157: trapped at the bottom of the pit (for automatic subscription)

On the other side of the forest, Zoro walks idly with his twin swords, the dead gray rat. The dead gray rats. The felled trees, he didn’t know how many times he had seen them.

But he still looks confident, here he has not come, dead rats are also killed by others.

Suddenly, a loud, earth-shattering noise was heard from the other side of the forest.

The first thing that came to Zoro’s mind was Luffy, the newbie village, which was completely prepared for the first time in the world of natural disasters.

On the way, Zoro also did not see a few people, here in addition to Luffy, other people are unlikely to provoke such a powerful beast.

It must be Luffy who is in trouble!

“Polar Shadow!”

The speed instantly increased, and rushed over with full force.

During the encounter with the obstruction of the beast, all by him a knife cut in half, ear constantly came to the sound of the system prompt, level crazy upgrade.

But the fall of the golden light group, he did not have time to pick up, which if others see, certainly scold Zoro, the light group more than dozens of ah.

Soon, Zoro found the behemoth’s footprints and followed the footsteps, faster.


Zoro was not paying attention and fell into the bottomless pit.

“Shit! Who the fuck! This fuck is not idle? Digging a hole to hurt people!”


With nowhere else to turn, Zoro fell directly into the bottom of the pit, making a loud noise.


A scream of pain resonated throughout the pit, nearly deafening Zoro’s ears.

” Luffy, stop screaming! You’re making a lot of noise!” Zoro was so impatient with the noise that he stomped on Luffy’s head.



Luffy caught Zoro’s kick hard, and was trampled into the hard surface of the pit, wailing once again.

“It hurts!

“Don’t scream!

Zoro yelled in Luffy’s ear, trying to get him to stop.

“I know! Zoro!” Luffy laughed and shouted very loudly at Zoro.

Zoro: “Ugh, who let himself be in the hands of such an intellectually challenged captain.”

” Luffy, what are you doing here~?”

Luffy rubbed his head and remembered for a while, then said: “Ugh! This ah! I was stepped into the ground by a huge gorilla, and then woke up by your foot, but I was scared to death, I thought the gorilla came again!”

Zoro was shocked that the huge beast didn’t stomp Luffy to death with one foot?

That’s a bit outrageous, isn’t it? Even Luffy Rubber Fruit, it is impossible to resist the terrifying power that exceeds its limits!

“Luffy, why didn’t you get trampled to death? Did you get something precious?”

Luffy thought: “Yeah, I’m surprised I wasn’t trampled to death by that gorilla, it’s a bit strange! I saw it, I felt the blood stop, the body completely uncontrollable trembling, at that moment, I thought I would never see you again.”

Zoro: “So did you get any treasure?”

Luffy instantly reacted: ” Zoro! I got a child of luck! I heard them say that this ability is very powerful! Wow hahahahahahahaha!”

Zoro: “Son of ki? It should be the powerful ki that saves you from it.”

“Wow hahahahahahaha, Zoro, I, the son of luck, will upgrade the equipment dropped by fighting monsters, awesome!”

Zoro: “Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and kill the beast to become stronger! My strength now, than in the world of pirates, at least twice as strong!”

Luffy:” Zoro, hold on tight! We’re going up!”

Luffy wrapped both hands around Zoro, then shot out with both hands quickly and pulled the ground.

” Zoro, we’re going up, hold on tight!”

Zoro was almost unable to breathe at this point, and pulled hard at Luffy’s rubbery arms.

Luffy; ” Zoro, don’t pull it! It’s going to break!”

Flavor Rub!

Both hands grabbed the ground can not withstand the violent shaking of the two, should be broken.

“Ah! Zoro, it’s falling!

Luffy was in a hurry and wrapped her arms around Zoro’s neck.


He then rushed to open Luffy’s arm and pushed him to the side.

” Luffy! You’re killing me!”

Luffy’s arm stretches out and wraps around Zoro again.


Zoro was so angry that he almost pulled out his knife and chopped Luffy to death in this bottomless pit.

“Luffy, don’t strangle me! I can’t breathe!!!

But Luffy’s only words were always: ” Zoro, it’s going to fall!

Zoro was directly speechless, just as he was about to plunge a knife into the earth wall next to him.


Both came into close contact with the stiff earth head down.

So high distance, two people instantly passed out.

In the evening, the two woke up one after another.

As soon as Luffy woke up, he was spinning around in the pit with his head in his hands.

“It hurts! It hurts so much!

Zoro soon woke up, holding his head and clenching his teeth, it was too painful.

” Luffy! Stop shouting, you’re making a lot of noise!”

“But Zoro, it really hurts! And I’m so hungry, I feel like I’m starving!

Listening to the voice of Lu’s weak flight, Zoro’s stomach also rumbled.

As he watched the sky grow dark outside the cave, Zoro felt bad.

Night is the peak of the beast foraging period, stay here is not like a beast in prison, at the mercy of others.

No, we have to find a way to get out. Then look at Luffy.

” Luffy, take me up, it’s going to be dark, the darkness of the wilderness is the scariest time!”

Luffy said breathlessly: ” Zoro, I’m so hungry, I feel like I’m starving, I want to eat meat.

Looking at Luffy with a tired face, Zoro can do nothing, Luffy in a hungry state, the strength is simply plummeted, can have one percent will be able to burn a joss stick.

It seems that we have to find our own way, Zoro pulled out two knives, one knife in the earth wall, the other knife continue, so step by step to move up.

After a long time, Zoro finally came out, wiped his head dense sweat, looked at the bottomless hole, glad that he came out.

Just as Zoro was about to leave, he suddenly realized that he had pulled something.

Hastily look at their three fast knives, (to Wang good) okay, all in.

Zoro only went out a few steps, and then rushed to the bottom of the pit.

Oh no, Luffy is still down there.

” Luffy! Luffy!” Zoro shouted from the ground into the large pit.

” Zoro, I’m so hungry.

The only response was Luffy’s frail voice.

Zoro looked at the darkening sky, and cried out in dismay, it seems that tonight there is bound to be a fierce battle!

Zoro jumped into a large pit, a long knife in the earth wall, control their bodies slowly descend to lead.

He soon reached the bottom of the pit and rushed to Luffy.

” Luffy, are you okay? Can you hold on for a while?”

Luffy opened his tired eyes: ” Zoro, I’m starving, I want to eat Sanji’s kebab.”

Zoro’s heart is anxious, this black light, also in the forest, and do not know where, how to find you roast meat.

In addition, Sanji is still in the world of pirates, his soul called over to you to do barbecue?

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