As the huge virtual bullet erupted, the terrifying aura contained in it was felt by everyone who was still alive around it. It was a creepy feeling.

“If this power alone is not enough to defeat me!”The revolutionary Long floating in the air smiled slightly. At this moment, he had already taken out his trump card. He had infinite confidence, and his eyes reflected his dazzling spirit.

“Everyone in the world, I know, you are all watching this scene. You once thought that the World Government was invincible, but Soul Society defeated them!”

“But today I want to tell you something. The real power is not only controlled by Soul Society. The Revolutionary Army also has the power to reverse everything!”

The revolutionary Long knew that people all over the world should be watching here. He just made such a voice and took the opportunity to do some propaganda for the revolutionary army, hoping that more and more people would join the revolutionary army.

Watching the live broadcast of the revolutionary army Naturally, they were cheering. They were extremely excited to see the power of their boss.

But some people were unhappy, but they did not curse out, because facing Hueco Mundo, at this time, everyone should put aside their prejudices! Let’s fight against the outside world together!

At the same time, the revolutionaries A mysterious light bloomed in Long’s eyes, and his whole person exuded a trace of vast and majestic aura that was extremely terrifying. Then he punched out with a fist, and an indescribable sense of crisis suddenly enveloped his teeth. Mi’s heart.

Strong winds, thunder and lightning, heavy rain, everything in nature seemed to gather on this fist and turned into a terrifying light.

When this power was born, all the giants attacking the Kingdom of Goa Their eyes were filled with horror.

They all noticed that the punch of the revolutionary Long carried great power that shook the world.

This punch seemed to be able to cut off all vitality of living beings.

Such power should not be exerted by humans. , this is the endless power of nature, but I didn’t expect that such a power could be controlled by one person.

This power shattered the space in an instant and came directly in front of Yami.

Yami’s skin is very thick , but in the face of such power, Yami felt that his hard skin was of no use at all. He felt that his body seemed to be about to shatter piece by piece.

Under the power of the violent storm, thunder and lightning, Yami Mi feels like she’s about to die

“Stop it!”

But no one expected that at this moment Ulquiorra finally appeared. He stood in front of Yami. He stretched out his right palm, just a palm, which was the revolutionary dragon’s stock. The power was held in the palm of his hand, and then it was completely crushed with a click.

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