66:Baby to kiss a [request automatic subscription]


“Old, old man, run!”

A foreigner looked at his boss, swallowed saliva and said in horror.

When he finished, the foreigners were stunned.

Where’s the boss?

Back to look, the foreigners are even more confused.

Damn, the boss how you have run?

Boss”, wait for me ah!!!!

The foreigners shouted in terror, and hurriedly followed.

But the next moment.

“Hazrat gives!

A gale swept here, a moment is the alien to the mid-air struggle, followed by a figure quickly flying, a mad chopping attack on the mid-air alien.

“Harry Yagah pain!

A gale of sword qi erupted.

Aso landed, the long knife returned to the sheath, the body of the foreigners fell to the ground piece by piece.

“Death is like the wind, always with me!”

With a hint of lonely words from the mouth, other players see this scene, are dumbfounded.

“Brother, why do I think he’s pretending?”

“I think so, but I have no proof.”

“Way, to hammer evidence, hurry up and chase ah, and then do not chase people are running out, we can not drink soup.

“Crap, that makes sense.

With a few words, the players once again chased after each other wildly.

“Give me death, hahahahaha.”

Whitebeard laughs, a fist blast out, wolf shock outbreak, an illusory giant wolf emerged, rushed forward, where the ground was cracked by the power of the shock.


Accompanied by a roar of the wolf Zhen, at once several foreigners enveloped, a terrible outbreak of power, these several foreigners in pieces, losing their lives.


A cold voice erupted from Ying Zheng’s mouth, and a sword cut out, the sword light rose up and split the ground, several foreigners also died under Ying Zheng’s sword.

Just one or two dozen foreigners, but facing hundreds of players of various means.

“Why? Why are you doing this to us?”

“Have the ability to fight alone!!!”

“That’s right, if you have the ability to fight alone, what kind of man is a group fight!”

The remaining Fae shouted in horror.

But unfortunately, no player pays any attention to it.

“Please slow down and save one for me.”

The family “old and young, waiting for me to kill a foreigner to earn some gold back to feed it.”

“Guys, have mercy, I don’t want to kill the aliens, but Fuck at least let me squat!

“Damn, I fucking grabbed it, I actually grabbed it!!!”

“Hahahahaha, I have also grabbed one.”

Players have excitement24 and helplessness.

But in a very short time, all these foreigners died, turned into corpses lying on the ground.

Yingli Li Li excitedly with the double ponytail, said to the side of the Hyori. “Haha, look at it, Baili, I’m level five, to a lot of experience talk.”

“Shout, what’s that? I have killed a foreigner, look, burst ten gold coins it.

The company’s main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

After all, she is not a gold coin, before the courage to come out to kill monsters, you know she is a purely ordinary girl, in addition to painting, nothing can do, but also the two heads just barely muster the courage to come out to stroll.

But Ying Li Li is also very eager to gold, because if there are gold, she can not only become stronger, easier to get gold, the main thing is still can buy the internal test code, their relatives and friends, all brought in, with her to become stronger.

“But compared to the people here, Len is also weak.”

Eiri thought to herself.

Shaking his head, Erieli no longer think about it, ready to continue to follow the troops forward.

As long as they have enough, sooner or later to become strong, when the time comes, they also want to go to the entrance of the village with that little kid like killing rabbits.

“Here you go.”

Next to her, Jabelli suddenly spoke up and handed her hand to Erieli.

“What is it?”

Erieli showed a puzzled look to take the things, suddenly surprised. “Eh? This, this seems to be blood gas grass, right? Why did you give it to me, you do not want it yourself?”

The blood gas grass is the main material for making the blood return pills, so it can be sold for some gold after being planted in the farm.

“No, I don’t have time to go to the farm, my goal, but in this world!”

Jabelli shook her head and said excitedly.


That’s why she was too weak now, otherwise Jabelli would have left the village and gone to all corners of the world.

That’s right.

Although Jabelli is an angel, but after coming to this world, only to find that. emm, this world’s many monsters are able to crush her.

So she decided it was better to develop from the heart for a while.

At that, Ying Li Li immediately showed a touched expression and hugged Jia Bai Li. “Oooh, you are so kind to me, when I earn gold coins I will definitely make it up to you.”

Although Jabelli said useless, but this thing is also the Ying Li Li can not get at this stage, ah, the main thing is to enable her in the village not to go out to kill the beast, but also to earn gold.

“Don’t hold it so tight asshole.”

JABALI was helpless.

The other side.

With this alien squad were killed, those who killed the alien people pick up the spoils of war, then began to move on up.

After all, there are alien squads, and the alien tribe is certainly not far away.


Tony did not look at Xiao Yan in a good mood, said. “Theft, you just why do not let me strike ah? So that I now a foreign soul have not.”

“What’s your hurry? I don’t have one either?”

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes, no good. “We have to preserve the strength, now the strike will certainly attract attention, then wait until the foreign tribe, may cause those b to guard, just a few dozen foreign tribe, miss it, miss it, wait until the foreign tribe, there are one or two thousand, that is the big head.”

