239:Qi Tian Da Sheng wants to play a fake game

No one would have thought that the tiger king would be a second, just as once the owner of this world would not have thought that one day the home would be destroyed by the foreigners.

In everyone’s shock, only the white Hyun Ling showed a deserved expression, his face showed a happy smile, this one earned a lot, simply left the seat, he had to go to the checkout first.

The side of the male chicken looked at him with interest, and then looked at the arena of the monkey, the tiny eyes suddenly flashed purple light, light, the Monkey King but not the slightest change.

“Strange, no hidden realm? That’s interesting. ” the male chicken nan said to himself.

I don’t know, the Monkey King’s disguise is in the game store spent a thousand gold coins to buy, even the great emperor strong people can not see through, how the rooster can see it?

In the arena, the host came out with a smile on his face, from the beginning just shocked, to now accept, as the organizer, he also harvested a large wave of wealth, naturally smiling.

Walked to the big pit in front of, inside the tiger king has turned back to the body, the whole body bones broken, dead can not die.

Calling for his men to carry him away, the host said loudly, “Let’s congratulate the challenger, Sun Wukong, for defeating the seven-win King of Tigers and taking his first victory!”

The loud voice through the role of spiritual power, reached the ears of every demon, pulled everyone back from the shock, and then broke out into a more violent shout.

“Shady, definitely shady.”

“RNM, refund the money!

“Fake game, fake game, just like the guys next door!”

The imagined admiration and admiration did not come, but more suspicion, set up scolding came.

Even if the fierce tiger king has died, this group of gamblers who lost money still can not accept, stubbornly believe that this is a fake race, the mind has been lost in a fluke time and again.

The crowd is agitated, the whole arena again boiling up, in the face of that tidal wave of set up scolding suspicion, Sun Wukong face more and more sullen, finally is unable to hold back, the right hand a lift, the golden hoop rod again, suddenly enlarge ten times, a heavy stand on the ground.

“Do you ..want to die?”

The low voice is like a breeze, across the entire bleachers, domineering breath instantly turned the entire arena, endless sense of oppression as if the end of the world, descended on each demon.

In addition to some strong demons, those ordinary demons are oppressed by this sense of pressure can not breathe, the scene was once again silent.

Seeing the situation stabilized again, Sun Wukong withdrew his power, his gaze swept the stands, his eyes full of fury.

Once upon a time, he was the Great Sage of Qi Tian, but that big trouble in the Palace of Heaven, the gods to kill God, Buddha to kill the Buddha’s Great Sage of Qi Tian, that kind of momentum, can be said to be palpitating.

“Is this the oppressive power of the Five Mansion Realm? ” Some demons looked at Sun Wukong in the field with palpitations.

At this point, the host immediately jumped out to start a warm-up, comforting these red-eyed gamblers, the classic punch to give a candy, and then it was time to prepare for the next game.

This time, with the Tiger King’s previous experience, the crowd for the Sun Wukong’s strength immediately had a new perception, have bet on him to win.

The ending is no surprise, until the dark to, Sun Wukong took ten consecutive wins, a breakthrough in the five realm of the group’s highest record, but also let those who lost a mess of gamblers get a chance to live.

However, White Hyun Ling did not intend to continue to bet, after all, with the exposure of the Sun Wukong strength, the odds of follow-up is too low.

Standing in the background, Bai Hyun Ling a happy face waiting for the Monkey King to walk out.

“Great Sage, Great Sage, we won many, many demon coins.” White Hyun Ling sounded excited and ran to Sun Wukong’s body.

Sun Wukong also lit up: “How much did you win?”

At this time, horse face came over and happily handed a pile of demon coins to Sun Wukong: “This is what you deserve, next time we suggest you get a demon card.”

Holding the heavy bag of money, Sun Wukong nodded, and then took Bai Hyun Ling out of the arena.

They appeared and did not attract the attention of other demons, after all, such things as dark horses, in the entire arena is endless, once the fierce tiger king is also one of them, these days, who is not a demon genius?

These gamblers only hope to win a little more money before Sun Wukong is defeated and dry his last value.

Today’s Sun Wukong is very happy, the battle is not tired, is the camouflage strength tired a little, and just half a day’s time, he directly got tens of thousands of gold coins, which is really still very scary.

…… is asking for flowers…

But the biggest part of this comes from White Dazzling’s wager.

“Next time you buy me to lose, I deliberately lose a hand. “Sun Wukong pondered, so that you can earn a large amount of money again.

Night when the sky, from the Western world of the Monkey King, at this moment, suddenly understood the true meaning of the fake race.

On the side, Bai Hyun Ling said with an odd face: “Great Sage, lose and die.

“It’s okay, I’m down time on a bilocation, dead, dead, put all the demon coins on the pressure, we make a big profit and go.” Sun Wukong indifferent said.

“But the Great Sage, if found, we will enter the demon blacklist, then can not stay in the demon race. “White Hyun Ling worried.


“No harm, I’ll take you to the south, where people are very good, each is talented, and speak well. “Sun Wukong thinking about Xiao Yan that group of players to their own pursuit, said with certainty.

“Really?” White dazzling spirit face does not believe, the human and demon tribes have a deep grudge, it is afraid to go to the human race was eaten alive.

Sun Wukong did not pay attention to his expression, continue to walk forward, seems to be recalled the past, while walking and said: “Although the human race than the demon hypocrisy, but there are very good and good people, they Isshin to good, compassionate, willing to give up their lives for the living.

Bai Xun Ling asked, “Da Sheng, is there really such a person?”

“Of course, my master is.” Sun Wukong suddenly said with a smile.

He suddenly remembered that since he became a Buddha, he has never seen his master, as if he had stayed at the Buddha’s place after preaching the scriptures in Datang, and several times he tried to go to him, but he was in seclusion.

Ye Jia Village, Ye Xuan is back again, there is a week is the guild war, he has not yet announced the content of the guild war, in fact, is also thinking about what kind of situation to show the guild war.

In front of him, Han Li also sat there, as an old player, he is silent in the players, but only in the initial sacrifice of the cataclysmic stone statue summoned Sun Wukong to save the battle, we were surprised to find that this looks but 15 or 16 years old teenager is so trusted by the village chief. Thousand,

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