281:Fame (automatic subscription request)

In the air, not only the presence of cultivators, ten miles around, see all the Qilin beast, also saw the law light chain, that is a terrifying sight, as if the end of the world, destroy everything.

The qilin body like a mountain, roar, the sound is huge, divine power from all directions, the terrifying power with its claws slapped to those light chains, want to tear it.

However, the light chain seems to be indestructible, in the face of the Qilin’s terrifying power, but not damaged in the slightest, but fell on the huge body, will be wrapped and bound, trying to strangle.

At the same time, white chop that fist also fell on Ye Xuan’s palm, endless spiritual power poured out, as if a Wang Yang sea, majestic aura, shocking.

The two collided, the light is very bright, the terrifying power constantly erupted, round after round, the huge impact also shook the whole mountain peak.

In the air, the qilin was bound by light chains, trying to break free, but could not break free, the particles of light chains are not only hard, but also sharp, the qilin’s body strangled out a blood trail.

The qilin was injured, white chop also followed by a serious injury, his mouth blood flowing out of the corner, the body shaking.

He was not willing, how could he be suppressed like this, so a greater power began to coalesce in his body24,, wanting to change the battle.

“Stop, this is the end!” At this time, an old voice from the sky, then the qilin actually disappeared with the wind, along with the light chain was also destroyed in an instant, the original terrifying field, instant calm.

Ye Xuan a moment of consternation, white chop is also full of reluctance.

Some of the most powerful people are secretly stopping, if the fight continues like this, it will definitely affect other people who are practicing in the Holy Land, which is not allowed, so someone has stepped in to stop it.

It looks like a terrifying battle, I did not expect to be so easily defeated by others, white chop looked at Ye Xuan, a complex look, turned around and left.

Ye Xuan was thinking about the real strength of the person who just struck.

“True Body Realm? Or is it the Great Emperor realm?” Ye Xuan thought inwardly, and when he came back to his senses, Bai Zhan had already left, while he was still standing in the middle of the field, and countless eyes fell on him again.

The two did not share a victory, perhaps Bai Zhan still has a kill move not used, Ye Xuan should also have the bottom card did not show, but undeniably, against the seventh-ranked Bai Zhan, Ye Xuan showed an amazing strength, ushered in the respect of everyone.

Jing Ya fairy in the air quietly watching Ye Xuan, for a long time, she did not choose to fight, instead, manipulating the clouds, chose to leave, giving up the fight for the Holy Land quota.

With the departure of the two supreme geniuses, Ye Xuan rightfully got the last place in the Holy Land, no one dares to jump out and grab, they are not Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan is really capable.

See no one said, Xuan turned around and walked into the golden light flowing cave.

As he set foot, the cave entrance began to shrink the city convergence, and finally disappeared, open again, after ten days.

Soon, the rumors about Ye Xuan instantly spread among the Holy City.

Although the Holy City is large, do not underestimate the speed with which news travels.

The young man from the central part of the country, in the Holy Land, steadily pressed the white chop, so that the fairy Jing Ya give up the competition for a place, its remarkable record, like a storm, swept the young generation.

People have speculated about his origin, some people went to ask the disciples of the Greenwood Sect and the Royal Beast Sect, but did not get any response, because even they do not know the origin of Ye Xuan, we only know that he comes from the central, nothing else, even the division is not.

Now, everyone is more and more curious, think Ye Xuan and purple moon – kun, are no door no sect of evil genius, are great emperor realm reincarnation, otherwise why before the unknown, appearing out of nowhere.

On the other hand, the stone list of the young generation’s strongest people was modified by the people of the Tianji Sect, and the words “Central Mystic” fell on Bai Xuan’s head, replacing his seventh position.

This, it can be said to have set off a furor, some practitioners think that this is reasonable, some think that the white chop did not make full strength, so the decision, whether it is unfair again.

In this regard, the Tianji door did not respond, white cut himself did not respond, someone went to consult the Jing Ya fairy who was present that day, got a fair answer: “He is very strong, really want to fight, it is inevitable that both lose!”

The discussion about Ye Xuan is very hot, and even Arai, who is looking for someone, is surprised.

“The village chief is so strong? “Desolate muttered, he did not know Bai Xin’s realm, but heard that he was previously ranked seventh in the younger generation, so I guess it’s not weak.

He and Ye Xuan parted ways, naturally want to go to find a Xia Qingxian, after all, when he did not say anything, maybe others think they are dead, this kind of thing is better to say clearly.

And just now, he just learned that Xia Qingxian is hunting the front line to kill the foreigners, and the battle is brilliant, he was thinking, should not also go to the front line.

Now know Ye Xuan into the holy land that, thinking that the practice must also take some time, he decided to go to the front line to see.

At this moment, Ye Xuan came to the middle of the holy land, where the spiritual energy is abundant, the law emerges, walking on a road, he found that both sides are secret rooms, while there are people practicing, the stone door is closed, no one practicing, the stone door is open.

In each room, there is a terrifying aura emitted, even if these rooms have the role of isolation, but it is still difficult to conceal the aura of these strong people.227

All the way to the end, he saw the last open chamber, then approached and closed the stone door.

In the secret room, there is only a stone platform, very simple, until the stone door closed, Ye Xuan suddenly felt countless laws around the body emerge, pure spiritual energy floating in it.

“This is just the right place for me to practice my own Tao. ” Ye Xuan said with delight.

Then he sat down on his knees, his consciousness sank, fell in the sea of the brain, where a law particle is missing, so he had a pain, and then began to communicate the power of the heavenly dao, guiding the law light chain appeared.

In his consciousness outreach, a law light chain was once again held by him, concentrating on the observation, this law light chain has more particles than the heavenly dao beads, he was hungry to extract those particles, into their own use.

The extraction of these particles is very difficult and must be a huge effort, but it is well worth it.

The battle just now, so he found that these particles released a very terrifying power, more terrifying than the simple power of the law, if you can really control, can certainly become a major killing move.

It’s just that these particles are used once less once, you have to extract more particles, and his path is also related to these particles, stacking more is the way, as a last resort, Ye Xuan does not want to rashly use.

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