“All right, anyway, when the time comes, if I do not kill the foreigners, you are dead.

Xiao Yan: “…

Xiao Yan: ” Fuck, we have so many times of suffering together can not withstand a few foreign souls?”

Tony thought about it and said seriously. “Can’t resist!”


True tm earth real.

Forget it, do not care, after all, later the secret weapon or this forced to provide.

Xiao Yan spat in his heart and followed the troops.

A few moments later.

Finally it was time to reach the destination.

This one alien tribe, located deep in the mountain range, on a flat land, established a number of primitive tribal-like buildings, inside the alien people come and go, there are alien squads are also guarding the entrance to the village.

Before the players approach, a foreigner is frowning, looking in a direction cold voice yelled. “There are enemies, all alert!!!”

One of the Fey suddenly emitted killing intent, the village Fey looked in this direction.

The grass rattled, a figure came out, it was the players.

“These foreigners, they’re really alert, they found us before we even showed up.”

“Dog nose, do not let you think why is called foreign? It must be a little different from us humans.”

“Hey, but you do not say, the nose of these foreigners is a bit like a dog’s nose.

“Hahahahaha, be careful later on people are staring at you to kill.”

“Oooooo, so scared, I will find a place where no one is kowtowing to them to admit their mistakes.”

“Ugh? Kowtowing to whom? To whom do I confess my mistake?”

“That must have come with their heads, give me the wrong identification, hahahaha.

Although the aliens are alert and numerous, but the players are not the slightest bit nervous.

And their words, undoubtedly made these foreigners angry.

“Surprisingly, it’s human!!!

“These humans, really deserved to die, not only took the initiative to come to the door to die, but also dared to be so arrogant? Kill, they must be killed!

We “are the masters of this world, these humans deserve to die, they should not continue to live in this world!”

“Hmph, it just so happens that the chief is out, kill these humans, and when the chief returns, we will definitely be rewarded, hahahahahahaha.”

“That’s right.

Between words.

Tap Tap Tap.

A large number of foreigners gathered in front of the humans, a large number of them, each with a murderous intent, earning a look at the players, almost without too many words.


After an alien commander spat out a cold word from his mouth, the aliens rushed directly towards the players and killed them.

The ground was shaking slightly from the excessive number of people running around.

In this regard, the players have a gloomy look on their faces.

Not to the alien race.

It is for other players.

“H, so many foreigners, how can I kill one, right?”

“Phew, calm down first, brothers, find the right opportunity later, can kill a few, kill a few more, to the death to grab heads, understand?”

“Don’t worry boss, we all understand.”

“Hiss, so powerful oppressive force, do not know the Laozi also thought it was in the attack World government.”

“Why haven’t you done anything yet?”

“They’re all waiting to see who’s going to be the first one.”

“Tou, these foreigners are coming to the face and still do not fight?”

“Hiss ..these b, is really fucking tolerable.”


If you don’t do it, then I will..


Wait, why do I feel hot all of a sudden?

Players look stunned, followed by a rush to look back, and then one of them is dumbfounded.

“Damn, Fuck is secretly building up power here?”

Some players looked at Ace at the end and couldn’t help but growl.


Ace grinned, revealing a brilliant smile. “Hahahahahahahahaha, brothers, since you don’t make a move, let me do it.”

He raised his right hand high, and on the palm of his right hand, a large fireball had already condensed out, emitting a hot heat.

“Great Inferno Ring – Inferno Emperor!”

This is the strongest move that Ace has developed since he got Mera-mera Fruit, the huge fireball, like the sun, placed in the world of pirates can almost destroy a city.

And in this world, although the power may not be as great, but also definitely not weak.

A roar, Ace leapt, directly the large fireball towards the direction of the alien smashed.

“Hahahahahahahahaha, Ace, well done!”

Whitebeard saw this and could not help but laugh, this is his son ah.

But the next moment, the smile on Whitebeard’s face froze.

” Susanoo!

Uchiha Itachi inserted an eye low bellow, huge giant figure coalesced out, swinging the ten fist sword, a sword will be the huge fire ball to shatter, followed by a faint smile on his face. “This time, but I’ll take the lead.”

After that, Uchiha Itachi controlled Susanoo and turned around to slash at the alien with his sword.

“Crap, Uchiha Itachi, Gansen Nyang.

Whitebeard and Ace were stunned to see this.

Does Fuck work like that?

If you can’t grab it, you’ll just interrupt your attack?

“Seek death.”

Among the foreigners, there is a foreigner see this, not the slightest fear of a step out of the leap to the mid-air, and then a fist blast, the fist has an earthy yellow divine light outbreak, transformed into a tiger wrapped, a roar and ten fist sword to meet together.

The terrifying wave of Qi swept in all directions.

Uchiha Itachi eyes flashed a flash of surprise, but then there is a cold intent emerged.


A cold word came out of his mouth, and the Mangekyō in Uchiha Itachi’s pupils spun wildly.

” Amaterasu.

