253:False God realm of self-destruction [request automatic subscription

Xia Qingxian’s speed is very fast, in a short time out of Yecheng, but behind the strong foreigners are following closely, especially the front of the foreigners, the speed is amazing, if this continues, will certainly be caught up.

“Faster, faster.” Xia Qingxian shouted, the body’s spiritual power like a waterfall pouring, leaving a faint residual shadow in the air.

“Where to run.” Rushing in the forefront of the Eleventh Legion supreme commander Teng San a roar, at once the space shattered, the speed soared, instantly closed the distance.

Seeing that the other party is about to catch up, Xia Qingxian inwardly thought: “finished, have to use that.”

At that moment, suddenly a more rapid stream of light rushed over, the target pointed directly at Teng San.

The person coming is not someone else, it is the Kun Peng method of the wilderness, he held a long white sword, the whole person is as powerful as a rainbow, rushing to kill.

Teng San frowned, he could feel the speed of that person was even above himself, at the moment the other party has killed, but he did not care, but is stretching out his right hand, towards Xia Qingxian’s position a grab.

This grasp, the power is amazing, the void shattered, the majestic spiritual power into a huge palm, a grabbed Xia Qingxian, locked her space, so she could not break free.

At this moment, the wilderness has killed over, he waved his sword, a sword broke the air, there is a thunderous momentum, as if a billion stars smashed down, the only terrifying power all blasted at Teng San.

Teng San expressionlessly210 stimulate the body astral, then a sword fell, as if through the ages, sword gas to tear the sea of stars, the body astral directly under this sword, hard broken, the long sword immediately pierced his body armor.

Teng San was furious, the power of the false god realm in his body exploded, countless spiritual power into thousands of beasts, towards the wilderness, like a landslide and a tsunami, continuous, wrapped in a great oppressive force, whistling rushed.

The sword is not afraid, the hand of the long sword once again waved, grass word sword skill boom released, a sword break mountains and rivers, a sword cut heaven and earth, a sword destroy everything, the sword body, countless sword qi gathered into a river, like a huge river, rolled, blasted at those spiritual power.

However, after all, it is the power of the peak of the false god realm, the fierce spiritual power under the sword Qi overturned the sea, within a few moments, it will rise up to the sky, towards the desolate fierce kill.

Desolate dodge, but still by the spiritual wave, the whole person lost gravity, heavy towards the grassland below and fell down.

“Desolate!” Xia Qingxian could not help but shout, at this moment she was locked in space, a short time no can not get out.

Teng San sneered, at this time, suddenly the grass (ceec) above the plain, a lightning flash, then the figure of the desert again, fell next to Xia Qingxian, he slapped out, directly broke open Teng San’s space lock.

“You go quickly, the other side is too strong.” Desolate said calmly and incomparably.

“What about you.” Xia Qingxian didn’t want to go.

“Go, I can live. “Desolate stared at Teng San, said dryly.

Xia Qingxian also wanted to say something, but the desert stretched out his right hand in front of her, leaving her a firm and upright figure, she instantly understood, so backward burst back, towards the central mountain range.

“Want to run?” Teng San shouted, the body of the endless spiritual power again poured out, this time, the sky, landing in the void, they turned into thousands of chains, towards Xia Qingxian.

Desolate not a word, the body flashed with lightning, a deep voice: “Thunder Emperor Law!”

Just see the right hand long sword, suddenly thunder and lightning winding, the terrifying thunder and lightning power issued by the sound of the shore, he held a sword, a sword swing, a sword into ten thousand swords, the void, ten thousand swords cut to the spiritual iron chain, the roar followed, the spiritual iron chain should be broken.

Seeing this, Teng San shouted angrily, “Seeking death!”

Then the right hand a black spear appeared, the wind suddenly rose, the dense fierce gas in the gun body emerged, just a far look, can feel a palpitating power is being born.

“She ran away, you will die instead of her.” Teng San roared, then the hand lance thrust out with a bang, a fierce black dragon whistling, towards the desert.

The sword was waved again, and the sword was transformed into a white dragon, which collided with it.

A loud sound, the white dragon instantly broken, the black dragon straight to the straight door of the desert, desert can not retreat, once retreat, Xia Qingxian may be caught, so he took a step forward, the body of the spiritual power burst, invincible momentum gradually emerged.

He looked at the black dragon, a white light flashed all over his body, the light, the long sword then rose, the sword like a dragon, shuttle, and the black dragon intertwined together, followed by several sword light rushed up to the sky, the incomparable black dragon in which the gas was instantly smashed.

Teng San naturally will not just a move, take advantage of this opportunity, he a flash, has arrived in front of the desert, the hands of the black spear, fierce thrust out, deft moves as if Lion Majesty, tricky incomparable.

The two sides immediately fought together, one side gun out like a dragon, the momentum is magnificent, the breath more and more violent, the other side and battle and retreat, see the moves, the breath continuous.

At this time, another figure appeared in the distance, the same amazing speed.

“Don’t let any of them go, you guys help him, I’ll go after that guy.” A thick voice came from the void, it was the Estate City Lord.

At this moment Xia Qingxian has not yet entered the central mountain range, the desert naturally can not let him leave, and Teng San’s attack also took advantage of the opportunity to become stronger and stronger, suppressing the range of action of the desert.

Seeing that the figure in the void is about to cross himself, desolate heart a vicious, the body of the spiritual power suddenly condensed in front of the chest, then a horror such as the extinction of the general power is in which the accumulation of praise.

Teng San was the first to sense that something was wrong, looking at the other side of the face of determination, know that the other side wants to spiritual self-destruction, immediately pulled away from the body position, a false god realm of power self-destruction, he could not carry.

Take advantage of this opportunity, Desolate immediately cast Kun Peng method, rushed to the void, at this moment the city master is casting divine ability to rush, Desolate suddenly appeared, not waiting for his reaction, directly and violently self-destruct.

The huge sound resounded throughout the world, that night, a dazzling white light as if the sun, the entire grassland illuminated, the horror of the aftermath of the explosion, instantly destroyed the grassland under those weak villages, countless foreigners have evaporated in the blink of an eye, the grassland below a wreck, leaving only the scorched land shockingly displayed there.

In the air, a figure fell heavily, smashed on the scorched ground, smashed a not small pit, a long time, the seriously wounded city lord from the city climbed up.

Due to the quick warning to avoid the strongest blow of Teng San rushed to, with the spiritual power to protect his heart pulse.

“A false god realm, said self-destruction, self-destruction, the human race is really ruthless.” Teng San said with palpitations.

As for the city lord, he can no longer open his mouth to speak.

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