233: the relics of the great emperor (request automatic subscription)

【Kill the troll, level +5, full attributes +5)

During the trance, Ying Zheng heard the system beep, and then he fainted.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ying Zheng, who felt the bone-chilling cold, woke up and was surprised to find himself frozen and an ice sculpture standing in the snow.

The more uncomfortable is that now his body is depleted of spiritual power, can not break free.

He opened the player list, and Meng Tian alone sent him a dozen private messages asking him where he had been.

However, looking around, the snow is flying, it is impossible to distinguish the north and south-east, and Win Zheng can only reply: “I will go to explore alone, you guys go back first.”

I can’t help it, this is the dignity of the emperor, can’t say: I became an ice sculpture, come and save me.

After a long time, Ying Zheng slowly awakened the True Dragon Sacred Body. With the power of the Sacred Body, he rushed out from the ice sculpture, but this also consumed a lot of his heart and soul.

At the end of killing the troll, he was a troll with a fly, if not for the true dragon holy body, he would have died, but now I do not know where it was used.

He suddenly197 saw a pile of broken buildings in the snow. He took a closer look and saw the pillars full of patterns slumped on a wall.

Approach to pick up, surveyed, the above is a flower pattern, hold in your hand, a penetrating cold amount of feeling throughout the body.

[Inspire the hidden plot, the competition for the list of ten thousand flowers]

(Note: Once created by the great emperor, the Palace of Ten Thousand Flowers was glorious for a while, in the fight against the foreigners, the emperor fell, the Palace of Ten Thousand Flowers was attacked by the demons and buried under the snow, the former emperor left a remnant soul, hoping to pass on the words of Ten Thousand Flowers, you will enter the world created by the emperor, to participate in the fight for the list of Ten Thousand Flowers.

[Mission Reward: Manhua Palace Heritage]

“A great emperor powerhouse? Blessed by the disaster?” Ying Zheng looked at the wooden token in his hand and was shocked.

This is actually a relic left behind by the Great Emperor realm, if this is said out, it will probably attract countless players, Win Zheng suppressed the shock inside and chose to enter without hesitation.

At once, around him, the light flashed, countless runes appeared, all the runes emitted a bright light, and then (ceec) light dissipated, his figure disappeared in the same place.

I don’t know how long it took, but Ying Zheng opened his eyes and what he saw in front of him was no longer a world of ice and snow, but a glorious building with glazed tiles and red brick walls, with exquisite carvings falling on it, as if he was in an immortal palace.

In front of him, there is a long corridor, paved with red carpet, dotted with flowers around, a light fragrance into the nose, refreshing.

Not long after, a woman dressed in the palace costume slowly walked over, a moment, win Zheng thought back in the palace.

“You are the one who is going to remove the sword today?” The palace maid asked as she surveyed Ying Zheng.

“Sword picking? Isn’t it the list of Ten Thousand Flowers? Ying Zheng” puzzled.

The palace maid explained impatiently: “Picking the sword is one of them.”

Saying that, she took a careful look at Ying Zheng again and shook her head, “Your sword intent is not pure, although you have the Qi of the Golden Dragon, it is still not enough, I suggest you go back.”

“I want to try. ” said Winston reluctantly.

“Well, let me try you.” The palace maid said, then waved her hand, and the image in front of Ying Zheng was distorted again.

The next second, win zheng stood on the plain, and opposite him, is standing a white youth.

The young man looked gentle and elegant, holding a long sword in his hand, smiled slightly: “I have a set of sword techniques, do you want to try it?”

“What’s the harm in trying?” Ying Zheng Kaidō.

“Then let’s try!” The young man in white nodded his head.

The words have just fallen, his entire aura suddenly changed, the hand long sword immediately out of the sheath, countless sword qi poured out, sword intent crazy, people are also crazy.

Ying Zheng, who was holding the sword of Daxia, did not choose to stab forward, but raised his sword and then dropped it.

Among the sword gas, a figure was smashed out towards the back, it is the white youth.

“Good comprehension, you in the sword dao, indeed some insight, I lost.” The young man in white said very seriously.

It seems that the youth’s sword is superb, dazzling, but Win Zheng is just by virtue of a sword, accurately found the youth’s position, I have to say that its understanding of swordplay as the youth said, some insight.

The youth in white disappeared, and soon, a figure appeared, a monk, full of compassion, not holding a scepter in his hand, but holding a sword.

“Master, do you think the sword is the thing that kills, or the thing that saves?” As soon as the monk came up, he asked so.

At these words, win zheng frowned slightly, a long time before slowly said: “I think it is both the thing that kills, but also the thing that saves.”

“Huh? What’s the solution?” The monk’s eyes lit up.

Just see win zheng took out his own great summer sword, carefully wipe the sword said: “I once a sword fell, the corpses of a million, blood flowed into a river.

“The killing heart is too heavy. ” The monk’s face sank.

“But I for a thousand years, the people’s peace, no war, there is no bloodshed, and for this purpose, and had to bloodshed, this is my opinion. “Win Zheng lifted his head, looking at the monk seriously said.

At this moment, Winning Zheng once again became the world’s common master of the Qin Shi Huang, the emperor of the ages, for this question has already had the answer.

“Good, then let me try one of your swords. “The monk spoke.

Ying Zheng did not say anything, his right hand raised, and the sword of Daxia stabbed out with a bang, a simple, unadorned sword, straight at the monk.

This seems to be an ordinary thing, but it contains an ultimate power, which comes from Ying Zheng’s heart, from his inner strength that ignores everything.

He is the emperor of the earth, even though the creation of a river of blood, a million corpses, he is still not wrong, always believe in their own way, never doubt.

The monk pronounced a Buddhist hymn, but not out of the sword, watching the sword of Daxia stabbed into the chest, face compassion.

Ying Zheng’s face was slightly shocked and he asked, “Why?”

“I see determination in the eyes of the monk, I see the courage to go forward, this is the lifelong pursuit of those who use swords, you win, let’s go.” The monk smiled lightly and said.

Then the picture changed, and when Winning Zheng reappeared, the palace woman was quietly looking at him.

“You passed the test, go, at the end of the corridor, you will enter the sword formation, find the sword spirit, and you win.” The palace maid said indifferently, and then gave way to a path.

Ying Zheng nodded his head and walked straight towards the corridor that could not be seen to the end.

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