The voice falls.


The alien face immediately showed a painful look, his body out of thin air appeared black flame, crazy burning up, so that the alien pain, fell to the ground at once.

Uchiha Itachi also took the opportunity to swing his sword again.


One alien, direct death.

” Amaterasu.”

Uchiha Itachi once again activated his ability, black flames swept through, and flames began to burn on every alien that he looked at.


“Damn, what is this, what is this flame?”

“It’s a foreign fire, quickly, wrap it with spiritual power and remove it!”

Some of the stronger members of the Fey also noticed the difference between Amaterasu flames and ordinary flames, and soon found a solution.

And this scene, fell in the eyes of the players, but let the players one face with a grateful look.

“Fuck, Fuck, Uchiha Itachi is trying to wrap up all these aliens by himself.”

“Phew, fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, these foreigners give strength, can resist this flame.

“I can’t wait any longer, I can’t get a head, all of you get out, Laozi want to kill the foreigners!!!”

Whitebeard grinned. ” Uchiha Itachi, you really have a good fucking idea, but unfortunately I will not let you get what you want.

Fuck, you’re crazy to try to take over this group of aliens by yourself?

Whitebeard’s heart sneered, hands clenched fist, fiercely towards the direction of the foreigners blast over.

“Double Wolfquake!”


Shock Fruit’s power exploded, his fists blasted out, and the two wolves roared.

The earth was shattered.

“Oh, real people don’t want to come here and not get anything.

Ying Zheng gave a faint smile and drew the sword of Qin, he was not without any promotion in this world.

A sword, instantly cut out.

“The Emperor’s Sword!”

The golden hulk of the chop with a terrifying destructive force, swept away, the ground was split open a deep gash.

Medusa sneered and raised her hand to fall.


The ground shook, a palm directly killed a lot of foreigners.

Players can’t help themselves.

One by one, looking at other players, are cursing in their hearts.

Fuck, just half a day without making a move, now a strike, is the full force of a strike.

Can you give us ordinary players a way to live?

Also, can you be a little more careful when you make a move? I almost got slapped to death by Fuck, what’s wrong with you 117?

“Follow the wind, and watch out behind you.”

A figure rang out, and Aso from Valoran also struck.

With the sound, Aso’s figure such as a gale to promote, instantly into a shadow of the crowd of foreigners, a sword easily kill foreigners, foreigners want to deal with Aso, but the next moment Aso’s figure appeared in another place.

Just like a ghost, extremely fast, manipulating the wind, so that ordinary people simply difficult to keep up with his speed.

The most important thing is that, when killing the foreigners, he still has a smile on his face.

“Tou, why the hell do I feel like he’s happy!”

“I think so, but I have no proof.”

Some players spouted off.

Xia: “It’s our turn to strike, dear. ”

Lo: “Whatever you say, baby.”

Kasumi: “Honey, I love watching you kill people.

Lo: “Baby, I love killing for you.

Lo” to kiss.

Luo: “mua~”

Xia: “mua~”

Grass mud horses.

You guys are sick, right?

Laozi came out to kill the monster, and also be fed a mouthful of dog food?

Can you guys get away from the love show?


Hearing Xia Luo’s dialogue, many players around the crazy rolled their eyes, almost almost rolled their eyes out.

One by one, while holding back the feeling of vomiting in the heart, but also while the crazy grabbing heads.

Some ordinary players don’t mention how hard and depressed they are in their hearts.

Even if you kill the monster, even if you grab the head.

Why we can only be hard to grab heads, the results of you, one by one to kill the monster easy not to say, can pretend to be also TM can show love?

I am not convinced!!!

Compared to other players, Eiri is much easier.

No way, after all, she is not to kill the monster, she is simply experience.

But looking at the side of Xiao Yan and Tony, Ying Li Li is more strange, curiously asked. “You guys don’t make a move?”

Tony shook his head and put on his sunglasses. “Little sister, there is no hurry.


Xiao Yan did not know where to get a cigar, a deep breath spit out the eyes, and then also slowly put on their own sunglasses, calmly said. “They ah, completely unaware of this era, has changed.”

End of story.

Xiao Yan and Tony two people waved their hands in unison, behind the two, dozens of large boxes emerged at once.

Looking at the things in the box, Erieli directly people stupid.

What the heck is all this?

Dozens of boxes of rockets, dozens of boxes of fragmentation grenades.

What’s that?

Why are there still missiles?

Are you guys crazy?

Erieli looked at the two with a head full of questions.

In the face of Yingli Li Li’s eyes, Xiao Yan grinned. “Little sister, hide away a little, or later hurt you will not be good.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Tony nodded with great approval.

Then two people at the same time with a box to the front, open, pick up the inside of the grenade, began one after another, crazy pull out the pull ring towards the direction of the foreigners thrown, with no money like.

But for a moment.




The sound of explosions, began to ring wildly.

But then, there was the sound of angry players cursing:

“Damn it, which idiot keeps throwing grenades? Laozi people are all fucking blown up into idiots!!!”

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