258: Guild war content (request automatic subscription)

For the prophecy brought by the Holy Virgin, Teng San and the city lord are in deep thought, this kind of extinction of the world once fell in the ears of ordinary foreigners, will certainly set off a huge wave.

This time,” the appearance of the human race is too coincidental. “The Holy Virgin continued.

Teng San and City Lord nodded at the same time, apparently, the Virgin’s trip, just to make preparations in advance, yet that night there were people infiltrated, everything is too coincidental, could it be that the human hierarchy has also learned the news?

“What should happen next?” Teng San asked.

“You must stay at the city lord’s house until the other legions arrive.” The Holy Virgin ordered.

Whether or not the human race has guessed their movements, at least should not yet know the truth, in order to prevent the human race to break one by one, stay in Yecheng is the best choice.

“Then the Eleventh Legion side?” Teng San was a little worried.

The Holy Virgin casually glanced at him and said, “As long as the human race does not find out, everything is as it was.”

The first thing that he did not know was that his accidental trip had broken the planning of the foreigners, and it was just as Ye Xuan wanted, without the Teng Thirty-one Legion, the next guild war could also be carried out smoothly.

Three days later, Ye Xuan sat at the top of the room, and in the room, in turn, stood all the guilds when the president.

There are eleven guilds in total, and at this stage the first 210is the Whitebeard Pirates, followed by the Daughters of the Sea, followed by the Great Qin Empire.

At present, the top three are the first echelon of the guild, which is a hot existence, while other guilds should not be underestimated, such as World government, Uchiha and so on.

Ye Xuan – swept through the players, and then slowly explained the purpose of this trip: “The reason for gathering you all here, is also for the next guild war, the location in the Kunlun Mountain, and you will face the 11th legion of the foreigners.”

“What’s the difference between the Legion and the Fae we encountered, Village Chief? Tsunade asked.

Since the previous incident of the Demon King, Tsunade has been quietly cultivating, the entire guild has also fallen silent, resulting in the ranking is also to the seventh, but the guild’s heritage is in place, no one dares to underestimate.

For this issue, there are actually some posts on the forum, after all, there are also players who have been to the Kunlun Mountains to see the so-called legion, but the information is ambiguous, only to say that it is more powerful than the foreign tribes they encountered, it is clear that the players present want to know more detailed information.

Legion” is powerful because they are not scattered soldiers, they can perform combined tactics, explode beyond the power of the body, and they all act in groups. ” Ye Xuan explained.

The crowd nodded, a person’s power is ultimately limited, unless you have absolute strength, otherwise two fists can not beat four hands, the sea of tactics is always the most practical tactics.

“Then the village chief, this guild war is also a point system format?” Luffy scratched his straw hat and asked curiously.

Many players are speculating about the form of this guild war, and many believe it should be similar to the last alien invasion.

However, Ye Xuan shook his head: “Each legion has a treasure of the army, and whichever guild member delivers it to me will be the first this time.”

The words came out, there was an uproar, none of the guild presidents present thought it would be such a competition, no wonder only the first prize, and this also means that the competition will be very fierce.

The people look at each other, the heart has begun to think secretly.

“Village chief, is it permissible to kill each other?” At that moment, Uchiha Madara suddenly smiled and asked one of the most important questions in everyone’s mind.

Ye Xuan looked at him and said indifferently: “No matter what method you use, whichever guild’s player delivers that treasure to me, that guild will win first place, and the person who delivers it will get that treasure.

The reason why this group of presidents are concentrated here is to set the tone for this guild war.

(ceec) The presidents present understood, this is a brutal war, yes, a war that may require the investment of countless resources, and even nothing will be obtained, and in an instant, the atmosphere began to become tense.

Ye Xuan wants this effect, continued: “I do not know what that treasure is, so you need to explore, and the game will also give you a hint, this time the guild war is bound to be completely eliminated, so I hope you go all out.”

Obviously, the comfort for so long, the real challenge finally came to the body of this group of players, especially Ye Xuan after that sentence, the presence of the guild president let the pressure of the mountain.

At this point, Ye Xuan said again: “In addition to the first place prize, the remaining guilds will receive different penalties depending on the loss of guild members participating.

After saying that, Ye Xuan took a deep look at the crowd.

The players in the room did not expect there to be a penalty, there was an uproar, a side of Hancock immediately said: “The village chief, I do not understand.”

So Hu Xuan explained: “This time the members participating in the guild can not all use the resurrection scroll, until the end of the guild war will be allowed to resurrect, but also can not return to the original world.”

Now, everyone understands, are amazed, did not expect this guild war to be so cruel, no wonder it is said that some guilds will be eliminated, obviously and punishment related.

Among them, Uchiha Madara and Sim looked at each other, the two suddenly realized that this time the guild war, the village chief may really want to take advantage of them.

The guild war will officially begin in three days, and after a general explanation of this, Ye Xuan let the other guilds leave, leaving only the top three guild leaders.

Ye Xuan looked at the three people in front of him, the huge Whitebeard still has a fierce breath, with the Aurora City augmentation of his realm more and more profound, not angry from the aura of authority has been vaguely the model of the superiors.

He has been suppressing not to break through. His breath is restrained, just like an ordinary person, but no one dares to underestimate this earthly emperor.

The weakest strength in the room is Hancock’s, the existence of this is called the empress, the strength can not be said to be the strongest of the column, but still powerful, especially her strong management ability, so that the entire daughter country under her control, become a barrel of iron.

Ye Xuan sized her up and sighed in his heart that the empress’ charm was getting bigger and bigger, should be Master of some kind of charm Technique, even if he was slightly affected.

The three presidents in front of you are not only the top three in the guild ranking, but also the only three who have human settlements, and they will be summoned here, there must be some things to explain.

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