204:Difficult ghost shadow for automatic subscription]

When the two people want to retreat, the shadow of the two people suddenly broke away from the two people, is actually directly towards the two people attacked.

Looking at such a bizarre scene, Yaso and Tsunade’s ears rang the game beep at the same time.

[ghost shadow (small), level with the shadow Host body and change, one of the demon king’s army of undead, good at parasitic in the shadow of others, so as to launch a sneak attack.

As soon as the beep ended, the shadows of the two had rushed over.

The most powerful thing about ghost shadows is that once they are parasitized by the shadow, all of its own body will be possessed by it, so only to see the shadow of Aso holding a taijutsu viciously stabbed over.

“Hase to!” The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing.

I didn’t expect the shadow to suddenly cut through the void, followed by a wind wall appeared, blocking the attack of Aso.

The first thing you need to do is to take a step forward and cut a perfect arc with your taijutsu.

At the same time, Tsunade was also in front of her shadow, only to see her concentrate on her right hand, raised her right hand violently, Chakra inside her body then gathered, the whole right hand suddenly has a huge power.

Soon, she fiercely blasted out a fist, did not expect the other party also did not retreat, but also a fist, both sides immediately collided together, the huge impact lifted the surrounding soil, even the next – big trees are broken by the sound.

Feeling the tremendous pressure at the fist, Tsunade shouted: “Stasis.

The words have just fallen, only to see the shadow around, suddenly there are invisible steel rope appear, want to trap the shadow.

In an instant, the steel cables wrapped around the shadow’s body, and Tsunade was surprised to find that his own body had been bound by invisible steel cables at some point.

Aso and Tsunade as if they were fighting with themselves, are the same moves, the same ability, it is impossible to tell the difference, the most damaging thing is that the two will be tired, but the shadow will not.

Ye Xuan found traces of human buildings, soon came to a dilapidated village in front of, compared to Ye’s village, this village is smaller, there are many houses that have not collapsed, but it is empty.

Walking through the village streets, Ye Xuan could still see the moldy items in the stores, and it didn’t take long for him to notice that in the center of the village, there was a dilapidated prison, but the prison doors were down and there was only a human skeleton inside.

Ye Xuan released his senses, now he is already at the peak of transcendence, his control of the environment is also enhanced, and soon, he vaguely found the darkness factor in the air.

These dark factors are in fact the particles formed after the destruction of the soul, floating in the air, the average person can not detect, but also can not see, which is why some people say that the reason for seeing ghosts, in fact, is that these dark factors in a particular environment again gathered and coalesced into ghosts.

They are called darkness factors because they are only active in the dark.

Ye Xuan’s heart has a decision, so many dark factors here, the night will certainly be haunted “, maybe from these ghosts to know something about the demon king’s mouth.

A thought to this, he looked up, now also almost noon, then sent a message in the squad channel to gather, the location was also sent out.

Every time long, Medusa was the first to arrive with Jabelli.

“Village Chief, we met the advance party of the Demon King, but they were all killed by sister Medusa.” As soon as they met, Baili told them what they had encountered.

Medusa is also followed by nodding: “It is because of this, we triggered the hidden plot. Village Chief, do you know what the Demon King is?”

Ye Xuan faintly responded: “Look at the task description, is only a little stronger undead, should have corrupted their role.”

As they were talking, Luffy and Ying Zheng also arrived.

“The village chief, I that the name of the son of luck is not fake ah, otherwise how so back?” Luffy’s loud voice arrived first before anyone arrived.

“What’s going on? ” Ye Xuan asked.

Immediately after, Luffy also told them what they had encountered.

After that, Ye Xuan thought for a moment, and then said: “It seems that the reason why there is no foreigners in this area, should be because of the existence of the Demon King, that this area is bound to hide the army of the Demon King, we still have to be more careful, after all, in other people’s territory.”

Several people nodded, and Bai Li suddenly said, “Why is Tsunade’s sister not here yet?”

…begging for flowers ……

She said, she sent a message in the squad channel, however, there was no reply.

Could they “have been attacked? ” Medusa speculated.

Ye Xuan frowned, sent a private message to the two, but still no response, so simply use their rights, directly locate the location of the two.

Through positioning, Ye Xuan found that although the two were moving, they were moving extremely slowly and irregularly, apparently fighting.

“Come on, let’s go and have a look.” Ye Xuan said.

At this time Tsunade and Aso and their own shadow fight back and forth, the two are also depleted of energy.

We” attacked each other’s shadows. That’s when”, Tsunade said immediately, on a whim.

. .o;

Since both of them can not help their own shadow, it is natural to fight with each other’s shadow.

Thinking of this, the two immediately reversed position, have towards each other’s shadow and go.

This time, naturally, the situation suddenly changed, but Tsunade’s strength is obviously stronger than Aso, so the face of Tsunade’s shadow, Aso is very suffocating.

“The gale of the absolute breath cut!” Arso leapt up, the hand of the sword in the air instantly out of the blade, carrying a powerful blade all cut Tsunade hit the shadow.

However, Tsunade’s shadow is incomparably powerful, originally strong physical skills, even if Aso’s knife is fast, but her strong physical quality directly ignored Aso’s big move, a fist ruthlessly smashed into Aso’s chest.

At once, Yasso will be this punch directly blown away, crashed into a few trees before they could stop.

Leaning against the broken tree in front of the corner of Aso’s mouth blood flowing smoothly, he wiped, smiling: “really hard!”

But on the other hand, Tsunade is completely pressed against Aso’s shadow to play, before the stifling of a moment to get all released, every time after a long time to Aso’s shadow smashed.

Noticing the situation on Aso’s side, Tsunade rushed over and took on his shadow again, but this time, with the help of Aso, the result was obvious, and the shadow was also killed.

[Kill Ghost Shadow (small), your level +1, full attributes +1]

The game beep sounded in front of Tsunade, and then in front of her, a golden ball of light floated silently in the air. Thousand,

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