It can be said that the current naval headquarters is very worried.

Lieutenant General He really couldn’t figure out what the purpose of a group of black cats sending admission letters was. Is there a school for cats? But why send letters to people instead of cats?

Fo Zhi Warring States looked at Lieutenant General He like this, he waved his hand and said slowly:”Don’t worry, it won’t be anything serious.

I already know the strength of those cats, even a captain can We can deal with them, but the problem is that these cats are too fast.

What kind of impact can such cats have on the world? I think they are just like thieves.

” Is there anything else in today’s navy that can be stolen by these cats? ? It can be said that there is no!

Now the navy is gathered on an isolated island.

There is not even a decent building yet, and everyone is setting up a tent.

The marshal’s tent was just a little bigger than the others’ tents.

Buddha’s Warring States Period feels that he is probably the only naval marshal who has been so miserable in history.

Buddha’s Warring States Period also knew that he should contact Copy Five Old Star and ask him to give him some military expenses first.

Although he is a navy marshal, in reality he is just a helper.

“Okay, now there are only two things that matter most to us.”

“The first is to try to catch a black cat and figure out their intentions. The second is to find Robin, the son of the devil, before Kaido.”

……Now in Soul Society! Bai Xiu found a crystal ball in the office of the dean of the Central Academy of Spiritual Arts.

After Bai Xiu input his spiritual power into the crystal ball, the crystal ball immediately showed pictures one after another.

The function of this crystal ball is actually similar to the crystal ball of the third generation Hokage in Naruto.

But Bai Xiu’s crystal ball actually has only one purpose, which is to observe the situation of students who have received admission letters.

From this point of view, the effect of this crystal ball is actually much weaker than the crystal ball of the third generation of Naruto World.

This made Bai Xiu frown slightly. Did he think Naruto’s technology tree was crooked?

How did Naruto have such a high-tech crystal ball?

Things like crystal balls have come out, but what about TV sets? Where again?

At this moment, in the picture of the crystal ball, there is a dirty and messy small room that looks like a pig’s nest. Bits and pieces of cans were placed randomly on the floor of the small room.

The room seen in the crystal ball belongs to Robin and Princess Vivi.

I’m afraid no one has thought of this, right?

“These are two girls who love hygiene very much. However, they broke away from the Baroque Working Group and were hunted down by the Baroque Working Group, so they hid in some inconspicuous houses.……”

Bai Xiu quickly understood what happened. After Crocodile returned from the navy headquarters, he sent people to arrest Princess Vivi and Robin.

Princess Vivi indirectly destroyed Luffy’s power in the kingdom and his years of planning. In the original work, Crocodile would let Princess Vivi go, but this time, perhaps because of the appearance of Hueco Mundo in Soul Society, Crocodile changed his mind.

Robin knew too many secrets about Crocodile, and Crocodile wouldn’t trust her to be outside.

Robin and Princess Vivi will obviously receive admission letters. Bai Xiu thought for a while, what would it look like if Robin and Princess Vivi controlled the Zanpakutō and became the Shinigami?

Of course, it is actually very difficult to become a Shinigami in a short period of time. You must have potential, but not everyone has the potential of Kurosaki Ichigo!

Bai Xiu also remembered that there seemed to be not three powers in Kurosaki Ichigo’s body, but four powers.

Just when Bai Xiu was thinking…

Two black cats, one black and one white, walked out of the gate, each holding admission letters from the Central College for Nationalities belonging to Robin and Princess Weiwei, and headed towards them in the dark night. Go to where Robin and Princess Vivi live.

Their speed is simply too fast.

Under normal circumstances, cats are faster than humans, and cats that have mastered Shunpo combined with the ability to cross the boundary gate make it even more difficult for some generals to catch them. If a general wants to catch them, he must Just try your best.

From this era, every cat represents a turning point in a person’s destiny. It is a golden finger dropped from the sky by thousands of ordinary people. But now the golden finger belonging to Robin and Princess Vivi is in the dust. Come here.

According to regulations, each cat can only deliver one enrollment letter at a time, so Robin and Vivi, who are in the same house, have to send two cats.

For animals like cats, they are born with the ability to figure out the place even if they spend very little time in one place. Their attributes are inversely proportional to Zoro’s road madness, and they have only been in the pirate world for a few days. , and became familiar with this world.

These cats will work in various corners of the pirate world during the day. If the work is not completed, they will continue to deliver messages at night. Only when the work is completed can they return to Soul Society to rest.

For these cats, the pirate world is too dirty. You kill me and I kill you everywhere, while Soul Society seems much peaceful.

Although there will be fights in Soul Society’s Rukongai, there will be patrolling criminal troops to stop these fights.


It is a real thing in Soul Society.

But the laws in the pirate world are completely fictitious in the eyes of the cats, and they only exist for some people.

The weak will always be weak, and the noble people will always stand at the top.

The naughty people think that this world will be purged by the Soul Society one day!

This is a small two-story house building on a small island. It looks ordinary and very dirty.

I’m afraid that if Baroque Works comes, they won’t think that Robin and Princess Vivi will be there.

Girls are afraid of getting dirty!

Robin and Princess Vivi are very clean people. They would not search such a place seriously.

These cats jumped up and arrived in front of the glass window on the second floor.

Jumping is not a good thing for the cats. It’s too simple to say that they are cats from the Soul Society and have the same intelligence as humans.

After arriving in front of the glass window, a cat stretched out its paws and knocked gently on the frost-covered glass window.

This voice seemed to have some kind of power, waking up the sleeping Robin and Princess Vivi in the room.

They only sleep about three hours a day now. The rest of the time, they have to keep their eyes open to be prepared for the Baroque studio to come to their door.

Now they are heading towards the origin of the sound, although the fog at night has covered the glass cloth. There were layers of frost, but they could still clearly see the two cats.

“Robin, look, it’s a cat!”Princess Weiwei said with a little bit of fear and a little bit of curiosity.

“Let’s go and see.”

Robin gritted his teeth and said.

Although they were hiding during this period, they didn’t know anything about what was happening in the outside world. They had heard of the”Demon Cat Organization” that had been rumored recently.

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