174: Kaido’s pussyfooting around (automatic subscription requested)

Whitebeard and the crowd of boats are not doing, here watching Bista cut trees, not much time, Bista cut a small mountain of wood.

The crowd was confused, when did Bista become so hardworking?

Isn’t he a super-duper jerk?

The last time he made a big ship, he only cut down a few trees from start to finish!

Today this is really refreshing their perception, the original people were forced, can play out of the extraordinary potential.

Whitebeard: “Sons, don’t fail yourselves in the future! Look at Bista, such a jerk can be so hardworking!”

At that moment, Bista ran over with two pieces of wood in tow, wiped the sweat from his head and said, “Pops, you called me?”

Whitebeard patted him on the shoulder and said, “Bista, your workload doubles from now on! I’m looking at you, Pops.”

Bista instantly stood straight, full of determination: “Dad! Promise to complete the task!

And then ran to the forest to continue to cut trees, until the forest, Bista then realized that he – what is happening?

The workload has doubled! I can’t believe I agreed without hesitation!

Then the two hands of the flower sword a thrust, instantly two large trees fell to the ground, and then dragged to the shore.

Well, it is still necessary to talk to the old man about the allocation of resources.

Bista smiled and rubbed his head, “Pops, double the workload, should the resources be doubled as well?”

Whitebeard heard, huh? What do you want to say again?

Labor I do not die you I.

Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard swung his sandbag-sized fist at Bista’s head, sending him flying into the forest again and saving him from running back.

Whitebeard looked at Bista’s parry and clapped his hands, “Not bad, ten points!”

The crowd looked stunned, this Bista a little swell ah! How dare to negotiate terms with the old man!

Admire! The bull!

Whitebeard looked at the side of the flabbergasted people said: “You just stand here, ah? Hurry up shipbuilding, early back to the Ye family village, or the opportunity are snatched away!”

Whitebeard said so, the people are just busy up, back to get tools to get tools, wood of wood.

Whitebeard: “Sons, let’s build a smaller boat this time, and we’ll all row back together, so it’ll be faster.

Joz: “Dad, how tiring it is to row back! Can’t we build a bigger sailboat?”

Whitebeard looked at his sandbagged fist, and punched Jozy in the head.

You guys are lazy, look at Bista, so lazy bastard, was forced to work harder than anyone else, you and I say no?

Impossible! I can’t do you all.

Teach originally wanted to talk to Whitebeard, but when he saw what happened to Joz, he immediately cowered and went back to chipping wood.

Soon, a boat to accommodate a dozen people made, Jozy and Bista resistance to the sea.

Whitebeard: “Sons! One oar each, and row hard! This means a lot! This represents how big our chances are! Whether we eat meat or buns in the future depends on you! Go for it!”

Said the first to jump to the boat sitting on the bow, holding a blue dragon crescent sword, pointing directly at the direction of the Ye family village, and the people rushed to row the oar, the speed of a moment did not dare to slow ah!

Chat screen:

Xiao Yan: “Is there any brother who will go with me to attack the treasure trove of the foreigners and seize the elixir?”

Tony: “Are you stupid? There is a five realm of the alien, go there is not to send death?”

Xiao Yan could not wait to slap Tony to death, fuck! You say so, who dares to go ah!

I am ready to take a large number of people, take advantage of the chaos to capture some benefits, you damned the I plan to disrupt!

Xiao Yan these days but looking for a foreign tribe, the chief is a four-elephant realm peak power, ready to pull a big group of people to fight him a wave, now well, no one to go.

Xiao Yan: “Tony! If you do not go with me today, I will kill you! By the way, give me a Skyjacker-X, I’m useful.”

Tony: “Xiao Yan, I think you are inflated ah? Do you want to eat a gun? You’re the only one who asked me for help?”

Xiao Yan: “You have scared away the people of the capital, not looking for you to find who? ”

Tony: “That’s a Five Mansions realm powerhouse! Are you trying to screw them? Foggy grass! Xiao Yan, so you are this kind of person, cheating friends ah!” 4

Passerby: “Good! You Xiao Yan, I was ready to go with you, but I didn’t expect you to be such a person!”

Xiao Yan: “Roll, Tony! I re-found a foreign tribe, the chief is a four-elephant peak! You fools do not know and still talk nonsense, the reputation of the Laozi are spoiled!

…… request flowers ….

Passerby: ” Fuck Xiao Yan, just know cheat us honest people, I will never buy your elixir again!”

Xiao Yan: “This passerby brother, I did not lie to you ah! Besides, my elixirs are all fair and square!”

The chat interface fell silent for a while.

Xiao Yan: “Dog than Tony! I want to burn your tin shell into iron water, so that my Xiong Da will burn your dog bear into barbecue meat and throw it to Kaido to eat!

Tony: ” Fuck the dog Xiao Yan, labor armor is not your little spark can be burned! I’ll let the bear two to freeze you into ice blocks to put on display at the entrance of the village!”

Kaido: ” Fuckin’ Xiao Yan, when I’m a dog! Throw everything to me to eat! When I go back to Ye Village, I’ll beat the shit out of you and feed it to you!

Xiao Yan:” Kaido I think you are swollen ha! Is not the lack of cut ah! Believe it or not, I’ll tell my sister to cut you a nt!”

Kaido inwardly incomparable anger, can’t wait to now Xiao Yan beat, he is now known, raising energy are owed to whack, not hammer a he really isn’t afraid of you.

Whitebeard: “Hahahaha! Guys, the old man is back! (with pictures of the sons boating)

Kaido was flabbergasted and then cracked up, this Fuck Whitebeard poor can only rely on human to row the boat, we have to take the opportunity to humiliate him a good beat.

Then a butt on the sofa, left hand holding a gold 399coin of cigar, the right hand holding a to full of light gold wine goblet, a cozy face with a big smile, followed by a photo.

And then immediately strokes out the cigar, the light golden wine pour ancient as the wine altar, but also licked a few cups.

Kaido: “Smoking a cigar here399 and drinking a 3000glass of monkey wine, it’s really nice! You don’t think someone would row a boat by hand, do you? (with picture of Kaido)

Han ran: ” Kaido cowhide ah! This forced, completely have the appearance of the black boss.”

Winzheng: “3000-cups of monkey wine? I was lucky to get a few jars, this is not a big profit?”

Tony: ” Guy is a rich man! So rich! Until now I have not eaten more than 500!

Passerby 8: “I can’t afford any of the items on the food bar…” Thousand,

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