64:The first event opened (for automatic subscription)

The night is deep.

In the early hours of the morning, the village also has a lot of chip fire up, some players sitting on the ground, bragging among themselves.


Two people came to the village.

The other players looked up and were shocked.

“Dude, what’s wrong with you two? Is this a late night? Not so much, dark circles under the eyes how so obvious?

Black you big man.

Xiao Yan and Tony speechless.

Rubbed his eyes, hissed..

It also hurts a little.

Xiao Yan: “No, nothing.”

Tony: “Yes, it’s okay, it’s just too long to sleep, it’s not ready to go back to sleep.

The two men said.

That chip fire next to someone patted down just asked the question, not good enough to say. “This is not a black eye, clearly is the panda eyes, was beaten!”

Xiao Yan: “…”

HE: “…”

You are a person, so no emotional intelligence ah.

Can we wait until we’re both gone?


Damn, that bear is really fucking hard, not just to go to the guest? Just take something? There is a need for such a – heavy hand?

Xiao Yan spit in his heart with Tony.

Both of them are now basically two very obvious panda eyes on their faces, well, beaten up by the giant earth bear.

The reason is not to mention, understand all understand.

But luckily, the two also got what they wanted.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.)

The two men had smiles on their faces when they looked at the backpack.

Don’t say, the dog bear home good things is really a lot, damn many things also specially dug a pit buried, but also fortunately there are bear and bear two, otherwise it really can not find.

I will definitely go back next time I have the chance.

As for the bears..

Passed out.

The how is not mentioned.

After the two returned to the village, they rushed offline, have to be on the line after dawn before the black eye thing is solved, otherwise tomorrow on the line, have to give others to die laughing.

Soon, the two figures disappeared in the village.

In the blink of an eye, another day has passed.

Early morning.

Ye Xuan woke up from his cultivation.

The time is just six o’clock, did not have time to open the activity, a figure is walking, holding a bowl handed to Ye Xuan, shy. “Brother Xuan, here you go, breakfast.


Ye Xuan was stunned, immediately thanked and took the bowl, smiling and asking. “Why is Nini up so early today?”

The young girl is not very old, only a dozen years old, but because of this mysterious world, it seems to be 14 or 15 years old, out of the pavilion.

Hearing Ye Xuan’s words, the young girl said. “Father said, let me get up early today, teach me to cultivate, said I have reached the time when I can cultivate.”


At that, Ye Xuan smiled, rubbed Nini’s head and said. “Go for it.


Go for it.”


The young girl bounced off and left.

Looking at the back of the young girl, Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head, everyone has a soft place in his heart, this village, is considered a soft place in his heart.

After eating breakfast, Ye Xuan let out a deep breath and looked at the players who were starting to increase in the streets, and said in his heart. “System, open the event.”

“But, the event is open.

As the system’s voice falls.

All the players’ ears, there is an alert sound.

【The game event “foreign invasion” will be opened soon, players can go online to understand the relevant information.

[Due to the opening of the game activities, other functions are unlocked.

[Leaderboard function is open.

[Guild function is open.)

[Live convenient function is open.][Chat convenience feature is open.

【Specifically, players should go online to understand by themselves.)


“Just came online, and it’s such a big deal?”

“Events? Guild? What’s all this?”

“Crap!!! Brothers, open the event store, hurry up!!!”

“An event store? There’s not something good again, is there?”

” Fuck, this store reward is too generous, right? Damn, if this is all for me, I must fucking take off?”

“You want to eat, give you a good, but also want to all want.

“Ah ah ah ah ah, I also want ah, but can not afford to buy, this foreign soul is what ah?”

“Didn’t you read the event description? After the event is opened, next there will be foreigners attacking the village, we just need to kill the foreigners at that time, we can get the foreign soul.”

“So this is the event, hahaha, Laozi is going to kill 10,000!!!”

” Fuck, don’t just look at the activities ah, look at the guild ah, the guild function is not simple ah.”

“Just finished reading, hiss, this is not similar to our pirate group?”

“Isn’t this similar to our Shinobi village?”

A beep sounded, causing the chat channel to explode at once.

JABALI got up early and entered the game, and when she heard the alert tone, her eyes lit up: “Sokuichi, there is an event, and there is a guild open, decided, I want to establish an angel guild!

“Lo, what do you think?”

“I just want to see you, baby.”

“That’s very kind of you.

“My goodness is only to you, where you go, I will be there.”

Xia Luo combination look at each other, the tone of sweet.

The players next to the passers-by are vomiting one by one, and have stayed away.

This Fuck is filled with the sour smell of love, which is unbearable.

Originally not yet online, in the sleep of Xiao Yan and other people, also because of the beep and have woke up from sleep, and hurriedly online to check the relevant information.

