288: The scum of the White family (request automatic subscription)

Throughout history, the catastrophe continent, no matter which race, have emerged countless geniuses, they are exceptionally gifted, cultivation, the water to the water, all the way high song, and even in the same realm to crush the opponent.

And these days, very few can fight across the realm, after all, the realm of the gulf is there, some Master heaven-defying gong method, the terror of the Avatar may do this step, but are rare, and they encounter the opponent is generally some slightly weaker.

But Ye Xuan is different, he not only crossed the realm of battle, even against a genius, a valued by the White Family, by countless young generation as an idol of the genius, can be in this battle, no difference, it is difficult to ascend to heaven.

But Ye Xuan did, in full view of everyone, no one will pay attention to how he did it, as long as he did, it represents his powerful, his terrible.

At this moment, almost everyone present looked at him with admiration – color.

“So what?” An abrupt voice sounded – came, originating from Bai Lie.

Ye Xuan looked at him and smiled slightly: “No how, just telling you the truth.”

Bai Lie still wanted to speak, but the old man next to him stopped him, he looked at Ye Xuan, showing a kind smile and said: “Young man, I did not expect you to be so talented, would you like to become my Bai family’s children?”

His voice is not loud, but full of power, giving a feeling of blood and vigor.

“Fourth uncle!” Bai Lie on the side could not help but want to speak out, the purpose of their trip is not like this, but was stopped by a look from the old man.

Become the white family children, this is a very tempting thing, to know that the white family as one of the ancient family, its heritage is unfathomable, once Ye Xuan really joined the white family, will certainly get the focus of cultivation, into the great emperor realm is only a matter of time, it seems that the white family also valued the heaven-defying heavenly gift.

But Ye Xuan is very simply refused: “My surname is Ye, not Bai, I prefer to be free and easy.”

The calm words rejected the old man’s good intentions, Ye Xuan is not stupid, this family depends on the conditions, is that generation after generation to grow, as an outsider, even if you really go in, far from imagining that good.

At that, the old man’s face changed slightly, the smile disappeared, but still asked: “Then how will you treat the White family in the future?

This statement, the presence of a sudden outcry, thought they heard wrong.

What does the White family mean by this? Are they worried that Ye Xuan will target their family in the future? Is the White family conceding?

Numerous question marks appeared on their heads, even the side of the white Lie are very confused.

Ye Xuan looked at the old man, four eyes facing each other, through those cloudy eyes, Ye Xuan saw the killing intent, once his answer was not satisfactory, the old man might strike.

Ye Xuan smiled lightly, leaped down from the stone pillar, landed in front of the old man, he never likes to pretend, word by word: “People do not offend me, I do not offend, offenders, although I will be killed!

His voice is very plain, but in the ears of the crowd, but as if the calm surface of the sea set off huge waves, shocked the heart.

The old man’s expression remained the same, staring at the pair of clear eyes, and then slowly spoke: “Gentlemen, the next is the old man’s business, but please do not spectate.”

He was warning these onlookers, it was clear that the old man was about to make a move and did not want so many people watching.

“Is senior going to take on a human demon genius?” Someone couldn’t help it, and asked loudly.

Each human genius, are the future of the human race, they worship a large part of the reason for these geniuses, is from them to see the hope of the human race.

Now the white family apparently to a human genius, naturally some people are dissatisfied.

In this regard, the old man is a light response: “This is an old man’s business, and the white family has nothing to do, please leave.

Between the words, a terrifying breath from the old man, that the foremost few cultivators were instantly shaken away, this is a warning, so the onlookers, even though the heart is not willing, but are retreating, and some cultivators, are quietly leaving, want to report to the division.

Soon, the stone forest, there are three people left, the other cultivators fell in the distance, nervously watching the scene.

“As far as I know, in the Holy City, there are very few deaths. ” Ye Xuan remained calm, said very casual.

The old man nodded slightly: “Indeed, especially the young generation, those big people will not allow the genius between life and death struggle, the human race can not afford internal depletion.”

“Then why are you doing this. ” Ye Xuan was a little curious.

……… is asking for flowers…

In response, the old man said with a serious face: “Although the old man is old, but those eyes can still be used, I see killing intent in your eyes. Your talent is too strong, I know how powerful white chop, and because of this, I am afraid of your power.”

“Are you afraid of me?” Ye Xuan asked, looking the old man in the eye.

The old man actually nodded: “Yes, I’m afraid of you, afraid that once you rise, will be detrimental to the entire white family. At first I just wanted to teach you a lesson, let you see the majesty of the White Family, but just now, I changed my mind, you must die, before you grow up, no one shelter.”

The old man’s voice is not loud, in the time he spoke, around the isolation barrier has appeared, his words can not get out, or there will be a big disaster.

Bai Lie on the side of listening to the old man’s words, the brain is blank, he heard every word clearly, but linked together, but can not read.

Ye Xuan understood, I have to say, the old man’s view is very accurate, from the white Lie said that the first sentence, he has no good impression of the white family, the white family needs to establish prestige, Ye Xuan is the best choice, and once the prestige, wait until Ye Xuan grows up, the white family will certainly become a thorn in his side.

This is a fact, undeniable, and the old man’s vision is very poisonous, he will not let Ye Xuan grow, at this moment has started to kill, in Ye Xuan still does not have any background, exclude him is the best choice.

“You don’t have confidence in your family, but you are quite confident in me.” Ye Xuan mocked.

“Can not say since not confident, this is called prevention before it is too late.” The old man lifted his chin and said proudly.

“The human hierarchy will not allow you to do so, you will also be wiped out, not only you, but also the one next to you, and even the entire Bai family.” Ye Xuan suddenly said coldly.

This is a fact, the human senior will not allow geniuses to die in the human internal strife, once this happens, it is bound to be severely punished, otherwise it will shake the confidence of the entire human race.

In response, the old man laughed and said: “I said, it has nothing to do with the White family, it’s my business. Anyway, I do not have a few years to live.

He said it casually, but the laughter seemed a little eerie, I did not expect the old man in front of me to be so decisive. A thousand

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