264: special forces of the foreigners (for automatic subscription)

“Can we beat the alien legions?”

This is currently the hottest topic on the forum, countless players have discussed and analyzed, including the understanding of the overall strength of the Eleventh Legion of the foreigners, from all aspects of the analysis.

The last response with the highest number of likes was: “Definitely!”

There is no fancy explanation, can be can, even if the enemy is ten times stronger than a hundred times, still can, because the belief so.

Why is the human race so far not destroyed, even though fled to the desolate west, still established a huge holy city, all because of the faith so, even these players, is also the same.

Ten years of drinking ice, it is difficult to cool the hot blood!

When really set foot on the battlefield to participate in it, the players’ blood was finally aroused, we are full of pride, not the slightest fear, even the original blue sky, at the moment are blood red, such as the sun.

Near the Kunlun Mountain Range, many beasts were scared by this horrific scene, shivering, desperate to look at other areas to flee, even the unbeatable powerful beasts, have chosen to avoid their fronts, this is the battle of the two races, from the beginning, it is terrifying to the extreme.

At this time, the blood-red sky suddenly floated a white clouds, some foreign strong people saw this scene, the gaze, the clouds, seems to contain a palpitating power.

The clouds that opened in the sea of blood were coalescing, coalescing into a huge cloud, which then turned into a terrifying Uzumaki, and a huge suction force blossomed in the Uzumaki, and everyone subconsciously looked up and saw that the huge Uzumaki was pitch black, as if someone had opened a hole in the sky, unfathomable and vast.

” Whitebeard Pirates’ Tongtian Grand Formation?” A player exclaimed.

At this moment, those players who did not participate in the guild war also saw this magnificent scene through the live broadcast: rumor has it that the Whitebeard Pirates encountered an immortal island at sea, but the island was full of demons, and after paying a terrible price, Whitebeard obtained an amazing formation, which is said to be able to kill the strongest people of the Five Mansions realm, and even the Heavenly Gate realm can be trapped, Today, it is true


That through the sky formation, the upper can pass through the sky, once born, it can burst out a huge suction, countless clan soldiers were sucked into it, without the power to fight back.

Got to get the strong ones to come. “There were cries of despair from the fey.

At once, the foreign side, a strong man could not help but move, it was a heavenly gate realm strong man, he has been observing, in the vigilance of the human race whether there are also strong people hiding among them.

However, at this moment, he had to move, a hand, the divine ability to appear, the light of a million, only to see a huge creature from the air, the creature can not see the whole face, can only see the limbs like a mountain peak Royal air among them, the upper body has broken through the clouds to the highest.

Winning Zheng and others released their divine sense, they saw the huge creature, seems to be a hippopotamus, opened a bloody mouth, a bite towards the big formation, immediately Uzumaki shock, the field, Whitebeard also followed the face pale, fiercely spit out a mouthful of blood.

“This is the divine ability of the Heavenly Gate realm? How terrifying!” A player exclaimed, while he was lost in thought, a foreigner had already killed him and ended his life with a slash.

At this point, everyone then realized that still in the midst of the battlefield, how can distracted, retracted, once again collided together.

The Heavenly Gate realm strike is really terrifying, but that through the sky formation is still there, and even that Uzumaki reversed direction, but towards the huge hippopotamus, want to swallow it.

The huge hippopotamus once again opened its mouth to bite, but this time, it did not seem to be so smooth, the heavenly formation suddenly disappeared, and then appeared again, is to the alien body.

“Interesting.” That foreign race strong man sneered, and then rushed into the Uzumaki, he wanted to completely destroy this formation.

“Trouble is coming.” Ye Xuan muttered as he stood watching the scene from a place where no one could peek.


Only to see the foreign side, suddenly sounded an ancient horn sound, with the sound, in the left side of the battlefield, dense, countless foreign mountains and forests rushed out, a glance can not see the head.

The foreign reinforcements came, they came from the area under the control of the desert, although the strongest is only the five provinces realm, but the sound is so great that even the players were frightened.

“What is that thing?” A player said in horror.

Only to see that the foreign reinforcements, the front is surprisingly like amusing snakes like creatures, they have a thousand feet to the ground, crawling, the head is a man look, horrible, people’s skin tingling.

…… request flowers ……

[Thousand Foot Man, one of the ten special units of the foreign legion, known for its speed, attacking with poison].

Soon, the game’s beep sounded in the ears of the players, and everyone knew that this was a spirit.

After all, so long fighting, we thought that the alien only human form, I do not know the alien internal, in fact, there are not only similar to the human form, there are various forms, just used to live in human form, rarely exposed.

“Is this the power of the legion?” Looking at the speedy coming thousand footers, the players in the live room couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Seeing the thousand foot people will soon be the first to break apart the formation, just then, dozens of players turned the direction to meet the enemy head-on.

“Demacia, kill!”


The dozens of players are clearly members of the Hero Alliance Guild, the first full of blue and white armor, as if a knight of the player roared, and then the hands of the sword, speed up, the first to rush over.

“Noxus, kill!

Next to him, a player holding a huge axe, gray and black armor, also followed, single-handedly holding an axe, the sound is amazing.

They are the leader of the party, have Admiral style, the first soldier, released the whole body of spiritual power, to stop the other side to destroy the lineup.

Only to see, the sword crossed the sky, a dazzling light up, from the top to the bottom, a blast down, heavily on the ground, a huge shock wave instantly crushed the rushing thousand foot people, dozens of thousand foot people were completely crushed.

At the same time, some of the thousand foot people kill to the player holding a giant axe, however, the player is not afraid, the giant axe in the hands of sweeping away, blood to, countless thousands of foot people in the first place.

“Seek death!”

Among the thousand-footed people, there were strong people of the Five Mansion Realm who noticed their power and took the lead in killing them.

A five-fu realm thousand-footed man rose up in the air, and those crawling different, that is the human form, but the back is full of amusing legs, swaying in the air, numbing, holding a spear, swooping down and coming.

“Galen, I never thought we would have to fight together. “The player with the giant axe in his hand looked at that five House realm alien powerhouse, and said in a deep voice, he was no other than the Hand of Noxious, Drax.

“I will lead the charge!” Galen bellowed. Thousand,

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