213: the devil king appeared (for automatic subscription)


Sun Wukong returned to Mount Huaguo, Nezha looked surprised at his reappearance.

“Where did you go? Suddenly it’s gone. “Nezha asked.

Sun Wukong obediently sat on a stone bench, said: “It’s a long story, I went to a strange world, you listen to me tell you.

About an hour or so, Sun Wukong finished speaking, and as a listener Nezha has fallen into a deep shock.

“That such a world could exist? And you say there are people from other worlds in that world? It’s really peculiar and unheard of. ” Nezha lamented.

“This thing you don’t want to spread out, I’ll take a look at the old Sun, clear up to let you go over to play a game.” Sun Wu Sky’s Path.

“Well, we must go see that magical world when we have the chance. ” Nezha nodded his head.

Sun Wukong followed and nodded: “I found that is the world is very strong, although I met are not as strong as me, but this is just the tip of the iceberg, maybe with that world, again to enhance their strength.

“What do you want? ” Nezha sensed that something was wrong.

And the Monkey King but a 197mysterious smile: “always be those old guys pressed what is the matter? Even if another big trouble in the Palace of Heaven and how?”

This statement, Nezha immediately shocked, did not expect to have become the Buddha Sun Wukong is still the same Qi Tian Da Sheng.

“How about, are you interested in accompanying the old Sun to try?” Sun Wukong looked at Nezha and said, the three worlds, in addition to the two brothers and white dragon horse, Nezha and his relationship is good.

A hesitant Nezha thought for a moment and said: “Let’s talk about this when the time comes, if the Buddha finds out, you will be pressed under the Five Finger Mountain again.

“When has my old Sun ever been afraid?” Sun Wukong but disdain.

The tower of sacrifice, the Ye family army has almost killed the top, all the way over, we have gained a lot, especially Medusa, perhaps because of the pressure brought by the appearance of the Monkey King, she actually broke the mirror here directly, stepped into the four elephant realm.

Coming to the penultimate floor, where the walls were lit with waving candles, here they finally encountered the ghostly shadows.

[Ghost shadow (large), 0level 41, by the ghost shadow condensed from the ghost shadow leader, can be parasitic on the higher level of the spirit shadow][ghost shadow (small), level 325, strength with the shadow Host body and change, one of the demon king’s army of undead, good at parasitic in the shadow of others, so as to launch a sneak attack.

“The village chief, you have to be careful not to be parasitic ah, or we can not fight ah.” Aso looked at the ghostly shadow floating in the air soul collision, said.

Ye Xuan stared at the spirits, his eyes like a torch, suddenly the gap to the crisis, his right hand as a sword, fiercely slashed at his own wall of shadows, only to see a white smoke followed, a ghostly shadow just died.

See Xuan’s shadow is not parasitic, everyone is also relieved, then see on their own shadow began to move, apparently everyone’s shadow is parasitic.

Ye Xuan is a sword body, all body can be turned into a sword, even the shadow is no exception, so these ghosts want to parasitize his shadow, basically impossible.

The other half, with the experience of the previous battle, everyone specially scattered to find each other’s shadow battle, as for Medusa’s shadow, Ye Xuan simply directly shot, a sword stabbed out, sword light flashes, fierce breath directly let the shadow shattered.

But soon, another ghostly shadow parasitic, Medusa’s shadow appeared again, this time it actually took the initiative to attack towards Ye Xuan and came.

Ye Xuan smiled faintly, only to feel that the other party does not measure up, the hand of a long sword waved, sword Qi, the ghost of the shadow of smoke.

In a short time, the crowd was able to eliminate all the shadows without risk, towards the top.

The top of the Tower of Sacrifice, here is a flat bottom, the forefront of a eunuch chair.

Waiting for the Ye army to come here, suddenly the gusts of gloomy wind, the taiji chair, a black gas emerged, then coalesced into a human figure, only to see a head with two horns, green-faced fangs of humanoid monsters appeared in the line of sight.

[The demon lord,596 is a human powerhouse who is corrupted by the aura of death, and all he can think about is turning all the people into an army of the undead to take back the world, Ultimate’s paranoia].

The crowd looked at the level of the devil king, took a deep breath, you porcelain high level, the strength are close to the heavenly gate realm, it is estimated that only one chip worse than the alien road called dead wood.

“It was you who defeated my men? Damn it! ” a gloomy voice issued from the Demon King’s mouth.

At once the sound came from all directions, with the undead breath of the woozy sound fell in the ears of the crowd, shocked everyone’s mind, the crowd rushed to stabilize.

Just the magic sound attack is so powerful, the people have to look at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan stepped forward, looked at the sitting Demon King, and said indifferently: “You were once a human powerhouse, I’ll give you a chance to self-destruct.”

“Hahahaha, just you? Looking for death? “The Devil King laughed loudly and stood up violently, then beside him, space distorted, and another Devil King appeared.

[Demon King doppelganger, level unknown, has the same ability as the main body, level changes with the change of magic power.

This, originally wanted to be the audience of the crowd had no choice but to join the battle, together to face the demon king doppelganger.

“Gabrielle, pay attention to the state of everyone, hide a little far away.” Ye Xuan explained to the dainty Bai Li behind him.

“Well, know the village chief. “Bai Li nodded heavily and said weakly.

After saying that, he retreated to the corner.

Ye Xuan looked at the devil king body in front of him, the first to strike, the hands of the long sword swinging, issued a crisp sword sound, a sword cut through, sword gas like a dragon, whistling out, this is the first time he faced close to the Heavenly Gate realm of the strong, also want to see their own strength.

“Stupid people, go to hell.” The devil king roared, suddenly Ye Xuan around, black gas filled, will be completely wrapped, will pull him to a unique space, without the slightest spiritual power.

Ye Xuan’s original attack all disappeared, he looked at the dark surroundings, his face calm.

“In my realm, wait to be refined into an undead by me.” The voice of the Devil King came from all directions.

Outside, see the village chief was wrapped in black gas, but the crowd is not worried, the face of the demon king province, Medusa took the lead, while the others followed, behind the Gabrielle timely blast a light attack.

The devil king’s bilocation level is not as strong as the body, but also exceptionally powerful, the two sides immediately fought together, but fortunately there is JABALI the strongest nurse in the back of the crazy plus buff, otherwise no sustained force, it is easy to be broken one by one.

Jabelli was staring intently at the battle in the field, when the shadow on her wall suddenly moved, there was no wind, why did the shadow move?

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