Whitebeard: “Hahahahahahahaha, the guild function, I like it, I want to create a Whitebeard guild. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get the money to create a guild. It’s still 100 gold coins, why don’t you go rob ah?”

Xiao Yan: “Robbery money where there is this to come quickly ah.”

Tsunade:” Senju guild recruiting, interested to come ah, good benefits ah, the daily copy of the big brother with the team ah!”

Tony: “Crap, so fast?”

The first of the passers-by: “Enjoy the silky smooth guild to accept people, brothers, to add the hurry to add, we leave the village together to create our own guild site.”

A B C D: “The old king Kung Fu good guild to accept people, said not to build a guild do not know, even let there is a teleportation array this thing?”

Whitebeard: “Fuck, you guys are moving really fast, I’m going too.”

Kaido: “Hahahaha, Laozi also created a hundred beast guild.

Kakashi; “Say, is it really a good idea for Tsunade-sama not to create a Kiba guild?”

Tsunade: “None of my business?”

Orochimaru: “Haruka Haruka, Tsunade, do you mind letting me join you?”

Tsunade: “Go away, women only.

Orochimaru: “I am now also a daughter.”



Get as far away as you can.

This is even more fucking unavailable.

The event opened,basically let all players online at once.

Now the number of players can be said to be many, many, basically more than three or four hundred, in addition to Ye Xuan summoned in addition to the players themselves through the internal test code brought in.

Especially Ying Zheng, almost all of his gold coins were used to buy internal test codes, or to buy weapons from Tony.

Win Zheng checked the guild’s function, stroking his chin gaze flickered up. “This guild function is very good, ah, as long as there is a guild residence, you can buy a teleportation array, then even in other places, you can always come back to the village.”

…… request flowers ……

This thought, win zheng hastily set up a guild, and let dynasty and other people join the guild, by the way also invited the flame spirit Ji.

And in addition to the guild function, the ranking function also has a lot of people check up.

The leaderboard feature is really just two lists.

One is the rank list.

One is the realm list.

Ranking List:

1: Whitebeard thirty levels.

2:Medusa – twenty-eight levels.

3: Doflamingo-XXVII level.



Realm list:

1:Medusa-refining body eight.

2:Xiao Yan-Seventh level of body refining.

3:Ying Zheng – Seventh level of body refinement.



Here’s the list.

Ye Xuan also took a look at the list, and then shook his head.

These people on the ranking list, can not use the normal level to judge the battle power.

After all, level 30, is equivalent to the realm of refinement of about three battle power.

Whitebeard, on the other hand, is clearly more than that.

After all, they all come with their own special abilities.

But also now, they are such as Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit power, also in the low realm is able to play a role, until the transcendent realm around, they come with the ability, because of the upper limit of the reason, can play a role close to nothing.

So, Whitebeard and others, to be honest, will be able to seize the opportunity now, if not, after a while, they actually have little advantage.

That’s a given.

At the same time.

In the Floating Cloud Mountain Range.

In a building in a Fey tribe, a Fey drank in a deep voice. “Damn, a human touched the seal on the Sword of Daxia and took it away!”

“What are you going to do about it?”

“How to do it? Find the human, of course, and kill them!!!”

“This world is already ours, the human race will either be kept in captivity or be decimated, they cannot be given any chance to rise!”

Chief”, recently found a lot of human traces in the mountain range, could it be that those humans took away the Sword of Daxia?”

“It’s possible, I’ve detected the scent of the seal, not far from our tribe.

The leader of the alien race snorted coldly and said. “Since there are still some humans living in the floating cloud mountain range, then this time take advantage of the opportunity to kill them all, someone, go to the other two tribes to invite their leaders over, Laozi will not give the humans any chance.


The three alien tribes, soon linked together.

To this.

Naturally, the people in the village do not know, and they do not care if they know.

At this time, the players in the village because of the event rewards, have begun to discuss excitedly, how to face this event to get the maximum benefit.

In the chat channel:

Roadie One; “Damn, brothers, just got word that the mountain range has found traces of foreigners, there are indeed three tribes, and it seems that the three tribes are considering an alliance to launch an attack on us, what to say?”

Xiao Yan: “Three tribes, about how many foreigners?”

Kebbi: “got the news, each of the foreign tribes probably have a couple of thousand people, but most of them are one or two dozen levels, the realm is not high.”

Tony: “So many people?”

Whitebeard: “Oh, that’s more? Laozi is still too little.”

JABALI: “Haven’t the foreigners started their attack yet?”

Passerby – No.: “No.”

Ying Zheng: “Why don’t we take advantage of the fact that the foreigners haven’t attacked yet, so we can go and wipe out a foreign tribe first?”

Ye Xuan; “????”

The idea of breaking, the idea, is great!

You want to end the event right after it starts?

Three thousand words chapter, ask for support. Thousand,

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