236: Ying Zheng chooses a sword (Request for automatic subscription)

It turns out that the so-called sword picking is actually to find the sword array array spirit, and the clue is in those foreign dress statue, just never found, and the statue mouth of chance is actually just an excuse, there are even people who accidentally trigger the seal of the foreign, died inside.

Sword formation, there must be life and death, these did not let the palace maid care, but did not think that everything is a trick, that the so-called amazing sword formation is also just a fake thing.

After a long time, the court lady looked at Ying Zheng and said, “You seem to be quite smart.”

Win Zheng awkwardly scratched his head, if not the village chief’s reminder, it is estimated that he did not think that those are actually foreign, after all, see the breath of an extraordinary human power, who dare not respect it?

“Then is sword picking considered a success?” Ying Zheng asked tentatively.

The palace maid nodded: “Well, you also succeeded in the list of ten thousand flowers.”

“Huh?” Ying Zheng did not react.

【Congratulations to player Yingzheng for completing the hidden storyline of the Ten Thousand Flowers, and getting the reward of Ten Thousand Flowers Palace Heritage】.

With the sound of the game, Winning Zheng was finally sure that he had really completed the task.

He looked at the palace maid in front 24of him in surprise, just then, his vision suddenly blurred, he wiped his eyes with his hand, and then looked carefully, but he suddenly found himself in the middle of a million flowers.

And the center of the bush, there is a huge flower blooming in full bloom, revealing the throne in the stamen.

The throne, sitting in a woman, wearing a light yellow feather clothes, face hanging a thin veil.

“You have completed my challenge, although it is different from what I expected, but in the end, you have solved my problem.” A crisp and pleasant voice came with the wind.

The woman in front of you is the once true great emperor powerhouse, the Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy.

Ying Zheng did not dare to take the slightest offense and kept his head low, maintaining a humble appearance.

Not waiting for him to ask, above the fairy said slowly: “In the past, I fought alone against the three kings of the foreign race, and then died of exhaustion, the remnants of the soul escaped, but found that the Palace of Flowers has been destroyed by the demon attack, so I opened up a separate space, reshaped the Palace of Flowers, set up a legacy, want to continue to inherit the Palace of Flowers.”

Ying Zheng listened quietly.

“But for hundreds of years, no one has been able to break this sword formation. Only now, I found out that the so-called Heavenly Sword Formation is just a trap. Now that you have uncovered the truth, you have completed the challenge I set.” said the Fairy of All Flowers, looking at Ying Zheng, and then said: “So, are you ready to accept the inheritance?”

Ying Zheng was wildly happy inside and nodded vigorously: “I have already prepared for this.”

“Okay, but before again, I still want to see your sword. ” said the fairy of ten thousand flowers.

“Please enlighten me.” Ying Zheng returned.

Then in front of him, a figure appeared, is a woman, ordinary to the extreme, but holding two swords.

“Defeat her. ” said the Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy casually.

Ying Zheng nodded, holding the sword of Daxia, the other side suddenly attacked, two swords, one long and one short, one piece and one slow, all in perfect harmony, without the slightest flaw, came towards Ying Zheng to kill.

The sword of Daxia in his hand thrust out with a bang, emitting a sound of gas explosion.

The other side’s face once again, she held the sword in both hands, sword skill, mutual cooperation, can be described as seamless, however, the other side just a sword, but let her mind shake, resulting in double sword with a trace of sluggishness.

At this moment of delay, Ying Zheng’s sword fell down, and the tip of the sword landed exactly one inch in front of the neck of the opponent.

“Good, to be able to comprehend the sword intent to such an extent, it seems that you have comprehended a lot from the previous sword asking. “Ten thousand flowers fairy praised.

Ying Zheng put away his sword and said humbly, “No breakage, no establishment, thank you for your kindness.

Ten thousand flowers fairy nodded: “You passed the test, next ready to accept the inheritance of the Palace of Ten thousand flowers. But again before, you have to choose a sword, your hand although the sword is powerful, but not worthy of your future master of the Palace of flowers identity.”

Ying Zheng’s face flashed a trace of hesitation, when he got the Sword of Great Xia, he was still only in the Transcendent Mortal Realm, and followed him all the way, and even unsealed a large part of the original seal of the sword, now suddenly let him change the sword is indeed a bit difficult.

But once he thought that he would eventually enter the Great Emperor realm, the sword of Daxia was still too weak, so he nodded heavily: “Many thanks.”

The Immortal of All Flowers is very satisfied, then slightly raised his hand, and suddenly a breeze brushed by, win Zheng’s front suddenly neatly floating five long swords.

Just by looking at them, Ying Zheng could feel the extraordinary nature of the five long swords. He thought that the swords collected by the great emperor must be extraordinary.

He stepped forward and looked at the first sword with unparalleled seriousness.

[Yuanqing Sword (God), the sword of endless fury.

Looking at the introduction of the game, Win Zheng was shocked, he could feel the sword intention, intention has a spirit, the horror of the sword intention, just now has shown, such a powerful sword, once taken out, is bound to make countless people crazy.

However, Ying Zheng did not choose it, instead he went towards another sword.

“Why don’t you choose it?” At this time, the voice of the Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy rang out.

Ying Zheng said truthfully, “The killing intent is too heavy and cannot be mastered.”

“I remember you said, you have killed many people, why can’t you drive? “The Ten Thousand Flowers Fairy was curious.

I didn’t expect Ying Zheng to reply, “It’s true that I have killed many people, but swords follow the hearts of people, but this sword has the intention to kill even before I start to kill.

In 197,fact, this is exactly the case, the former owner of this sword is in the fight with the foreigners, the fire into the devil, the body eliminated the road yard.

The second sword was red in color and Ying Zheng touched it gently, but he felt a hot feeling.

[Fire Spirit Sword (God), the sword of endless flame tempering.

Hearing the introduction of the game, win zheng still did not choose, but looked at the third sword, this sword and the golden-armored statue before the long sword in the hands of the similar, all black.

[Eclipsing Sword (God), Eclipsing Sword.

Ying Zheng has no choice.

The fourth sword is very light, the breeze brushed, there is a crisp sound in the ear.

[Clear Spirit Sword (God), Ghostly Sword

Ying Zheng still has no choice.

Until he came to the last sword, which was standing quietly in the air, Ying Zheng held it, and a heavy feeling came to him.

[Earth Sword (God), Weight-bearing Sword

Until this moment, Winning Zheng was satisfied up, and immediately said: “This is it.”

Seeing that Ying Zheng had chosen the fifth sword, a trace of difference flashed under the eyes of the Immortal of Ten Thousand Flowers, but she didn’t say anything more, but said indifferently: “This sword will be your sword from now on, it has an extraordinary origin and has many wonderful points, so you can explore it yourself in the future.”

“Thank you very much, fairy. “Putting away the sword, Ying Zheng said gratefully.

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