Mermaid Tiger immediately noticed the slightest smile on the corner of Bai Xiu’s mouth.

“Captain, there seems to be some happy event? Bai

Xiu suppressed his smile and said lightly:”Actually, we have other mounts.””

Mermaid Tiger is very curious. What is Captain Shirashu talking about?

The latest technological invention in the Soul Society. Mermaid Tiger has also gone to see it. I have to say that Urahara Kisuke is a scientific genius. The other one is A weird deputy director is also very powerful.

But he didn’t see any new mounts.

Bai Xiu said slowly:”You will know it soon, but it is a secret now. Don’t worry, you will see surprises.” of.”

Hearing what the captain had said, Mermaid Tiger could only nod his head and left the dean’s office.

Bai Xiu looked at the crystal ball again. Many students had decided to come to the corpse. Central Spiritual Academy in the Soul World, but there is one student who is confused and doesn’t know what to do.

This student is from the Revolutionary Army.

Her name is Kerla, and she is a beautiful orange girl. A girl with short hair, she was originally a slave of the Celestial Dragons, but was liberated by the fish-man Tiger and escorted back home by the Sun Pirates. She is a bridge between humans and fish-men. Now she has joined the revolutionary army. At this moment, Ke Erla held the letter in her hand, and the conflict in her eyes was even stronger than Robin’s.

Recently, a demon cat organization appeared on the sea, and the revolutionary Long handed this matter over to Kerla for investigation. Kerla Unexpectedly, I didn’t have to do anything in particular to already know the truth. It turned out that there was no demon cat organization, and that flexible cat came from the Soul Society.

Kerra did not expect that she would also receive an enrollment letter. One of the students.

What should she do now? Should she give up her position in the revolutionary army and go to the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts?……At this moment, Bai Xiu pondered for a while. He just happened to get the template in the sky. He hasn’t used it yet, so he might as well use such a template to find this little girl.

As the captain, he can use the world-traveling gate anywhere in Soul Society. Now he walked into the world-traveling gate and appeared on the sea, and then he turned into the sky dragon of Osiris. Became a giant red dragon.

Kaido of Beasts can naturally transform into a dragon, but the sky dragon of Osiris is more handsome and more majestic than the green and black dragon that Kaido of Beasts transformed into.

At this moment, the sky dragon is flying high in the sky. Few people in the night sky notice the existence of the sky dragon. Late at night, many people are asleep. Now he wants to find Kerra

……Perhaps because of a coincidence, Kaido of the Beasts is now heading towards the island where Korra is located. Kaido of the Beasts does not know that this island is actually one of the secret bases of the Revolutionary Army. The reason why it came At this point, it was just because of the appearance of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo that Kaido was in a bad mood. Kaido wanted to vent his temper, so he randomly chose an island.

What Kaido has to do is vent his anger and destroy everything he sees, so that he can feel better.

Looking at the island in front of him, Kaido of the Beasts felt that it was quite suitable. This island was neither big nor small, so it was a good place to vent.

There are not many revolutionary troops on the island. The revolutionary Long took Sabo to practice, and Kerra is now the strongest and highest-status person in this secret base.

Of course, Kerla’s status is only for this secret base. The Revolutionary Army has more than just one secret base. His secret bases are spread across the entire sea.

The next moment, Kerla noticed something and rushed out of the house in shock. The sky was originally dark, but now there were layers of dark clouds, covering up the stars and everything. There is a huge ferocious dragon with green and black colors in between. Kerra also recognized what it was. It was Kaido, one of the Four Emperors.

Two of the Four Emperors have died, but the title of the Four Emperors has not disappeared, waiting for the arrival of others.

Now Kaido of the Hundred Beasts directly opened a fishy dragon’s mouth, intending to use his breath to completely destroy the island.

Kerra panicked and immediately shouted:”You can’t do this, this island belongs to our revolutionary army!”

The revolutionary Long Ziran is very proud on the sea, and everyone knows how powerful Long is. But Kerra’s voice was still too quiet after all. Kaido, who was transformed into a dragon by a pound in the sky, did not hear Kerra’s voice, or maybe he subconsciously ignored the voices of others. Now he just wants to vent his temper, and then opens the dragon’s mouth, preparing to destroy the island.

Kaido realized something and immediately looked in one direction. There was a red dragon there, coming towards this direction quickly. The black dragon Kaido transformed into opened his eyes wide. How could this be possible?

Unexpectedly, I saw another dragon. This was not a thin thousand-year-old dragon, but a strong red-armored dragon.

Other people on the island have also been surprised by Kaido’s momentum and rushed out.

Like Kerla, they looked towards the sky, but saw two dragons meeting there. At this time, no matter who it was, their eyes fell to the ground in shock.

“That green and black dragon, if I read it correctly, should be Brother Baishou Kai!”

“So who is that red dragon?”

“I do not know!”

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Not to mention them, Kaido of the Hundred Beasts was also very depressed.

How could there be such a huge dragon in this world?

After Beast Kaido came back to his senses, he roared angrily. Kaido, who transformed into a dragon, did not have any dazzling skills, everything was simple attacks.


The dragon transformed by Kaido of the Hundred Beasts directly opened its bloody mouth, and then the fire of destruction that soared into the sky fiercely spurted out, with the power that could destroy everything, it faced Bai Xiu. The Sky Dragon in his body came, and the oncoming flames made the Sky Dragon roar angrily. Bai Xiu knew that he should give Kai a little more color.

Otherwise, he would think that he was the boss of the dragon clan. ?

And the sky dragon also has skills,

“”Calling Thunder Bullet” the sky dragon also opened its big mouth, the light and thunder and lightning gathered together, and also sprayed out a terrifying beam of light.

For a moment, the two forces collided together.

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