266: strong people out of the [request automatic subscription]

Nearly two thousand players said more than not, but also a huge sound, and the foreign side, because the first team of elite troops did not come out, the second team did not arrive, the third team also only came to some foreigners, resulting in the battlefield so deadlocked.

The war has continued until the sunset, the evening sun is like a blood curtain, covering the sky, the white clouds have been turned into blood, spreading which, in fact, look very demonic.

On the ground, shouting and killing, the vast mountain forest, countless living corpses lying in it, because to wait until the end of the guild war, to revive, so the player’s corpse is not recycled.

Until the evening is close, the human race began to retreat, the alien race also retreat cohesion, a time, between the two sides, that was blasted out of the gully has become a temporary ceasefire line, facing each other.

“Why do you want to stop?” This is Whitebeard’s voice, he has been manipulating that Tongtian Great Formation, a Heavenly Gate realm strong man was trapped by him until now, until the human race retreated, only to escape in an effort to escape in an awkward manner.

“Must rest, inevitably the formation will collapse. “The one who gave the order to retreat is Win Zheng, as the emperor of the earth, he has experienced many wars24, naturally clear that the human race has reached the end of its strength, need to rest.

At the moment there are less than a thousand players left, everyone is clear that this earthly emperor is keen on war, but if we do not take advantage of the victory, after the alien adjustment, they will no longer have a chance.

So Whitebeard said, “If you don’t fight, you’ll lose, what can you do?”

In this regard, Winning eyes on the gully side of the foreigners, silent, a time, several guild presidents did not speak, we began to adjust, time is short, must fight for time.

On the other hand, at the base camp, the news of the truce between the two armies soon reached the ears of the first captain.

“Hahahaha, the human race is no longer able to do so, we should take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack.” A claiming king realm alien strong man laughed.

“No, we do not have to move, if the front line can not hold on to move again, the scouts have gone to inform the commander, although I do not know why this time the people suddenly attacked, wait until the commander returned, everything will finally come to light. “The first detachment is very cautiously said.

In fact, among his duties, the most important is to guard the treasure of the town army, especially before Ye Xuan door mentioned this thing, more let him worry whether the human race for this reason, especially during the day that suddenly infiltrated the human race, he decided to guard here.

As darkness began to fall, the player, seeing that the other side did not have any more reinforcements coming, suddenly raised his sword in his hand and shouted, “Keep killing!”

The sound is magnificent, straight to the clouds, shaking heaven and earth, the night seems to be shaken open general, countless haze appeared, the players again crossed the gully, rushing to the other camp.

The two sides once again killed together, blood into a fine rain, thrown in the field, the earth has been red drenched, there are puddles of blood everywhere, in front of the war, life is fragile, but the players have the determination to go forward, because they do not need to worry about their own death, to this point, Ye Xuan before the mouth of the punishment has lost the bind, all players want to fight a pain.

Ye Xuan looked at the battle below and was very satisfied: “This is the human race, the indestructible human race.”

On the other side of the alien race, there is another strong man from the Heavenly Gate realm rushing out of the lineup, his body is full of green hair, his body is huge, like a giant, holding a giant axe, roaring in anger, rushing towards the player lineup.

His face is fierce, like a demon god of destruction, the huge axe in his hand emits a palpitating power, wanting to sweep everything.

At this time, the sky above the human race, the void ripped, a player rushed out, raised his right hand, snow-like slender index finger, the body of the black ring steeply released a strong light, stabbed at each other.

The Heavenly Gate realm strong man holding a huge axe, a fierce slash, a huge force collided with it, and suddenly the void shook, the spiritual power spilled, he was actually knocked back half a step by the ray.

“What’s that? ” a player noticed the ring.

“The Ring of the Demon King, when Medusa and the village chief they killed the Demon King to get.” A player gave an explanation.

The Medusa with the Ring of the Demon King stared at the Heavenly Gate realm alien powerhouse, not giving him the slightest chance to breathe, and killed him once again.

At the bottom of the field, Ying Zheng, who was holding the Earth Sword, rushed in the front, his realm was profound, his power was strong, and especially after receiving the inheritance of the Ten Thousand Flowers Palace, his control of sword intent became more and more terrifying.

A foreigner wielded a sharp weapon, trying to kill him, but he was a sword cut, should be broken, the backhanded sword stabbed out, the foreigner died on the spot, followed by a left-handed fist, blasted at another foreigner who came to kill, an instant blast of flesh and blood, flew out.

On the other hand, Whitebeard holding the Green Dragon Crescent Blade is also very scary, huge that the body exploded with more powerful power, the hand of the big knife slashed, the ground shook, the terrifying power of countless foreigners become the soul under the knife.

“Looking for death. “Before Whitebeard trapped by the Heavenly Gate realm foreigners see this, can no longer hold back, with anger to strike, the speed is amazing, the two sides battle together.

At this moment, the battlefield, only four Heavenly Gate realm foreign strong, there are two did not strike, they are afraid, afraid of whether there is a sneak attack in the dark.

At the same time, the presence of more than a dozen five realm of the foreigners have fallen a half, they did not expect this group but the four elephant realm of the human race, but the combat power so fierce, a variety of treasures released, a thousand magical powers, is really with the bottom in the battle210.

The foreigners who were already suppressed continued to be beaten by the fierce group of players and kept retreating, especially Ying Zheng, the foreigners of the Five Mansions realm could not stop the power of his earth sword, like a god of war, sweeping everything.

Finally, a Heavenly Gate realm strong man could not hold back, he jumped up, his body suddenly changed into a ferocious beast, with blue flames, emitting a creepy and fierce aura, as if from the nine hells out of the ordinary.

This beast, like a wolf, hairless, wrapped in flame, ten meters long, hideous face, a mouth, there will be countless fury emerged, several players among the corrosive death.

“Seek death!”

Knowing that the other party was coming for him, Ying Zheng no longer hesitated and rose up to the sky, and went forward to kill.

He held a sword in his hand, stroking the void, setting off a burst of sword qi, like a shocking wave, rolled and rushed.

At this moment, Ying Zheng gave out all his spiritual power and rushed to the ferocious beast, the sword in his hand suddenly became several times bigger, like a long rainbow, and stabbed out fiercely, countless sword qi emerged, sword intent filled it.

In the face of this terrifying sword, the beast does not panic in the slightest, a roar, shattered the void, stunning the world, the body of countless flames instantly flourished into countless fire awnings and the sword instantly collided.

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