241: chaos of the arena, out of control of the demon audience [for automatic subscription]

With the announcement of the guild war, this is the first time players know the existence of the alien legion, although some players have encountered the alien soldiers in armor before, but did not care too much.

Soon, information about the foreign legion began to flow to the players, at this point, everyone knew that in the southern foreign base camp, which the village chief did not recommend to go to, there was really an army, and they became more and more curious.

On the other hand, the Monkey King does not care about these, he only wants to become stronger, and become stronger requires kryptonite, gas gold will have to make money, so now he appeared in the arena again.

This time, when he stood in the field, there is no longer invective doubt, there are only countless shouts of cheer, after all, their money is pressed into the body of the Monkey King, no one will not like a person who can give them money, even if the demon race is no exception.

However, the field of the Monkey King is very calm, or rather mute, for the environment around the deaf, quietly waiting for the host of the chatter.

Bleachers, white Hyun Ling nervously watching the field of the Monkey King, hands can not help but manipulate tight, thinking24: the Great Sage, your bilocation can act like a little, or be found, really want to exile the human race.

As last night to determine the same decision, he will earn all the demon coins to buy the Monkey King lost, once the victory, he will get three times the reward, and if it is found out, not only the reward is gone, people may not escape the arena is gone.

On his left, the rooster sat next to him as usual, while on the right, there was a very ordinary-looking monkey, was curiously looking at the arena, but no one dared to come over to grab a seat, because the ones who came to grab were beaten fat by the white Hyun Ling.

Next to the male chicken also noticed the monkey, looks really ordinary, so did not pay attention to, but to the white hyun Ling rare voice: “You are the southern border of the snow fox tribe, right.

White Hyun Ling can not see through the other side of the realm, and do not want to cause trouble, so nodded.

The male chicken continued to ask: “Is that monkey your pet? Or is it an underling?”

He was not talking about the monkey next to the white Hyun Ling, but the Monkey King in the field, he saw the two subtle relationships.

“Neither, sorry, it’s not convenient to answer.” Kaidō Bai Hyun Ling.

Rooster did not pursue the question, but instead asked: “Then I can know how you bet this time?”

“No comment!” Bai Hyun Ling smiled and shook his head.

In this regard, the rooster but not the slightest displeasure, and continue to be self-conscious: “You can tell me a person, I definitely will not tell others. Of course, you can not say, but I have a bad temper, if you lose, may be blamed on the side.

The words came out, BaiXunLing looked at each other with a suspicious face.

Just see the rooster still a head high look, full of energy, faintly speak: “My name is Feng!”

Demon race has five surnames, the surname represents the ancestral dragon clan, Wang surname represents the Qilin clan, free surname represents the Xuanwu clan, Zhu surname represents the Vermilion Bird clan, and the Phoenix surname, represents the Phoenix clan.

These five races are the five largest forces of the entire demon race, they were born with terrifying powers, the clansmen are incomparably powerful, no other demons dare to provoke these five races.

Hearing the words of the male chicken, white Hyun Ling immediately blushed, did not expect to meet the Phoenix clan, heart fluttering straight.

And the other party did not even look at him, quietly waiting.

Helplessly, Bai Hyun Ling through the voice transmission, told him his bet.

After hearing, the male chicken suddenly issued a late suspicious sound, and then no longer say anything.

And in the field, the game finally started.

Sun Wukong in all the warm eyes of all people watching, against a nose with a rhinoceros horn demon, the other side of the fierce eyes, has been about to set foot in the middle of the five realm, the aura is amazing.

And Sun Wukong side, still expressionless, holding a golden hoop stick, holding a stick in both hands, aimed at each other.

“I heard that you are very strong, but I have been prepared, wait to face death.” The rhinoceros spirit said in a deep voice.

Sun Wukong did not say a word, just look at him.

“Humph.” Thought ignored the rhinoceros spirit cold snort, the huge body suddenly jumped up, the air light flashes, is actually changed into the body and the battle.

Sun Wukong also followed up, the two sides collided together, the hands of the golden hoop stick is very flexible, from time to time touched in the body of the rhinoceros, the other side is unharmed, the defense is very strong.

The two sides of the battle back and forth, you and I, a time is not a winner, so that all the demons present are watching the heart jumping, staring dead at the battle in the field, do not dare to have any relaxation.

At this time, the rhinoceros spirit seized the breakthrough, suddenly the hand meteor hammer slammed on the head of the Monkey King, the whole body was smashed into the ground.


A piece of inhalation sound immediately followed, the crowd of demons have fallen back, and then leaned forward.

On the ground, the dust scattered, the rhinoceros fell in front of the pit, but saw the Monkey King has long been no breath, dead there.

“Hahahaha, I won! ” shouted the rhinoceros spirit excitedly.

The audience in the stands, however, is not doing so.

“Fake race, fake race, we don’t believe it!”

“Money back, not this time!”

Countless demon spectators were directly enraged by this scene, this time, reason was replaced by anger, they no longer believe that this is a mere accident, feel like a leek, cut and cut.

So, some spectators actually rushed directly to the arena, ran to the rhinoceros spirit, eyes 210red looking at the corpse of the Monkey King, fierce fist blast to the rhinoceros spirit next to a bewildered face.

“Pay me back.” Hysterical voices rang out, followed by more spectators who had lost their jobs rushing onto the field.

The poor rhinoceros just won, but in the countless lost audience anger was killed alive, without the slightest chance of resistance.

At this time, a side of white Hyun Ling put the monkey next to him on his shoulder and walked towards the backstage of the arena, he was going to exchange the bets.

At this moment, the entire arena scene once out of control, the entire history of the demon race, this arena in just two days, there has never been such a shocking flip ending, resulting in all the demon audience feel that this is the arena in the middle of the trouble.

The angry audience needs an outlet, so the poor rhinoceros, and the staff became the first object.

White Hyun Ling after all the twists and turns, still got his own copy.

Out of the chaos of the arena, white Hyun Ling looked at the sky and let out a long breath, thinking of just crazy impact on the background to grab the audience of demon coins, and the staff risked their lives to exchange him out, said self-consciously: “The arena is still very honest.

“Because it was opened by the Lord of Heavenly Demon City.

At this time, the rooster’s voice suddenly sounded next to Bai Hyun Ling.

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